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Even Rishi Sunak cannot believe he’ll be PM after July 4 – but what awaits us is a much worse fate

LET’S face it . . . even Rishi Sunak cannot realistically believe he will be Prime Minister after July 4.

His only executive decision after conceding defeat to Sir Keir Starmer will be how long to stay on as Tory leader. Days? Hours?

The Sun
Let’s face it . . . even Rishi Sunak cannot realistically believe he will be Prime Minister after July 4[/caption]
Sunak’s only executive decision after conceding defeat to Sir Keir Starmer will be how long to stay on as Tory leader[/caption]
Starmer’s Labour Party has done absolutely zilch to justify its nailed-on victory[/caption]

Even his commendable bugle call of National Service for all 18-year-olds, coming totally out of the blue, won’t save him.

After 14 years of staggering incompetence, the Conservative Party is not just fighting a lost cause — it is battling for its very life.

Bruised and betrayed ex-Tory voters will say its leaders deserve all they get.

But we as a country absolutely do not deserve what will come in their place.

Yes, the Tories qualify for a kicking.

They have governed like squabbling clowns and turned the party of firm government, strong defence and low tax into a pinkish version of socialist Labour.

Now we are about to taste genuine red meat — and will swiftly regret it.

This may well be an election the Tories should lose.

But Starmer’s Labour Party has done absolutely zilch to justify its nailed-on victory.

On every issue that makes angry voters want to kick the cat — mass immigration, The Blob, gender wars or mindless rage over Gaza — Labour will dish up more and worse.

Starmer’s vow to scrap flights to Rwanda will be followed by fast-track approval for tens of thousands of so-called asylum seekers already here — a “welcome” mat for tens of thousands more.

The public sector Blob, already a six million-strong left-wing guerrilla army, will emerge openly as the political wing of the Labour Party.

Union barons will rule the roost once more.

Green “crap” — Ed Miliband’s insane dash for net zero at any cost — will burst into life like oxygen-choking algae on a Thames Water reservoir.

Race relations risk irreparable harm from the party which invented hate crime and, in Starmer’s case, publicly bent the knee to the anarchy of Black Lives Matter.

Women with penises will be a protected species at the expense of natural-born females.

Protected species

Radical Islam will continue to spread.

And votes for 16-year-old snowflakes will cement Labour in power for a generation.

A Labour landslide might suggest this is precisely what the great British public wants.

If so, we should be careful what we wish for.

Even seasoned and respected Labour veterans are alarmed by “Sir Shifty’s” flip-flopping failure to build trust with voters on the big economic and social issues.

Nobody has a clue what Starmer and Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves plan on taxes, spending and borrowing.

We should all be braced to have our pockets ransacked

But we should all be braced to have our pockets ransacked.

We may have voted Brexit in 2016 but prepare for a slide back into the Europe’s sticky embrace, starting a fortnight after election day with a Starmer-chaired summit of EU leaders in London.

Open borders, anyone?

State control over the commanding heights of the economy — railways and power — will resume with the creation of “Great” British Rail and “Great” British Energy.

That worked well with British Leyland and British Steel and British Coal, didn’t it?

Meanwhile, concern grows over the quality of inexperienced players in a Starmer Cabinet — not least erratic leftie David Lammy.

Lammy’s role as Foreign Secretary — one of the Great Offices of State — is to act as Britain’s supreme diplomat.

Last week he horrified the West by calling for Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to be clapped in irons.

As for the rest, Times Radio found voters haven’t a clue who will be running the country, apart from Reeves and property speculator Angela Rayner.

Two-finger salute

The Times added a fictional frontbencher, Fiona Wilson, to a recognition poll of shadow ministers.

She scored 47 per cent — higher than real-life culture spokeswoman Thangam Debbonaire.

“Fiona” was also more popular than Bridget Phillipson (education), Jonathan Reynolds (business) and election mastermind Pat McFadden.

So the great British electorate look like signing a blank cheque, taking a leap in the dark and cutting off our nose to spite our face, all in one gigantic, self-harming, two-finger salute to the Stupid Party.

You don’t need a crystal ball to see there may be trouble ahead.

Stampeding for the exit

THE snap election caught party chiefs desperately trying to replace the 78 Tory MPs stampeding for the exit, including brainbox Michael Gove.

So why was there an attempt to sideline one of their few big thinkers, former Brexit minister David Frost?

Frost’s “crime” appears to be his close ties to Brexit-winning PM Boris Johnson.

If so, this is an act of spiteful self-harm by Tory wets, who seem as keen as Keir Starmer to rejoin the EU.

And a huge loss to British politics.

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