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МЧС предупредило о ливне, грозе и ветре в Москве 17 июня

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Everyone can see the living room but you have 20/20 vision if you can spot the hidden cat in under 15 seconds

A MISCHIEVOUS moggy has found the perfect hiding spot for avoiding attention from its owner and visitors.

Try to spot the cat in the living room – and see if you’d have had the opportunity to stroke it.

Puzzlers have been challenged to spot the cat hiding in the living room[/caption]

The photograph left puzzlers scratching their heads when it was shared on Reddit’s Find The Sniper forum.

Posting under the name AJewell313, the pet owner described the challenge as “pretty easy.”

“She’s always watching…. And I’m not talking about the Dalmatian, find our cat!!!” they said.

The living room looks cozy and tidy with books neatly stored and blankets ready for relaxing on the sofa.

Only those with 20/20 vision can spot the cat in under 15 seconds.

Many Redditors said they looked for areas where the cat might have knocked items over for a clue.

“I’m disappointed it took me this long,” one person wrote. “Your cat’s face is my expression right now.”

“This one took me forever, then boom!” another said. “She’s adorable. Does she ever knock things over?”

“I immediately looked at the spot where my cat would go and saw your cutie looking back,” a third said.

The cat could be mistaken for another decorative ornament in the living room.

How quickly can you find it?

From underneath the table to behind the plant pot, there are countless places where the feline could hide.

Here’s a hint: the cat’s fur color is almost the same as the table.

If you need another clue, take a closer look at the items next to the photo frames.

Do you think you’ve finally found the cat?

Once you think you’ve solved the brainteaser scroll to the solution below to check your answer.

A white cat can be spotted if you look closely towards the left of the image[/caption]
The white cat is hiding behind photo frames on the bookshelf

The small white cat can be spotted hiding on the bookshelf behind two photo frames on the left.


The deceptively tricky seek-and-find puzzle comes after another animal challenge was shared on the same Reddit forum.

Can you spot the snake slithering in the grass?

You have x-ray vision if you can spot the creature hiding in plain sight in less than 30 seconds.

Puzzlers have been challenged to spot the snake slithering in the grass[/caption]

The snake has a triangular-shaped head and a heavy body but manages to almost perfectly blend in with its surroundings.

One Redditor joked that they wouldn’t survive in the wild, while another confessed they felt increasingly “nervous” as they hunted for the reptile.

Here’s a hint: look for snake scales towards the left of the photograph.

When you think you’ve solved the brainteaser, scroll down to check if you guessed right.

A rattlesnake can be found if you zoom in to the left of the photograph[/caption]

A rattlesnake can be spotted hiding in the dead grass towards the left of the image.

Try a third seek-and-find puzzle that will put your observation skills to the ultimate test.

Can you spot the animal hiding among the leaves?

Only those with superior vision can complete the task in under seven seconds.

Puzzlers have been tasked with spotting the animal hiding among the leaves[/caption]

Everyone can see the tall grass and shadows, but it’s easy to overlook the pesky creature.

If you need a hint, think about the animals you’d find near shallow water.

The creature is the same color as the grass.

Once you think you’ve found it scroll to the solution below to check your answer.

Benefits of brainteasers and optical illusions

Researchers have developed many tests to show how various brain regions react to brainteasers and optical illusions. There are many benefits.

  • They are not only entertaining, but they also shed light on how our brains interpret visual data.
  • By giving your brain a little workout regularly, you enhance your ability to focus and observe details.
  • Studies have shown people who regularly challenge themselves with optical illusions and puzzles see big improvements in their problem-solving skills, concentration, and attention.
  • Improved concentration and attention span can help prevent cognitive decline in old age.
  • Optical illusions can improve eyesight by allowing you to see small print.
A green frog can be spotted among the leaves in the middle of the photo[/caption]

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