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I’ve had construction site right outside my door for EIGHT WEEKS – I haven’t been able to use my driveway the whole time

ONE man has been left fuming after a large yellow digger and a construction site has blocked his driveway for eight weeks.

Resident Gregory Alm said he has complained about the disruption after he was initially told the work would only take one day.

Media Wales
Gregory Alm has been left fuming after a big yellow digger has blocked his driveway[/caption]
Media Wales
The Cardiff resident is able to get his motor out during a period in the evening, but is blocked in during the weekends[/caption]
Media Wales
Works are building a drainage system through to a new development nearby[/caption]

But the Cardiff man and his elderly mother are cut off from the world without a date for when the work will end, WalesOnline reported.

He said that during the weekends he is unable to use his driveway, while on the weekdays there is a window in the evenings when he can.

Alm said: “It’s been going on for weeks now and it’s ridiculous. They said it would be over very quickly. There are numerous construction sites on the road but mine is right outside my drive and it’s a huge inconvenience.

“I’ve spoken to them and had email talks with the operations manager but I now feel like I’m wasting my time. I’ve contacted the council but had nothing back.”

Alm is also fuming at the noise from the works as the digger cuts up the tarmac and earth underneath it to build a drain.

Workmen are laying a drainage pipe between Alm’s street, Clos Nant Glaswg, and nearby Ty Draw Road – where 45 affordable homes are being developed.

Before the work began, Alm received a letter from housing company Edenstone Homes that said works should only last a day.

A letter from Edenstone operations manager Nick Barret reads: “Please be assured that at the end of the day you will have full vehicular access restored. We are aiming to be outside your driveway for one day.”

A spokesperson for Edenstone said work would be ongoing for weeks more.

Chris Edge, operations director for the company, apologised for the inconvenience on residents during the essential work.

He said: “The works were approved by the local authority and all of the residents were informed by letter.

“We have ensured that all residents have been given access to and from their properties during the works and have been able to access their driveways outside of working hours.

Work on the drainage pipe is expected to continue for up to three months, but works outside the homes should be finished within a few weeks.

“If anyone has any further issues they can speak with the team on site so we can ensure we minimise any inconvenience to residents.”

What are your rights in this situation?

There are regulations that have to be followed when contractors and the council carry out roadworks.

Section 66 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 requires anyone undertaking roadworks to finish them in reasonable time.

If they continue past whatever is reasonable, then the street authority can serve them a notice to remedy whatever disruption has been caused.

If this happens to you, the most practical thing might be to make an arrangement with the workmen to cover any holes in front of your drive.

That way, when you come home and your drive isn’t blocked, you would be able to still drive on to your driveway.

Media Wales
Alm was initially told the work would only take a day, but it has now been going on for eight weeks[/caption]

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