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Witnesses reveal horror moment Majorca beach bar collapsed killing four & injuring 16 as vids show chilling aftermath

WITNESSES have spoken of their terror as they watched a beach bar in Majorca collapse into the street as if a “bomb” had exploded, killing four.

Grisly footage reveals the immediate aftermath as customers, workers and locals cry and scream and a body lies next to rubble on the street.

Witnesses were filmed running and screaming seconds after the first-floor terrace of the Medusa Beach Bar caved in[/caption]
A body lies on the floor next to the collapsed building last night
Four were killed including two female German tourists, a Senegalese man and a Spanish woman
Seven people are still in critical condition
Witnesses said it sounded like a ‘bomb’ and an ‘explosion’ when the floor fell apart under the customers’ feet[/caption]

The terrace of the Medusa Beach Club in Playa de Palma caved in at around 8.30pm on Thursday night as police rushed to the scene.

Local resident Javier told Ultima Hora the collapse sounded like “like a bomb” as he watched the terrifying events unfold.

Officials have revealed that two female German tourists, aged 20 and 30, a Senegalese man, 44, and a fourth female victim, 23, were killed.

Seven people are in critical condition and nine people are seriously injured after what cops say was likely caused by an overload of people on the first floor.

Some 100 rescue workers ploughed on through the night to search for anyone trapped beneath the rubble in what they described as a “nightmarish” scene.

In one video, police can be heard telling crowds that had gathered at the scene to be quiet so they can try and hear the sounds of victims trapped underneath the rubble.

There were screams, wailing and crying

Aranda, a witness

Santiago Aranda, who was walking his dog at the time of the collapse, told La Linterna: “I don’t have words to describe it.

“It was an explosion, and we were in the street opposite…some ran in the opposite direction and others towards the dust”.

Raul, an employee from the shop next door, told CadenaSER: “Everything fell, completely. It was very loud and there were a lot of people inside.

Aranda, who was with his wife at the time, said he stayed to help “get people out” amid “screams, wailing and crying”.

Abdoulaye Diop, 44, a Senegalese migrant living in Majorca, was the first of those who died last night to have been named.

Majorca Daily Buletin
The moment that cops tell witnesses to be quiet so they can listen out for the cries of people trapped under the rubble[/caption]
Medusa Beach Club unveiled a new terrace bar a day before the deadly incident with the caption: ‘Totally different, New rooftop’[/caption]
Emergency services at the scene last night as all ambulances were pulled in from Majorca’s capital[/caption]
The first named victim is Abdoulaye Diop, a Senegalese man, known as a local hero[/caption]
The club completely fenced off this morning[/caption]

Just one day before the floor caved in, the popular night spot unveiled a new terrace bar.

It posted a picture of the renovation on Instagram, with the caption: “Totally different, New rooftop.”

The exact cause of the collapse remains unknown.

Palma’s Deputy Mayor Javier Bonet said this morning: “We can now rule out the possibility there could be more victims.

“This morning around 2.30am firefighters finished the job of clearing all the rubble and concluded the rescue operation.”

Three days of mourning have now been declared for the victims.

Were you there? Do you know anyone affected by the collapse? Contact iona.cleave@thesun.co.uk and worldnews@the-sun.co.uk or WhatsApp 07741005808 for free.


Last night, hordes of emergency service vehicles rushed to the scenes of utter chaos on Cartago street.

All ambulances in Palma were ferried to the waterfront location which brimmed with rescue workers late into the night.

Pictures showed rescue workers setting up ladders and cordons around the building as they tried to free those still inside.

Those who had been saved from the collapsed building were treated for their injuries in the street.

Heartbreaking pictures showed dozens of people comforting each other on the road as they waited for news.

Psychologists were also called to the scene to help those suffering from the trauma of the collapse.

Several bystanders tried to enter the wreckage amid fears that their loved ones were trapped inside.

Responding to the tragedy, President of the Balearic Islands Marga Prohens wrote on X: “Shocked by the information I received about the collapse of Platja de Palma.

“Sending all my affection and warmth to the families of the four people who lost their lives in this tragic incident and wishing the recovery of all the injured.

“Thanks to all the emergency services that have been dispatched to the scene and continue to work there.”

President Pedro Sanchez added: “I am closely following the consequences of the terrible landslide that occurred on the beach of Palma.

“I want to send my condolences to the families of the deceased and my wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured.”

The Medusa Beach Club is located just metres from Cullera beach in Playa de Palma, a beach resort east of the capital, popular with tourists.

Around 3.2 million Brits travel to Majorca each year.

Sixteen were seriously injured in the chaos[/caption]
Heartbreaking pictures showed dozens of people comforting each other near the scene[/caption]
Firefighters worked through the night to save further victims[/caption]
By 2.30am all the victims had been transported to hospital

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