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I was determined not to be a fat mum so I lost 8st before my wedding – my own friends and family didn’t recognise me

SENNA-MICHELLE Juchau, 31, is a senior contract manager and lives in Surrey with her husband David, a senior security engineer, 35, and kids Emelia, seven, and Isla, three.

Walking down the aisle in my beautiful size-10 gown, I was so excited to marry my groom.

Laura Skye
Senna-Michelle lost 8st, dropping from size 22 to size 10[/caption]

My daughters told me I looked like a princess, and relatives I hadn’t seen for years said that if I hadn’t been wearing the wedding dress, they wouldn’t have had a clue who I was – because I was completely unrecognisable.

I laughed, but thought about the journey I’d been through to lose 8st – going from a depressed size 22, weighing 17st 8lb, to a happy size 10, weighing 9st 7lb. 

I was bullied for my size throughout my childhood. At age 11, I was only wearing a size 10, but this was bigger than my friends. As time went on, my size increased. I tried countless diets, but none worked.

In 2015, I fell pregnant with my first child, Emelia. I craved fruit juice and cheese and put on 4st, taking me to 17st 8lb, which at 5ft 2in made me a size 22.

Senna-Michelle was overweight as a teen[/caption]
She dropped a massive six dress sizes and feels great

I developed postnatal depression and began seeking comfort in food. I couldn’t drive past a McDonald’s without going in and I ate takeaway pizza and curries for dinner, washed down with fizzy drinks.

I couldn’t lose my pregnancy weight, and I barely went out, hating what I’d become and feeling unable to give Emelia the childhood she deserved.

In September 2017, I’d had enough and forced myself to start going to the gym and calorie counting. Six months later, I’d lost over 3st. But when I stopped, the weight piled back on.

Around the same time, having split up with Emelia’s dad, I rekindled my relationship with my ex, David, who I’d known since I was 16, and in March 2020, I fell pregnant.

Covid meant gyms were closed, but I was doing a lot of walking so I only gained 2st 7lb, which I was able to quickly lose after Isla’s birth that November.

But soon, the stress of having two children took its toll, old habits crept in and my weight began going up. 

However, I was determined not to be a fat parent.

When Isla was five months old, I saw an advert on Instagram for a private weight-loss surgeon and booked a video consultation to discuss my suitability for a gastric sleeve, where 80% of the stomach is removed.

I told David the op would cost around £10,000, and he encouraged me.

It seemed a lot of money, but when I worked out how much I was spending on takeaways, I realised I’d cover those costs in a couple of years, plus I’d be healthier and happier, so we took out a loan.

After seeing a psychotherapist and a nutritionist, I was deemed suitable, and in June 2021 I had the gastric sleeve operation.

I knew it wasn’t a magic bullet and I still had to make sensible choices, plus recovering from the surgery was tough.

Some friends were critical, though, saying it was a ‘lazy’ option that wouldn’t last, which hurt – however, the weight dropped off, and in five months, I’d lost nearly 5st.  

Senna-Michelle looks like a different person after her surgery[/caption]

Despite the weight loss, my massive boobs were giving me permanent back pain and making exercise hard, so in November 2021 I had a reduction to take me from 42G to 32DD.

It cost £9,000, which we paid for on finance with a loan from the clinic.

Fourteen months after my gastric sleeve, I’d lost 8st, taking me down to 9st 7lb.

I ordered a stunning size-10 wedding dress and when I tried it on – and it fitted – my mind was blown.

In October last year, David and I married in front of more than 100 family and friends.

A few years ago, I hated going out, yet here I was dancing until dawn with my loved ones – it was such a special day. 

Her wedding day to husband David was the best day of her life[/caption]

Sharing my story on Instagram, I was flooded with compliments – as well as criticism – there’s a stigma around gastric surgery that you’re a cheat, but I knew I had done what was right for me and my family.

Now, I have a crumpet with a poached egg for breakfast, chicken Caesar salad for lunch and lean meat with potatoes for dinner.

I can play with the girls without being exhausted and even go for runs with Emelia.

Losing weight has enabled me to be a better mum, and I feel so proud of what I’ve achieved.

The facts

What you need to know about weight-loss ops

In 2021, 26% of adults in England were classed as obese, according to the Health Survey for England.

Patients lose on average 50-60% of their body weight within two years after a gastric sleeve.

A gastric sleeve op removes a portion of the stomach to make it smaller and aid weight loss.

A gastric balloon reduces the volume of your stomach, without surgery, to help you lose weight. 

For info, go to Allurion.com.

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