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Routine NHS health MOT could ‘map your 10-year risk of dementia, heart attack, stroke and fatty liver disease’

ROUTINE NHS health MOT could map risk of dementia and other diseases, research has revealed.

Millions of Brits are eligible for the free check-up every five years after the age of 40.

NHS health checks could be used to map risk of dementia and other diseases[/caption]

The half-hour GP or pharmacy check measures height, waist size, blood pressure and cholesterol and asks questions about exercise, drinking and smoking.

People are not eligible if they have a long-term condition like diabetes or heart disease, as they get regular check-ups anyway.

Scientists from Oxford University found that information gathered from this MOT is enough to give people an estimate of their 10-year chance of developing a range of diseases, with an accuracy of at least 70 per cent.

The current system focuses on heart conditions, with patients told to take statins if their chance of suffering a heart attack or stroke is estimated to be elevated.

The new study, published in BMJ Evidence-based Medicine, found that it was possible to assess the risk of a host of other diseases accurately.

The accuracy of risk scores produced was 82 per cent for dementia, 79 per cent for heart attacks, 73 per cent for stroke and 77 per cent for chronic kidney disease and fatty liver disease. 

An accuracy rate of 86 per cent for alcoholic liver disease, 76 per cent for liver cirrhosis and 75 per cent for liver failure were achieved.


Researchers said the rollout of an MOT, which gives patients a number of scores, could ensure earlier treatment and better prognoses.

The experts saaid that in addition to illnesses being spotted sooner, the approach could reduce pressure on GPs, freeing up their time.

For the study, academics analysed data from 228,240 adults from the UK Biobank.

Lead author Celeste McCracken said, “Our findings suggest that primary care providers could use a single set of easily collected information to generate multiple disease risk scores simultaneously.

“This could significantly streamline the process, potentially improving early disease detection and prevention efforts.”

She said risk estimates could be made using information already routinely gathered.

The researcher said: “We understand the NHS is resource-constrained, and this could have huge implications for people in hard-to-reach places.”

The team said a bigger study would need conducted to confirm the findings.

Lifestyle tips to reduce risk of biggest killers in every decade of life

CANCER, dementia and heart disease are among the biggest killers in the UK.

Around 167,000 people a year die from cancer, 160,000 from heart disease and 74,000 from dementia.

Around 167,000 people a year die from cancer, 160,000 from heart disease and 74,000 from dementia.

Prevention is better than the cure and simple lifestyle tweaks can help reduce your risk of these conditions.

Eating betterexercising, wearing sunscreen and seeing friends can each play a part in warding off disease.

Here Dr Tom Matthew, from mbewellness.com, tells us how to protect yourself – no matter your age.


  • Stop smoking: lighting up is linked to 15 types of cancer, heart disease, heart attack, stroke and dementia
  • Get HPV vaccine: can stop six different types of cancer
  • Turn down the volume: protect your hearing for the sake of your brain


  • Join a gym: exercise can increase the risk of cancer, heart disease and dementia
  • Stop sunbathing: getting sunburned just once can triple your risk of skin cancer, which can kill


  • Reduce alcohol: boozing is linked to seven types of cancer, heart disease and dementia.
  • NHS MOT: it’s free and checks for lots of health issues
  • Watch weight: obesity can lead to heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes and can cause 13 different types of cancer


  • See friends: socialising is believed to reduce risk of cancer and dementia
  • Screening for cancer: The NHS offers free HPV, bowel and breast cancer checks
  • Reduce stress: studies have linked stress to heart disease, potentially as a result of higher blood pressure

IN YOUR 60s & 70s

  • Take asprin: It can reduce inflammation in the body which is associated with cancer
  • Vital check in men: go to your free NHS abdominal aortic aneurysm screening (you’ll be invited when your 64/65)
  • Back to school: Keep learning and socialing to ward of dementia
  • Go Mediterranean: it’s full of fibre which can ward off bowel disease

How do I get an NHS MOT?

If you’re aged 40 to 74 and do not have a pre-existing health condition, you should be invited to an NHS Health Check by your GP or local council every five years.

If you think you are eligible but have not been invited, contact your GP surgery to find out if they offer NHS Health Checks.

Alternatively, you can contact your local council to find out where you can get an NHS Health Check in your area.

Some pharmacies also offer NHS Health Checks.

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