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I’m a nursery worker & there’s 9 pet peeves we hate that parents do – don’t get me started on shorts when it’s raining

HANDS up if you can reel off a long list of things that you dislike about your job?

Well, it turns out you’re not alone…because a nursery worker has done exactly that – and she didn’t hold back.

A nursery worker has revealed the 9 things she hates that parents do[/caption]
She wishes parents would steer clear of dressing their kids in dungarees

In a clip shared to TikTok (@childcare_practitioner), she revealed her eight biggest “pet peeves” she encounters on a daily basis.

And, if you’re a parent who sends your little one to nursery in pull up nappies, you may just want to take note.

Sharing the reason she dislikes them so much, the nursery worker points out that they just take so much longer than strap on nappies – and time just isn’t on her side when she has so many kids to look after.

Next up, she reveals that she can’t stand it when parents send their child in despite them being “clearly unwell,” or those who give them Calpol and “claim that they are fine.”

And according to the nursery worker, clothes is a whole controversial topic when it comes to her job.

She explains that she hates it went mums and dads dress their toddlers in overalls because it means she has to “completely undress” the child just to change their nappy.

High top shoes are so hard to put on and half the time the child struggles to walk in them

Nursery worker

Also on the list of wardrobe items to steer clear of are boots or high top shoes.

“So hard to put on and half the time the child struggles to walk in them,” the nursery worker explains.

She also recalls the frustration when parents get “mad” that they’ve “lost” their child’s sock that was labelled in the first place, and points out “there’s hundreds of socks in the building that we have to memorise.”

Not stopping there, she says it also grinds her gears when a parent dresses their little one in summer clothes when it’s winter or raining, or when they bring them in wearing expensive clothes that they can’t get wet or dirty.

And if you’re a parent who is guilty of running through the door after pick-up time, then the nursery worker has a few choice words for you.

She notes she can’t stand “when a parent is late and expects a full on handover, especially if the nursery is already technically closed.”

And last but not least, another pet peeve when it comes to her job is when parents let their child bring toys from home.

“The whole building is full of toys,” she explains.

“It’s so hard to find or remember what toys actually belong to people.”

My pet peeve as a parent when they use paint that doesn’t come off clothing

Frustrated parent

It wasn’t long before the post went viral, racking up a whopping 337k views and several comments from other social media users.

“My pet peeve as a parent when they use paint that doesn’t come off clothing,” wrote one.

A second penned: “If I wake up with a headache or whatever I take paracetamol and go to work. if my lo wakes up with a cold or slight cough I’ll give her paracetamol and send her to nursery! Same thing!”

Another told how they’re “guilty” of dressing their little one in pulls ups – but added that he’s “2.5 and potty training.”

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Meanwhile, a fourth commented: “High tops are a pain but just a heads up some children are recommended to wear them for ankle support for turning of the feet like my daughter.”

A further chimed in: “Tbh I always send my daughter in nice outfits cos get scared I’m gonna get judged if I let her go in old stained clothes.”

And another admitted: “Tbf I send my child in branded clothing. But when they’re purchased off vinted and im perfectly capable of washing they can get dirty.”

The nursery practitioner replied: “I’m absolutely fine with that. It’s only when parents dress them in branded clothes and then state that they can’t get wet or dirty.”

The nursery worker can’t stand mums and dads who send their kids in when they’re ‘clearly unwell’[/caption]
The early years practitioner urges parents to ditch high top shoes[/caption]

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