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Ракова: Ситуация с ботулизмом в Москве находится под полным контролем Депздрава и РПН

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Popular sweet and savoury snacks ‘increase your risk of stroke and dementia’

CRISPS and biscuits age your brain and raise the risk of stroke or dementia, according to a study.

Researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital found people who eat more processed food were at higher risk of serious health issues in middle and old age.

Crisps generally count as ultra-processed foods, which researchers say are harmful (stock image)[/caption]

They were nine per cent more likely to have a stroke and 16 per cent more likely to suffer cognitive impairment, brain decline that can lead to dementia.

It adds to evidence that sugary snacks and ready meals are connected to worse health, with links also to type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

Study author Dr W. Taylor Kimberly said: “A healthy diet is important in maintaining brain health among older adults.

“We found that increased consumption of ultra-processed foods was associated with a higher risk of both stroke and cognitive impairment.”

The study analysed medical records and food diaries from 30,000 people over the age of 45.

It found higher rates of stroke and cognitive impairment in people who had processed foods as a larger proportion of their diet.

Cognitive impairment is where the memory and thinking skills begin to fade more than expected with age, and it often leads to dementia.

Diet risks include fizzy drinks, crisps, chocolate bars, biscuits, ice cream and other packaged ready-to-eat foods.

Around 100,000 Brits have a stroke each year and an estimated two out of 10 over-65s have cognitive impairment. 

Dr Kimberly, who published the research in the journal Neurology, added: “Our findings show that the degree of food processing plays an important role in overall brain health.

“More research is needed to confirm these results and to better understand what contributes most to these effects.”

Ultra-processed foods are high in added sugar, fat and salt, and low in protein and fibre.

Typically, they are foods that have more than five ingredients listed and if you don’t recognise an ingredient or ingredients, it’s likely the food is processed.

Examples include ham, sausages, burgers, ice cream, crisps, mass-produced bread, breakfast cereals, canned baked beans. biscuits, fizzy drinks, fruit-flavoured yoghurts, instant soups, and some alcoholic drinks such as rum.

Unprocessed or minimally processed foods include meats such as simple cuts of beef, pork and chicken, plus fruit and vegetables.

How ultra processed is YOUR kitchen?

Ultra processed foods (UPFs) were defined by Brazilian researchers who made the NOVA classification system. It breaks foods into groups depending on how processed they are. The most natural foods are in group 1, while the most processed are in group 4.

The groups do not entirely indicate how healthy a food is. However, it does indicate how processed it is – and studies have linked UPFs to a number of diseases.

How does your kitchen compare to the following groups?

Unprocessed or minimally processed foods (group 1)

  • vegetables and fruits (fresh or frozen)
  • dried fruits with no added sugar, honey, or oil
  • grains and legumes (chickpeas, lentils)
  • meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs
  • milk without added sugar
  • plain yogurt with no added sugar
  • nuts and seeds
  • spices and herbs
  • tea, coffee, water

Processed culinary ingredients (group 2)

  • iodized salt
  • salted butter
  • sugar and molasses from cane or beet
  • honey extracted from combs
  • syrup from maple trees
  • vegetable oils crushed from olives or seeds
  • butter and lard from milk and pork
  • starches extracted from corn and other plants
  • vegetable oils with added anti-oxidants
  • vinegar with added preservatives

Processed foods (group 3)

  • canned vegetables, fruits, and legumes
  • fruits in syrup
  • salted or sugared nuts and seeds
  • salted cured or smoked meats
  • canned fish
  • artisanal breads and cheese

Ultra-processed foods (group 4)

  • pop and fruit drinks
  • sweetened yogurt
  • sweet or savoury packaged snacks (e.g., cookies)
  • candies and cake mixes
  • mass-produced packaged breads and buns
  • margarines and spreads
  • breakfast cereals
  • cereal and energy bars
  • energy drinks
  • instant soups, sauces, and noodles
  • poultry and fish nuggets, hot dogs
  • many ready-to-heat products: pre-prepared pies, pasta, and pizza dishes

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