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Brit drivers warned of hitch-hiking Asian hornets in their cars this summer – here’s where to check

BRITISH drivers have been warned of hitch-hiking Asian hornets in their cars this summer.

A new report this week revealed that a record number of sightings of Asian hornets took place in the UK last year, with the invasive species posing a serious threat to native honey bees and insect pollinators.

Drivers heading to Europe have been warned to be vigilant[/caption]
The National Bee Unit destroyed 72 hornet nests in 56 locations across 2023[/caption]

Now experts at vehicle lease firm Select Car Leasing is urging drivers who might travel to Europe, where the Asian hornet is established, this summer to remain vigilant.

Queen hornets like to hide in sheltered spots – including in caravans and larger vehicles – and could emerge to wreak havoc upon a motorist’s return to Britain.

Graham Conway, Managing Director at Select Car Leasing said: “While the Asian hornet isn’t yet established in the UK, and all efforts are being undertaken to ensure that doesn’t happen, the creature has made a home for itself elsewhere in Europe.

“It’s thought that Asian hornets accidentally arrived in France in 2004 after stowing away in a shipment of goods from east Asia.

“Since that point, the Asian hornet hasn’t just settled in France, it has also flown to other European countries, including Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany.

“And if you plan to travel to those countries in your vehicle this summer, you need to check it thoroughly before getting back on the ferry or Eurotunnel to make sure you’re not inadvertently carrying extra ‘passengers’.

“Asian hornets can hitch-hike in vehicles, caravans, roof racks and trailers, and as more and more travellers get in their cars to head to the Continent, motorists need to be aware of the dangers.”

The Government’s Animal and Plant Health Agency has also previously warned about the risk posed by hitch-hiking hornets.

In a blog post to mark British Beekeepers’ Association’s Asian Hornet Week, the agency said: “As Asian hornets can ‘hitchhike’ e.g., on imported goods, or moved in vehicles, they can arrive anywhere as well as being ‘blown-in’ from continental Europe, so please look out for hornets in your area and report your suspected sightings.”

The awareness-raising Asian Hornet Action Team is also concerned about hitch-hiking hornets.

It said: “Queen hornets on the Continent hide themselves in sheltered spots to hibernate.

“Unfortunately, this includes boats, caravans and trucks, so as the traffic resumes, we are likely to see the influx of this invasive insect increase again.”

The British Beekeepers Association hosts an Asian Hornet Sightings and Incursion Map, with the latest update revealing how sightings have been reported as far north as Preston, Lancashire.

The report notes state: “The first was in Preston, Lancashire at a warehouse with regular trucks arriving from France.”

Mr Conway added: “All flying insects can pose a serious distraction risk to motorists, whether the animals are native to the UK or not.

“If a wasp, bee or hornet somehow finds its way into your car while you’re driving, it’s crucial that you remain calm and try not to panic, before slowing down and pulling over as soon as it’s safe to do so.

“Once you’ve stopped, open all of the doors and windows and wait for the insect to find its own way out.

“And if you’re extremely nervous about insects of a yellow and stripy persuasion, it might be best to leave the windows rolled up and the air conditioning on.”

Last year saw record numbers as sightings of the killer insect soar by a staggering 3,800 per cent.

Members of the public have been urged to report sightings via the Asian Hornet Watch App.

The NHS warned the best way to remove a hornet stinger is to either brush or scrape the stinger sideways with your fingernail or the edge of a bank card.

Do not use tweezers to pull it out as you risk squeezing the poison into your skin, it added.

Asian hornets are usually 25cm long, have dark bodies, a wide orange stripe on the fourth abdomen section and yellow leg ends.

The invasive species threatens honey bees and other insect pollinators.

The Environment Department (Defra) said early trapping of the insect is fundamental to eradication efforts.

Richard Benwell, WCL chief executive said: “Invasive species are already one of the biggest threats to the UK environment, from smothering waterways to outcompeting native species.

“They also cause billions of pounds in damage a year to homes and businesses.”

“Investment in a fully-funded inspectorate and a strong invasive species strategy could make a contribution to halting nature’s decline and creating a more resilient economy,” Richard added.

Dr Rob Collins, director of Policy and Science at The Rivers Trust, said the conditions over the winter did little to keep the “wave of invasive species at bay”.

He added: “The Government must properly support local conservation groups nationwide who are working tirelessly to stop our waterways being smothered by nature invaders.”

Last year, the National Bee Unit destroyed 72 nests in 56 locations, mostly in Kent.

Kent-based beekeeper Simon Spratley lost 15 of his 17 hives to the hornets last year.

He said: “In my 13 years as a beekeeper, I’ve never been more frightened.”

In response to WCL’s recommendation, a Defra spokesperson said: “Through our Invasive Non-Native Species Strategy, we remain committed to going even further to detect, protect and eradicate the threats they pose, while increasing co-ordination and co-operation with the public, land managers and businesses to deliver this.”

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