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I was left a hostile note on my car calling me ‘lazy’ and ‘thoughtless’ for my parking – but there’s an obvious error

A MOTORIST was left stunned after a hostile note left on her car branded her “lazy” and “thoughtless” for her parking.

Sally Lambourne had parked in a newly designated bay for electric vehicle charging in Rhos-on-Sea, Conwy, Wales.

A woman was left a hostile note on my car calling her parking ‘lazy’ and ‘thoughtless’[/caption]
But Sally Lambourne was left bewildered at one obvious error[/caption]

The parking bay is yet to have the charging points installed but the note wrongly accused her of occupying a disabled spot.

Sally who runs Ark Antiques shared photographs of the note and her car parked in the bay on the Rhos on Sea Community Facebook Group.

She posted: “Thank you for the very helpful note that was so graciously placed on cars that were parked at Rhos on Sea front today. Signed by someone called ‘You Moron.’

“If however, you had taken the time to actually look at the spaces you would have noted that these are in fact electric charging spaces. Not Disabled Spaces. Thank you.”

Sally stressed that she would never park in a designated disabled bay or an EV charging space as that isn’t acceptable.

And she thought that the writer of the note should not have hidden behind anonymity.

Speaking to the Daily Star, Sally said: “When I got back to my car, I was amused and bewildered.

“It actually made me laugh when I first read it as it’s a reflection on who sent it, but also the anonymous status is cowardly, so I thought I’d share the joy with Rhos on Sea’s community Facebook group.

“My post has gained well over 800 responses and over 125 comments. I never expected that.”

She continued: “I own the little antiques shop across the road, Ark Antiques with my sister, Sarah. We’ve nearly completed our shop front after a burglary in March, which was pretty devastating.

“The local community have been so lovely and supportive so I thought I’d share this heartfelt note with them as a bit of fun.

“I would never park in a designated disabled bay or an EV charging space as that isn’t acceptable.

“I guess this is something the note sharer is very passionate about which is why it’s confusing that it’s anonymous, stand by your convictions.”

“We’ve now framed the note in our shop window as a bit of fun.”

Viewers were quick to take to the comments of the Facebook post to weigh in with their thoughts on the matter.

One social media user wrote: “I do hope they are on this site and are able to see this.”

Parking rules every driver should know

Another said: “Ha ha they have pre printed notes do they must do this often.”

A third added: “Looking like this moron has a pocket full of these typed messages just waiting to be left.. how thoughtful.”

While one simply chuckled: “Needs to go to Specsavers.”

It comes after an outraged resident who left a fuming parking note on their car’s windscreen received wide support from the neighbours.

The anonymous person, a local of Sheffield, South Yorkshire, wrote a lengthy 94-word rant about how they were unable to find parking space in their own street.

The frustrated driver described himself as “cheap” and “selfish” for parking the car on a different block, before revealing how they have been struggling to park their motor.

Meanwhile, a woman was left baffled after her neighbour accused her of “trespassing” for parking on her own driveway.

The man next door claimed he “owned the land” and even threatened to “cordon it off”.

How to appeal a parking ticket

MORE than half of motorists have successfully appealed parking fines from local councils, an investigation by The Sun found.

The best way to beat a parking charge is to avoid getting one in the first place – but if you do come back to your car and find a ticket there are some ways of beating the system.

However, how you appeal will depend on the type of parking ticket you have – so it’s important to check before you start the process.

Here’s how the process of an appeal works.

Once you have received a parking notice, the first stop is hold off paying the amount fined if you’re hoping to appeal.

The second step is to read the information provided on the ticket so you know how long you have to challenge then fine.

Once you’ve got an idea of how long you have, you can make an initial appeal to the ticket issuer.

You can do this by phone, post or email – make sure to include supporting evidence as to why you believe you have been incorrectly fined.

One example would be to provide evidence showing the parking signs weren’t clear.

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