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Tyson Fury’s nutritionist reveals Gypsy King’s sensational ‘cheat meal’ he ate just days before Oleksandr Usyk showdown

TYSON FURY’S nutritionist has opened up about getting Fury “fit and strong” ahead of his undisputed heavyweight title fight with Oleksandr Usyk.

And he even revealed the 6ft9 heavyweight’s favoured “cheat meal” ahead of the undisputed clash.

Greg Marriott has tailored Fury’s diet for his battle with Oleksandr Usyk
Fury is the lightest he’s been since 2019[/caption]
Fury was at his heaviest when he fought Francis Ngannou[/caption]

Fury has sported a noticeably slimmer physique in the build up to the fight, and weighed-in 15.7lbs lighter compared to when he fought Francis Ngannou in October last year.

His trainer, Greg Marriott has opened up on all the secrets of slimming down ‘The Gypsy King’ in an interview with the BBC ahead of the fight.

Marriott received the call to tailor Fury’s fitness in the aftermath of his disappointing performance against Ngannou.

Speaking about the journey he’s been on with Fury, Marriott said: “He didn’t look that good against Ngannou, so I thought I needed to get to him as quick as possible.

“He’s never going to be body-beautiful – to get him looking body-beautiful it would take a year or two.

“For this camp, it was about being fit and strong.”

After receiving a call to work with Fury, Marriott, 41, moved from his Sheffield home, where he lives with his two kids, to Fury’s family home in Morecambe.

He then followed the Fury’s over to Saudi Arabia as Tyson prepped for the biggest fight of his career.


Fury's fight week diet


10am: Five eggs, spinach, turkey bacon omelette. Two large roasted potatoes and 1/2 avocado.

1pm: Two bananas, cup of Greek yogurt smoothie.

3pm: : Lemon pepper salmon, 8oz roasted sweet potatoes, tablespoon hummus and 1/2 avocado.

6pm: 8oz BBQ chicken breast, cup of rice with broccoli and tomatoes cooked in chicken broth.

9pm: Greek yogurt, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and 1/4 cup of granola.

12am: Two smoothies, two bananas, Greek yogurt.


10am: Rosemary roasted potatoes, Two turkey sausages, Two scrambled eggs with cheese and pineapple.

1pm: Protein shake, banana, 1tbsp honey, 1tbsp peanut butter and Greek yogurt.

3pm: 8oz Chicken curry with peas carrots and two cups of basmati rice.

6pm: Lamb kebabs with tzatziki sauce and hummus and basmati rice and sliced Cucumber.

9pm: Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and Greek yogurt.

12pm: Shake, banana 1tbsp peanut butter, Greek yogurt and dark chocolate.


10am: Three eggs scrambled with cheese, roasted rosemary potatoes, shake, Greek yogurt, blueberries and two chicken sausages.

1pm: Sliced apples, sliced oranges, mixed nuts, Greek yogurt mixed with 1tbsp honey.

3pm: Two chicken thighs, garbanzo beans cooked with spinach in chicken broth with chicken gravy.

6pm Chicken breast, large baked potato, sliced melon and pineapple, side of asparagus with lemon salt and pepper.

9pm Greek yogurt, sliced banana, sliced strawberries and dark chocolate. 

12am: Banana, tbsp peanut butter, honey and Greek yogurt.


10am: Three eggs scrambled with cheese, two chicken sausages, roasted rosemary potatoes, pineapple .

1pm: Shake, 1/2banana tbsp honey 1tbsp peanut butter, Greek yogurt.

3pm: BBQ chicken breast, peas and carrots and baked potato.

6pm: 8oz lemon pepper salmon, basmati rice with tomatoes, spinach, and basil cooked in chicken broth and 1/2 avocado, lemon pepper olive oil.

9pm: Blueberries raspberries,  blackberries, dark chocolate and Greek yogurt.

12pm: Shake, banana and strawberries.


10am: Three eggs scrambled with cheese and spinach, three turkey sausage, rosemary roasted potatoes and mixed fruit.

2pm : 8oz blackened salmon, rice cooked with spinach chickpeas, tomatoes, in chicken broth with hummus and avocado.

6pm: Two chicken thighs, roasted potatoes, mixed berries and nuts.

9pm: Blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, Greek yogurt and granola.

The nutritionist opened up on Fury’s ‘cheat meal’, which also sounded outrageously healthy.

Marriott said Fury was treated to: “A nice steak, a bit of veg and some sweet potato fries – you can have that and it’s not dirty.”


When asked what Fury is eating in the lead-up to the fight, Marriott said: “He’s not a big eater. Before he came on this camp, he would have two meals a day and a protein shake. He’s never eaten as much!

“If I wasn’t doing my job properly, they [clients] wouldn’t be in phenomenal shape.”

Marriott began his career in nutrition after beating cancer at the age of 27.

The Sheffield-native became inspired to do so having worked in fast food restaurants in his younger years.

Colin Hart on Fury vs Usyk

This Little and Large affair is likely to be messy and more mundane than memorable with lots of clinches and Usyk using mind over matter as his most potent weapon.

Logically there is no way the Gypsy King should lose — that old adage about a good big-un always beating a good little-un was coined for good reason.

If it was the Fury of three years ago when he KO’d Deontay Wilder in the last of their unforgettable trilogy then I believe Usyk — despite his masterful skills and boxing brain — would be facing a painful defeat.

But there was evidence seven  months ago  when Fury was lucky to get a debateable points win after crude MMA novice Francis Ngannou had floored him, that his powers may be in decline.

The young Fury would never have been caught by Ngannou’s left hook that sent him to the canvas.

It will be no surprise if Fury uses his height and weight advantage to physically wear Usyk  out.

But my gut feeling is Usyk is clever enough to keep out the way of Fury’s big punches and earn a close but decisive points victory.

Talking to boxing people and fans this week I have the impression Fury is losing popularity — not helped by his father John’s headbutting antics — and not too many tears will be shed if he should lose.

Read the full Colin Hart column here

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