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Детские площадки обновили еще в 2 округах Подмосковья

Улыбался за решёткой. Бывшего вице-губернатора Кубани Власова отправили под стражу по обвинению во взяточничестве

На кадастровый учет поставлены два новых дома в ЖК «Катуар» Подмосковья

BMS Development Group выиграла аукцион и подписала договор о комплексном развитии незастроенной территории на Староволынской улице

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I divorced my ‘tarantula’ lash extensions – not only have I saved £200 a month but people say I look years younger

A WOMAN has shared an incredible glow-up after divorcing her massive lash extensions.

Having eyelash extensions is a popular choice for many beauty enthusiasts – however, after being married to hers for some time now one woman, Jill Higginson, decided she was ready to part ways.

If you are a fan of big eyelash extensions, this transformation may make you rethink them[/caption]
Jill showed her ‘before’ photo with some impressively large lashes[/caption]

According to the dark-haired stunner, believed to be from the USA, she was spending a fortune every month to have them redone – but finally realised she was now ready to say goodbye to the massive falsies.

Taking to TikTok, Jill (@jillhigginson1) shared the incredible transformation, first showing what she looked with the falsies – and a glow-up version without them.

The lashes – which some even compared to scary ”tarantulas” – covered all of her eyelids, as even Jill admitted she wasn’t too sure of the ”thinking” process behind it.

Although initially she was in love with the dramatic look, Jill had seen a number of women remove their extensions on social media – which then inspired her to jump on the trend too.

As ”every single girl looked better without [eyelash extensions]”, the beauty lover then had them taken off – and was gobsmacked by the stark difference.

Not only was she now saving herself a hefty £200 every month by skipping this procedure, Jill, and others, reckoned the glow-up had shaved years off her face.

”Saving $250 [£200] a month never looked so good!” the stunner wrote in the caption of the now-viral video, which has been viewed more than 2.3million times.

”They were so heavy and dark! They brought me down in so many ways and I was afraid to remove them,” confessed Jill, who said she was now ”fresher looking”.

Over 5,000 of fellow social media users raced to comments to praise her decision, with many loving the makeover.

One said: ”The lash divorce was the best thing you could have done.”

Another agreed, writing: ”Literally everyone looks so much better without.

”I love that we’ve all jumped on this movement.”

Someone else chimed in: ”Wow, you look great. Those eyelashes were too dark, looked heavy.”

”Never understood the lash tarantula trend,” a critic chuckled.

However, whilst the feedback was positive for the main part, there were a few of those who reckoned she didn’t need to take such drastic measures.

The content creator revealed she spent £200 a month on the beauty treatment[/caption]
She later showed her impressive make under – complete with her natural looking lashes[/caption]

”I think it was the style you were getting. Short, wispy cat eye lashes can compliment your eyes,” one beauty lover thought.

”You just needed a different style lash,” another agreed.

Responding to some of the critics, Jill said that although she agreed and certain styles would indeed look ”better”, she was now also saving another important aspect – time.

”I look younger, I am saving money and most importantly I’m saving my time. Lash appt are usually an hour.

”Plus, a 25 min drive time back & forth.

”Couldn’t be happier now!”

Biggest beauty mistakes

Fabulous' Beauty Editor Tara Ledden has shared the do's and don'ts when it comes to beauty.

“No matter how much time and money you spend on your beauty routine, if you’re not getting the basics right, the rest is wasted.

“There aren’t many non-negotiables, but these are the biggest beauty mistakes sabotaging your regime.”

  • Not wearing SPF: Sun-damage is the main cause of premature skin ageing, so if you want to keep your skin looking plump and glowing, sun cream is vital. 
  • Using expired products: Best case, they’re ineffective and don’t deliver the results they promise, worst case they cause irritation and infection. The shelf life of beauty products differ – for example, mascara is usually good for 3-6 months while lipstick can last for 9-18 months. Check the ‘POA’ symbol on the packaging (it looks like a jar and will have a number inside for how many months it’s safe once opened. If you can’t remember when you opened your product, throw it away and start again, marking the month and year with a permanent marker on the packaging. 
  • Not knowing your undertones: If you’re using make-up with the wrong undertones, it’ll never look natural no matter how much you blend it! An easy trick to work out whether you have cool, warm or neutral undertones is to check the veins on your wrist – if they look blue, you have cool undertones, if they’re green, you have warm and if they’re a mix you have neutral. 
  • Skipping heat protector: It might feel unnecessary, but much like sun damage on the skin, excess heat is the most common cause of hair damage. So, if you want shiny, healthy hair, or you’re trying to grow it longer, using a heat protection product is key. 
  • Not washing your face before bed: it’s as simple as this, if you’re not washing your face before you go to sleep, everything that’s been on your skin during the day is sitting there for even longer, clogging your pores and drying out the surface. Any skincare applied on top isn’t going to be effective with a layer of dirt underneath, and you’re probably going to end up with dirty pillows too – yuck!

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