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Новости от TheMoneytizer

I’m a former bartender who tried 15 supermarket cocktail cans – Morrison’s 80p tinnie tasted cheap & M&S came up trumps

SUMMER is just around the corner which can only mean one thing – tinnies in the park.

While I am partial to a cocktail, the thought of buying several different types of alcohol and mixers, then spending 10 minutes making a single drink, does not appeal to me.

Fabulous reporter, Leanne Hall, went on the hunt to find the best tinned cocktails[/caption]

Whether you like an exotic Pina Colada, a sweet and fruity Mojito or a sour Margarita – there’s plenty on offer on the high street.

As a former bartender, I like to think I know a thing or two about balancing flavour which is why I tested a variety of tinned cocktails to see which one’s are worth adding to your picnic basket.

But getting your hands on a delicious cocktail doesn’t have to be expensive (despite what your favourite bar might tell you) with Aldi selling them for as little as 99p.

As always, if you’re enjoying a tipple, remember to drink responsibly.

First on the chopping block was gin and tonics

Gin & Tonic

M&S Extra Dry Gin & Tonic

  • £2.50
  • 8% ABV

With Gin being one of the UK’s favourite spirits, it just made sense to give the tinned versions a whirl.

This is definitely an extra dry gin that packs a punch when it comes to flavour.

If you’re a massive G&T lover in the summer this is for you, but for those like me that aren’t a fan of the flavour, steer clear.

  • Taste: 4/10
  • Value: 3/10
  • Overall score: 7/20

Sainsbury’s Raspberry & Rhubarb Gin & tonic

  • £2
  • 7.3% ABV

This had a really nice light fruity flavour for those wanting a twist on the classic cocktail.

The raspberry comes through but doesn’t take away from the gin and is a very reasonable price.

  • Taste: 6/10
  • Value: 8/10
  • Overall score: 14/20

Waitrose Edinburgh Gin Rhubarb & Ginger

  • £2.30
  • 5% ABV

The £2.30 mid-range price tag is justified with the balanced flavour of rhubarb and ginger which gives the cocktail a nice warmth.

As someone who hates gin, this was actually something I could sip on during a hot sunny day.

  • Taste: 8/10
  • Value: 7/10
  • Overall score: 15/20

Winner: Waitrose

If you like Pina Coladas – then find out which one got the best ranking

Pina Colada

M&S Pina Colada

  • £2.50
  • 8% ABV

Perfectly balanced in every way. This M&S tipple is the right blend of a creamy texture without being sickly sweet.

The pineapple and coconut are well balanced and as one I reach for every summer, a must try.

As someone who hates gin, this was actually something I could sip on during a hot sunny day.

  • Taste: 9/10
  • Value: 7/10
  • Overall score: 16/20

Aldi Cocobay Pina Colada

  • 99p
  • 5% ABV

For just 99p you can transport yourself to a tropical paradise, for around ten minutes or so.

This Aldi cocktail has a much higher flavour profile of pineapple so comes across more fruity than creamy, but for the price, it’s not bad.

  • Taste: 5/10
  • Value: 9/10
  • Overall score: 14/20

Morrison’s Pina Colada

  • £1.95
  • 5% ABV

I was very pleasantly surprised by this little tin, the flavours were pretty good and it had the creamy texture you want in a Pina Colada.

It losses some points because although it tastes similar to the M&S one – it isn’t quite there with the hit of flavour.

  • Taste: 7/10
  • Value: 8/10
  • Overall score: 15/20

Sainsbury’s Pina Colada £1.25

  • £1.25
  • 5% ABV

For me it was lacking in any sort of creamy coconut flavour you would typically expect from the tropical drink.

Although it wasn’t undrinkable, there’s definitely better to be found.

  • Taste: 3/10
  • Value: 7/10
  • Overall score: 10/20

Winner: M&S

One mojito was berry good, but another lacked flavour

Raspberry Mixes

Morrison’s Raspberry Mojito

  • £1.95
  • 5% ABV

As refreshing as this was, I fear not a single raspberry made it’s way into the can.

The taste was that of a regular Mojito and din’t blow me away.

  • Taste: 3/10
  • Value: 5/10
  • Overall score: 8/20

Aldi Raspberry Crush

  • 99p
  • 5% ABV

If you’re someone who doesn’t like the taste of alcohol you may enjoy this Aldi mixed-drink.

Made with vodka, lemonade and raspberry it tastes like a flavoured sparkling water that’s easy to drink.

The taste was that of a regular Mojito and din’t blow me away.

  • Taste: 4/10
  • Value: 7/10
  • Overall score: 11/20

Sainsbury’s Raspberry Mojito £1.25

  • £1.25
  • 5% ABV

The Sainsbury’s concoction has a refreshing balance of minty goodness and fruity raspberry.

The price point is also noted as a win.

  • Taste: 7/10
  • Value: 8/10
  • Overall score: 15/20

M&S Pink Passion Star Martini

  • £2.50
  • 8% ABV

I was expecting this to be a nice twist on the Pornstar Martini with an added fruity punch thanks to the raspberry.

Instead, the main note I got was vanilla and it was just too overwhelming.

  • Taste: 5/10
  • Value: 5/10
  • Overall score: 10/20

Winner: Sainsbury’s

One cocktail wasn’t worth the money, even if it was less than a quid

The Black Sheep

Waitrose Pimm’s No.1 & Lemonade

  • £2.40
  • 5.4% ABV

The classic Pimm’s is almost essential to a British summer, but it might be worth going the extra mile to make it fresh.

While it was okay, the tinned cocktail was missing the freshness of fruit and cucumber inside- which obviously is the part that elevates Pimm’s taste.

  • Taste: 4/10
  • Value: 5/10
  • Overall score: 9/20

Morrison’s Lamcello Perry

  • 80p
  • 7.5% ABV

I had never heard of this drink before so was very intrigued by the described ‘pear flavour’ and 80p price tag.

It tasted like a very bad white wine spritzer you would get at a pub with the house wine, even for the price, it’s not worth trying.

  • Taste: 1/10
  • Value: 3/10
  • Overall score: 4/20

Waitrose Pimentae Cucumber Margarita £4.25

  • £4.25
  • 14.5% ABV

I am particularly partial to a Margarita of any form in the summer and this did not disappoint.

Not only was the packaging beautiful but it also tasted incredible straight form the tin and had a great freshness which can be lost with tinned cocktails.

Yes, it is on the pricier side when it comes to tinned cocktails, but as they’re a small business from the UK, we’ll let it slide.

  • Taste: 9/10
  • Value: 5/10
  • Overall score: 14/20

Winner: Waitrose Pimentae

How to save money buying alcohol

Alcohol can be pricey if you’re planning a party or hosting an event but there are ways to cut costs.

It’s always important to drink responsibly, here, Sun Savers Editor Lana Clements share some tips on getting booze for the best price.

Stocking up can mean big savings on drinks, especially if you want to buy wine or fizz.

The big supermarkets regularly offer discounts of 25% when you buy six or more bottles of wine. The promotions typically run in the lead up to occasions such as Bank Holidays, Christmas and Easter.  

If you know you are going to need booze later in the year, it can be worth acting when you see offers.

Before buying your preferred drink make sure you shop around to find the best price – you can use a comparison site such as pricerunner.com or trolley.co.uk.  

Don’t forget that loyalty cards can unlock better savings so make sure you factor that in too.

If you like your plonk, wine clubs can also be a good way to save money and try new varieties. You’ll usually have to pay a membership fee in return for cheaper price so work out if you will be buying enough to make the one off cost worthwhile.

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