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Drivers urged to pick up ‘must-have’ £2.99 Amazon gadget to keep safe during a breakdown ahead of Bank Holiday getaway

DRIVERS are being urged to pick up an Amazon gadget that could help keep them safe during a breakdown.

As Brits prepare for another great Bank Holiday weekend roadie, car experts have reminded motorists to take care as they hit the motorways.

Experts have offered a list of ‘must-have’ items for a breakdown[/caption]
One includes a reflective triangle[/caption]
You can nab a reflective triangle for £2.99 from Amazon[/caption]

Some have also offered drivers must-haves to be prepared if they get into trouble on the road – whether it’s a breakdown or another emergency.

One costs just £2.99 on Amazon – and warns other motorists you could be in trouble.

Car dealership Brindley Group said having a reflective triangle in your car is essential to letting other motorists know there could be a hazard ahead.

Chris Adams, Group Operations Director at Brindley Group, said: “A reflective triangle acts as a warning to other drivers that you have broken down and they may need to take evasive manoeuvres.

“The triangle should be placed 45metres behind your vehicle, but should never be used on the motorway.”

Chris said while no one expects trouble on the road, they should always be ready.

He added: “With the bank holiday weekend coming up, it’s important to make sure you’ve got everything you need in your car should you encounter an emergency or unforeseen circumstances during your road trip.”

Amazon gadgets often come in handy in cars.

One expert recently urged drivers to head out and grab an item that could stop them from becoming a statistic in the latest car crime wave.

Data from the DVLA shows that thefts have soared, reaching an all-time high in 2023.

A spokesperson said: “As technology is getting more sophisticated, so are criminals.

Keyless car theft is still on the rise, as thieves have advanced their approach and are using relay devices to unlock cars and override security systems.”

A relay device intercepts a signal from your key fob and recreates it, as good as handing the keys over yourself.

And with the increase of keyless ignition systems, they won’t even have to hotwire the vehicle to drive it away.

You can protect against this by picking up a Faraday pouch to store your keys in.

The simple key cover blocks signals being emitted by your keys, so they can’t be picked up when they aren’t in use.

Faraday pouches are available on Amazon for as little as £8.

Elsewhere, one TikTok user recently stumbled across an “awesome” item that she claimed could eliminate windshield fog in three seconds.

The online creator praised the handy product and explained in a video how it could be used to address potentially dangerous steam.

Brindley Group's six car 'must haves'

Jump leads
A common cause for a breakdown is a dead battery, particularly in the colder months. Jump leads will allow you to get a jump from another vehicle whether it’s a kind stranger or a family or friend you’ve contacted. It may also allow you to help someone else if they’re caught with a flat battery too.

Mobile phone charger
It’s always handy to keep a mobile phone charging lead or portable charging pack in your car, so you can be sure you’re always only a phone call away from reaching help. So, whether you’ve broken down or you need some advice on the road, having a charged up phone makes all the difference.

A breakdown doesn’t always come with a warning, and it could well happen after dark and without a torch you won’t be able to see. It’s always helpful to carry a torch, so if you need to check under the bonnet or look around your car, you can do so even in the darkest of conditions.

If you find yourself standing by the car during an accident or breakdown, it’s helpful to have a spare coat in your car. Whether it’s summer or winter, that extra layer could make a big difference in keeping safe, warm and dry.

Car manual
Some breakdowns or car issues can be fixed yourself by simply looking at the car manual. Whether you’re trying to understand what a light on the dash means or you need to check details of your vehicle, it’s important to keep your car manual in your glovebox and don’t remove it just to make room for other things!

Reflective triangle
A reflective triangle acts as a warning to other drivers that you have broken down and they may need to take evasive manoeuvres. The triangle should be placed 45 metres behind your vehicle, but should never be used on the motorway.

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