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Drivers blown away by 35p Tesco item that’ll transform your car windows & leave them dazzling just in time for summer

A CLEANING expert has revealed a 35p hack that will leave your car windows streak-free for summer road trips.

As the finer weather settles in more motorists will be jumping behind the wheel with their pals or families to head off and enjoy the sunshine.

Experts have revealed how you can get streak-free windows in your car this summer

But the last thing you want when you’re zooming past a stunning spot – and your passenger is trying to snap a photo – is streaky glass ruining the view.

Now cleaning experts Southampton Gutters have offered a window cleaning hack that will cost you just 35p at Tesco.

They say mixing white vinegar and water is bound to make sure your motor’s glass comes up sparkling clean.

The experts said: “Mixing one part white vinegar with ten parts water creates an eco-friendly cleaning solution that shines windows without harsh chemicals.

“Make sure that you use white vinegar, because it’s less likely to leave any visible marks on the surfaces you’re cleaning than the brown malt alternative.”

The experts also offered other cheap alternatives, like newspaper, dish soap, microfibre cloths, black tea, and more.

Dean May, the owner of Southampton Gutters, said: “These eco-friendly window cleaning techniques not only protect the environment but also enable everyone to achieve professional-grade clean windows.”

He said this would allow “you to enjoy clearer views during this spectacular all summer long”.

The hack comes as other experts have offered more summer tips.

One revealed five ways to make your car’s air conditioning colder.

The technology actually dates back all the way to 1939 and has been a godsend for Brits ever since amid increasingly hot summers.

As the mercury touched 27C in May, though, motorists may well be wondering how to get the best out of their air con.

High humidity and spiking temperatures can turn even the smallest motor into a hot hatch in all the wrong ways.

Thankfully, experts from car care firm Firestone were able to share five top tips to beat the heat and keep your blower as cold as possible.

They said: “When it feels like a sauna outside, the last thing you want is even more hot air blasting you in the face when you get in the car.

“If your car A/C isn’t cutting it this summer, learn how to make the air conditioner colder in your vehicle—and save that super sweaty feeling for a good gym session.”

Other experts revealed how cars change in summertime – and why you need to be aware of it.

The summer conditions can put a beating on vehicles, however, thanks to design evolution they cope just fine.

Nonetheless, it can be worrying for drivers who aren’t fully aware of what their car does in the heat.

Luckily experts from the RAC have pointed out five things motorists can expect to see from their vehicles this summer.

Southampton Gutter's window cleaning tips

1. Newspaper: 

For a lint-free shine, try using old newspapers to clean your windows. This traditional method is great for achieving a streak-free finish by using the natural absorbency of the paper. 

Simply crumple up a section of newspaper and use it to wipe the glass after applying your cleaning solution. However, be aware that some modern newspapers use lower-quality inks and papers that may leave smudges, so it’s best to test this on a small area first.

2. Vinegar and Water: 

Mixing one part white vinegar with ten parts water creates an eco-friendly cleaning solution that shines windows without harsh chemicals. Make sure that you use white vinegar, because  it’s less likely to leave any visible marks on the surfaces you’re cleaning than the brown malt alternative.

3. Dish Soap

To tackle greasy fingerprints and smudges on your windows, add just a drop of dish soap to a bucket of warm water. This simple mixture cuts through grease effectively, ensuring your windows are perfectly clear. Remember to thoroughly rinse the glass with clean water afterward to prevent any soap residue from clouding the surface.

4. Microfiber Cloths: 

Opt for high-quality microfiber cloths when cleaning your windows. These cloths are excellent at trapping dirt and dust, ensuring a thorough clean without scratching the glass or leaving behind any lint. Their gentle yet effective nature makes them ideal for achieving a crystal-clear finish on all your glass surfaces.

5. Black Tea: 

Use black tea as a natural cleaning solution for your windows. The tannic acids in black tea are great at dissolving grease and dirt, offering a natural way to achieve a streak-free shine. Simply brew a strong pot of black tea, let it cool, and use the tea to wipe down the glass surfaces. Be cautious with delicate surfaces, as black tea can stain—avoid using it on your finest chinaware.

6. Squeegee: 

For maintaining perfect clarity and preventing streaks on your windows, use a squeegee after applying your cleaning solution. Glide the squeegee across the wet glass in a smooth, continuous motion from top to bottom. This method ensures a streak-free finish and allows for unobstructed views of the outdoors.

7. Cornstarch: 

Adding a tablespoon of cornstarch to your cleaning mixture can enhance its cleaning power, providing a streak-free finish due to its mild abrasive nature.

8. Old toothbrush:
Moss and dirt can ingress around your window seals, especially if you live near a busy road, to tackle this, you can use a soft bristled toothbrush to gently lift the dirt in places your sponge can’t reach.

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