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I’m a landscaping expert – 6 things making your garden look cheap, plastic is a big no-no & your plants are common too

GOOD landscaping design can increase your home’s value – however, it’s easy to get carried away with the latest trends and make your home go from fab to drab.

‘’You want your garden to be a reflection of you, not a carbon copy of every other yard on the block,’’ said Bryan Clayton, landscaping expert and CEO of GreenPal, chatting to Gardening Know How.

Find out if YOU are guilty of these six common mistakes that make your garden look cheap
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As warned by the experts, plastic ‘just screams low-budget’, especially as over time it starts to fade and crack[/caption]

According to the whizz, well-designed gardens boast ”a superior level of thoughtfulness and uniqueness” – and that is exactly what green-fingered Brits should aim for.

To make sure you have the most Fabulous garden in the neighbourhood, industry experts have shared the six common mistakes that will achieve the opposite.

Mismatched materials

As noted by Bill Freimuth, VP of sales at Centurion Brands, having mismatched materials can sometimes create a cheap and a disorganized look.

It can seem like a good idea to to use different landscaping materials in an attempt to zone garden spaces – but more often than not, it can create an overall chaotic aesthetic.

The key, the experts explained, is to use materials that tonally complement each other but aren’t too similar -for instance, gardeners can add pavers next to a graveled area.

Life in plastic is NOT fantastic

One of the biggest ”no-nos” in the world of gardening is the use of plastic, whether that’s edging, plant markers, or decorative elements.

As warned by Bryan, this material ”just screams low-budget”, especially as over time it starts to fade and crack.

Instead, the pros advised to invest in natural or high-quality materials that will stand the test of time.

Design disarray

Heading outside this week to plant flowers and bulbs? Make sure you already have a rough idea of the placement – and don’t just go scattering the seeds all over the place, hoping for the best.

The experts said that random placement of plants, as well as accessories, make the garden seem ”cluttered”. says Bill.

If you want the outdoor space to feel more harmonious and elegant, opt for symmetry where possible, the guru noted.

Consider repeating focal-point plants in borders, or using a pair of planters either side of a path – and don’t forget about the patio area either.

When thinking about the placement of planters on the patio, remember that these typically look better when positioned in groups of three, arranged to ascend in size.

Look after your plants

Nothing screams neglect more like poor plant maintenance, Bill reckoned, advising green-fingered gardening enthusiasts to ”regularly mow, trim, and remove dead foliage”.

To make your garden go from drab to fab, begin by assessing which plants you want to keep and the ones that need to go, such as invasive plants, or those that are underperforming.

The plants that are remaining will need to be pruned, and the shrubs that are overgrown may also benefit from pruning.

6 things making your garden look cheap

  1. Mismatched materials: The key, the experts explained, is to use materials that tonally complement each other but aren’t too similar -for instance, gardeners can add pavers next to a graveled area.
  2. Life in plastic is NOT fantastic: As warned by Bryan, this material ”just screams low-budget”, especially as over time it starts to fade and crack.
  3. Design disarray: The experts said that random placement of plants, as well as accessories make the garden seem ”cluttered”. said Bill. If you want the outdoor space to feel more harmonious and elegant, opt for symmetry where possible.
  4. Look after your plants: Nothing screams neglect more like poor plant maintenance, Bill reckoned, advising green-fingered gardening enthusiasts to ”regularly mow, trim, and remove dead foliage”.
  5. That’s not lit: As explained by the pro, this common error makes the garden less usable after dark, as well as limits options for hosting a party in the summer.
  6. Your plants are common too: Yes, marigolds and common annuals might be purse-friendly, but, according to Bryan, ”too many of them can give your garden a generic, uninspired look”. Rather than being used as a dominating force in your backyard, gardeners should look at them as a way to fill any gaps and dull corners.

That’s not lit

‘’Poor outdoor lighting diminishes the garden’s appeal,’’ said Bill.

As explained by the pro, this common error makes the garden less usable after dark, as well as limits options for hosting a party in the summer.

If you’re planning to entertain guests with a BBQ party, the pro advised to think about light placement carefully[/caption]

If you’re planning to entertain guests with a BBQ party, Bill advised to think about light placement carefully, ensuring ”wires can be buried, and lighting fixtures can be discreetly positioned”.

To create just the perfect ambience, it’s also worth thinking about light layers and zones.

Your plants are common too

Yes, marigolds and common annuals might be purse-friendly, but, according to Bryan, ”too many of them can give your garden a generic, uninspired look”.

That being said, annual bedding plants do have their place in the garden, especially as many provide support to pollinators.

However, rather than being used as a dominating force in your backyard, gardeners should look at them as a way to fill any gaps and dull corners.

Rather than being used as a dominating force in your backyard, gardeners should look at them as a way to fill any gaps and dull corners[/caption]

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