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UK’s oldest theme park to open brand new beach attraction and pirate thrill ride this summer

THE UK’s oldest theme park has announced that two brand new attractions will be open in time for this summer.

Blackgang Chine on the Isle of Wight first opened its doors back in 1843 and has continued to develop throughout the following 181 years.

Blackgang Beach first opened to visitors last weekend[/caption]
Blackgang Chine
The Jolly Robin pirate ship ride is also set to open this summer[/caption]
Blackgang Chine is the UK’s oldest theme park, dating back to 1843[/caption]

And 2024 is no different, with a brand new beach for kids to play on, to be followed by a brand new pirate-themed ride later in the year.

Last weekend, Blackgang Beach opened its doors, with a large water pillow and a yellow rubber pour, that gives the impression of water on sand, without parents needing to pack a towel for their kids.

The pseudo sand and sea can be found at the old home of Cliffhanger, a now retired rollercoaster.

A description on the theme park’s website boasts that visitors can pretend to “walk on water” at the new feature.

It reads: “The Storm that sealed the Jolly Robin’s fate has blown you off course too, and now you find yourself marooned on the deserted Blackgang Beach! 

“Surrounded by nothing but palm trees and washed-up cargo, those stranded on the beach will pass the hours with the mysterious pool that allows you to walk on water.

“Hopping, skipping, jumping, and even running, will see your feet remain dry as you dance over this wobbly water pillow.”

The beach will host special accessibility sessions, for which it will be closed off to provide exclusive use for people with disabilities, with a limited capacity.

Blackgang Chine hopes that this can provide a relaxed environment for those who need it to enjoy the new feature.

In addition to the beach area, the theme park is also set to introduce The Jolly Robin to its visitors.

The “ghostly ship” will be a classic swinging galleon ride, and will be available for park-goers to use before long.

The website invites people to “step aboard a ghostly ship, condemned to sail through stormy waters after encountering a colossal whale one fateful night”.

It also promises that “as The Jolly Robin begins to sway, riders will feel as though they are caught in the very storm that sealed the ship’s fate”.

An opening date for the pirate ship ride is yet to be confirmed.

Use these tips on your next theme park trip

Next time you visit a theme park, you may want to use our top tips to make the most of your adrenaline-inducing day out.

  1. Go to the back of the theme park first. Rides at the front will have the longest queues as soon as it opens.
  2. Go on water rides in the middle of the day in the summer – this will cool you off when the sun is at its hottest.
  3. Download the park’s app to track which rides have the shortest queues.
  4. Visit on your birthday, as some parks give out “birthday badges” that can get you freebies.
  5. If it rains, contact the park. Depending on how much it rained, you may get a free ticket to return.

Earlier this year, park manager, Dan White said that the two new rides would bring something for all of the park’s guests.

He told isleofwight.com: “It’s finally out! The team and I are thrilled that we can bring two new attractions to the park this year, and we believe it is a combination that means there is something for everyone.

“Our maintenance team have done an outstanding job bringing the park up to a fantastic standard this year, and they are now focused on the install of these amazing new additions.”

Meanwhile, the theme park also launched this ride last year that makes people feel like they’re falling off a cliff into the sea.

And these new rides and theme park attractions are also set to open this year.

Justin Garvanovic
The new attractions will both be ready for visitors to use this summer[/caption]

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