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Google hands out free upgrade to Android phone owners and it changes texting forever – but there’s a trick to getting it

GOOGLE is rolling out a handy new feature to Android phones – and it’s a big change for texting.

The search engine giant is issuing a major update to its Google Messages app.

Google is working on a special update for Android phones[/caption]

This new feature will let you edit text messages that you’ve already sent.

It’s an increasingly common feature on rival chat apps, and is finally in testing on Google Messages, as spotted by AssembleDebug on Twitter, formerly X.

The catch is that it’s currently only rolling out to some beta testers.

Google has been working on the feature for a wild, but it’s now arriving on smartphones belonging to regular users.

It’s reported that the current time limit for you to be able to edit a message is 15 minutes.

After that, it’ll be impossible to change the contents of the text.


Joining the beta test for Google Messages is free and easy.

And it unlocks special updates that regular users don’t have access to.

Google explains: “If your Android phone came with the Google Messages app, you can test experimental features of the app before they’re released.

“You can only use one version of the Google Messages app at a time.”

But the company adds: “The beta version might be unstable and have a few problems. We don’t recommend using the beta version on your main phone.”

To join the beta, go to the Google Messages app on the Play Store.

Then choose the option to Become A Tester.

As a beta tester, you’ll be able to use features that haven’t been released to the public.


Follow the instructions to sign up.

You can return to the Play Store page for the app at any time to end the test.

Google ads: “As a beta tester, you’ll be able to use features that haven’t been released to the public.

“These features could become available in the future. We ask that you don’t publicize or share the features you’re testing until they’re publicly available.”

Google Pixel battery tips – the official guide

Here's the official Google advice for Pixel owners on how to make your battery charge go further...

Tip 1: Let the phone close apps you’re not using.

Tip 2: Keep your phone and apps up to date. Applications become more battery efficient with each new iteration, addressing errors and glitches that use unnecessary power.

Tip 3: Turn down the brightness. Save your eyes by turning down the brightness of your phone, while also saving the battery. You can also set your phone to Dark theme, which turns your background to black. It uses less power and relieves some of the strain on your eyes, too.

Tip 4: Know which apps and activities are power hungry. Pixel users should be aware of what activities drain their batteries most. Video calls and gaming are at the top of the list. Users should also shut down apps they have opened but aren’t using.

The main reason for beta-testing is to see if an app update works well.

So if you want to provide feedback, to to Google Messages, tap on your profile photo, and then choose Help & Feedback > Send Feedback.

Then tap out your feedback and hit send.

This will share the message, your system info, and your Google Account email address to Google.

You can already edit texts sent via iMessage on iPhone[/caption]


Of course Google isn’t the first app-maker to add text-editing to their apps.

Apple added the ability to edit texts messages on iPhone with its iOS 16 update.

You’re able to edit a sent message up to five times within the first 15 minutes.

Rival chat app WhatsApp allows message-editing within the first 15 minutes after sending a text[/caption]

WhatsApp also added message-editing in May 2023.

It will note that the message has been edited, but won’t show the contents of the original text.

Like on iPhone (and the current version of the Google Messages test), you can only edit a WhatsApp message in the first 15 minutes.

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