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Russian tycoon erects ‘ugly Berlin Wall’ 6ft privacy fence on £2.8m estate after locals fume ‘it just stinks’

A RUSSIAN tycoon has finally erected a fence around his £2.8m estate after a bitter row with neighbours.

Alexander Mosionzhik sparked fury when he submitted plans to install a six foot “Berlin Wall” perimeter that locals said would resemble a “prison”.

Alexander Mosionzhik sparked fury among locals who said the fence would look ‘prison’ like
After having his palisade fencing plans chucked out, he’s erected this chain link perimeter
The Russian tycoon has now finished building the controversial perimeter[/caption]

After Buckinghamshire Council blocked his “ugly” palisade boundary, he’s installed a chain link fence.

The oligarch said the boundary around his Marlow Bottom home will deter antisocial behaviour after he claimed there had been a spike in vandalism and arson.

Mark Fulton, 49, one of the first to call out the original fencing, said: “There weren’t any issues with the fence going up.

“We’re all pleased that the design was changed. You can see that it’s there when the sun’s at a particular angle, but otherwise, you have to look to find it.”

Despite some locals being happy after the plans were changed, others expressed concern.

Simone Poli, 84, said she thought the erection of the fence had “blocked” wildlife corridors.

She told the Bucks Free Press: “How it would affect the animals was one of our concerns in the beginning.

“We didn’t object to the plans – we’re too old! But I wish that I had now.”

The row at the nine bed home – which sits in 30 acres and boasts a pool – began in November last year.

Mr Mosionzhik’s planning application was met with opposition by 26 locals.

He then decided to scale back the plans to try to please put-out residents, with documents showing he decided to go for a chain-link fence.

Architect Eleanor Smith had said Mr Mosionzhik was “happy to change the appearance of the fencing to alleviate any concerns that the locals may have”.

Steve Pack, 46, said he was initially “concerned” but “thankful” the style of fence was altered after local campaigning.

But he said the planning war made a “mockery of the system as a whole”.

Sarah Bryant, 37, added: “I appreciate that he had the right to put a fence around his property, but the metal palisade was over the top.”

Others previously told MailOnline: “There is no vandalism, there is hardly anybody there.

“It just stinks. They [the council] are not doing anything for Marlow up there.”

Meanwhile local David Lawrence said he wasn’t shocked to hear plans had gone ahead.

He said: “Let’s face facts. It is a matter of time.”

A representative of Alexander Mosionzhik said he “regretted the controversy” surround his plans to renew a ‘dilapidated fence’.

They said: “Whilst it is clear this has upset some people, we have spoken with a number of local people who support our plans to restore and properly maintain the property and land.

“We are pleased that Buckinghamshire Council has now granted approval for the application.

“This land has no public access or rights of way, and the permitted fence will not obstruct any publicly accessible areas or rights of way.

“The fence style, approved in collaboration with the council, will be similar to others found locally and entirely appropriate for a rural setting.

“It’s worth also noting that planning enforcement officers have conducted multiple visits, prompted by reports from individuals in the area, finding no violations or irregularities at the property.”

Mr Mosionzhik is understood to have made his fortune in business.

He was once the chairman of the board of directors at Russian oil trading company Nafta Moskva.

How to obect planning permission

EVERY planning application submitted to a local authority must be subject to a period of public consultation which can last anywhere from three to eight weeks.

  • If you are a neighbour affected by a planning application the local planning authority will either notify you directly or display a site notice on or near the land to which the application relates.
  • You could contact the planning offices of your local authority to involve yourself in the consultation process
  • The local planning authority may offer a service on its website
  • You are allowed to attend planning committee meetings to hear applications being considered
  • You are also allowed to have your say at these meetings but you must notify the council in advance of the meeting

Source; Planning Portal

Mrs Julie Sparks-pictured previously opposed the fence[/caption]
Locals feared the structure would ruin the natural beauty of the countryside[/caption]
Marlow Bottom residents tried to stop the fence being constructed[/caption]

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