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Weekly horoscope for May 12 – May 18: What the stars have in store for every zodiac sign revealed

OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.


MAR 21 – APR 20

Set your own boundaries and schedules this week as Mercury moves into your money zone

After a long time feeling lost in a maze of possibilities,  as mind-mapper Mercury moves to your money zone, a cash-savvy spell can start.

Your secret is setting your own priorities, and schedule. 

Mars stays on Team Aries to help you out. 

Love-wise, looking beyond attraction, in search of deep connection, is much easier, and faster – especially around “J”. 

The moon highlights two winners who share one past experience.


APR 21 – MAY 21

A time of toeing a love or work line can end now as there’s freedom in your chart

Knowing exactly who you are and where you are going, is your breakthrough personal change this week – as a time of toeing a love, or work, line can end. 

There’s freedom in your chart to try new things, as long as you’re honest with everyone who matters. 

Your signature on some art, or photography, can find a rich audience. 

So don’t adjust your unique world vision – celebrate it.


MAY 22 – JUNE 21

Sheer romance can begin now once loyalty is reinforced

As your quicksilver ruler Mercury enters your zone of dreams and secrets, you can start to make sense of memories or images that keep coming back into your mind. 

Facing facts is easy when you believe in yourself – which from this week onwards, you do. 

Love-wise, the moon starts with loyalty, and once that’s reinforced, sheer romance can start. 

If you’re single, December dates can be a key passion factor. 


JUNE 22 – JULY 22

Role-playing can unlock new levels of pure passion

This is a peaceful week, planet-wise, so make the most of the chance to reconnect, on your own terms this time, with people and places you have been thinking about a lot. 

Don’t let yourself be rushed, move forward only when you are 100% ready.

If you’re in love, role-playing can unlock new levels of pure passion. 

Single? Look again at the colleague who gives the best advice.


JULY 23 – AUG 23

It’s wake-up time for love in ways you will adore as the ‘one’ wears a gold ring

Admitting (even just to yourself) that you would like to switch work or passion paths, is your prime Leo move. 

The manager planet can then help you set you some new goals that simply feel right. 

With Pluto reversing in your wedding zone for the next few months, this is a wake-up time for love – in ways you will adore. 

Single? The One wears a legacy gold ring. 


AUG 24 – SEPT 22

With Mercury on your side you’re ready to put together a world-beating team

Recognising the skills other people can bring to a personal project is your passport to accelerating it.  

This week, with an astute moon plus Mercury’s fresh learning power, you are ready to put together a world-beating team. 

If you’re in love, remember trust needs tending, give it a little TLC every day.

Single? Mars’ wild passion can’t be contained when a gorgeous Scorpio smiles across a sports field. 


SEPT 23 – OCT 23

This week take some quiet time alone to work out your next move in a career challenge

You can be such a social butterfly, and the spotlight loves you – but this week, do take some quiet time alone to work out your next move in a career challenge.

Saturn steadies your resolve, and even if you need to re-think some words, they can be out there by the weekend. 

Love transformation can’t happen overnight, but Mercury’s new position helps you make a strong start.  

Luck wears yellow.


OCT 24 – NOV 22

New romance awaits where an arrow points West

Your chart is wide open to new, exciting experiences this week – taking you towards fresh understanding of just what you are really capable of. 

But it’s important to accept support, especially from someone recently returned to your daily life.

Your love self is prepared to compromise, deep down, so do prevent pride getting in your way. 

New romance waits where an arrow points West. 

Three-digit numbers can be lucky. 


NOV 23 – DEC 21

Love is all there is you read between the lines of a dray work message

Your health chart is piling up positive planets – and making this the perfect week to push a fitness plan forward. 

It’s important to recognise changes you have already made, and how strong you see you can be. 

Even the most tantalising temptation has no power over you this week, when you truly believe in your future. 

Love is all there between the lines of a dry work message.  


DEC 22 – JAN 20

Mercury expands your money making methods and knowledge this week

You are an unstoppable mix right now of Pluto earning potential plus creative Mercury methods to expand on money, knowledge – even love – that you already have.

All the right people will be watching, and this can end a time of emotional waiting. 

Mars can’t let family frustration lie – just make sure you discuss it with caring, not anger. 

A love gift may cost next to nothing, but can mean everything.


JAN 21 – FEB 18

Trust your instincts this week as the moon highlights your ability to learn fast

The moon this week highlights your ability to learn fast and on your feet – this can be your key to unlocking a new career door. 

Trusting your instincts is your other lesson of the week, instead of overthinking decisions and talking yourself out of actions.

Especially when it comes to love.

Mercury’s planning skills get a security scheme back on track – a family address hosts shared success. 


FEB 19 – MAR 20

Tread lightly round a fragile Leo ego, at least at first

You are becoming so skilled at organising thoughts and words – and finding the perfect message for the perfect moment. 

A career in this area is worth considering. 

As you grow accustomed to the secretive side of Pluto, you can judge which information to share, and when. 

This keeps VIPs engaged and involved. 

Love-wise, tread lightly round a fragile Leo ego, at least at first.  

Couples reconnect, especially early mornings.

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