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I gave up city life to live off-grid in a tiny van- my whole home cost less than most Brits’ monthly rents

A VAN-lifer has revealed why he gave up his city life to move inside a tiny motorhome.

Callum has been living in a minivan for more than three years now – and it costs way less than most Brits’ monthly rent.

Van-lifer Callum has revealed why he gave up on city life
The thrill-seeker has been living inside a van for the past three years
The inside of Callum’s £800 ‘home on wheels’

Callumn says his main motivation for going off-grid is to escape being trapped in a life that he doesn’t want to lead.

He told the YouTube channel Livernation: “I think living in a van solves a lot of problems.

“I just feel more happy leading this life and ditching the rat race.

“I actually get to enjoy my favourite seasons more freely whereas before I had to worry about earning money and paying bills.

“If you start living in a van, you don’t have to struggle or worry about money anymore.”

The full-time van-lifer revealed he first started living in a touring caravan, but decided to switch to a cheaper and smaller motor perfect for weekend getaways.

He then found the perfect man for his plans selling for £1,000 which he finally managed to buy for £800 after some bargain.

That’s way cheaper than the average rent Brits pay in the UK, which is around £1,300.

Callum said he started his journey as a thrill seeker who just wanted to get out on weekends.

But then he ended up living inside the small but comfortable van after realising how much more freedom he had to live his life to the fullest.

The van-lifer says he does labour work for his friends’ companies and occasionally does a job as a brick worker which helps him to sustain his “life on wheels”.

He also avoids working during the best months of the year just so he can enjoy his time the most.

“I try to take the best months of the seasons off,” he added.

“I don’t really work between June and September, and again between December and February.”

“I don’t have to work through the summers, I can just go and enjoy myself.

“Since I don’t have bills to pay, I don’t work to give anyone my money.

“I keep whatever I earn and it’s easily manageable.”

Callum says this is all possible because of living inside a van which requires way less money than living inside a house.

When I asked why he chose to switch to a smaller van instead of living in a caravan, the thrill-seeker said he would have to [pay more money to live in a bigger motor.

He added: “I have now become more of a minimalist – I do not need many things to live my life.

“Bigger van requires more money to maintain including fuel costs and insurance – and it would have to work minimum hours.

“Right now I don’t have to work every week, I can take an off whenever I want, I have got everything stocked up inside my van.”

It comes after a couple revealed how they have quit being “slaves to society” to live off-grid in a van.

Billie and Steve ditched the rat race to travel the world in their “gipsy wagon” for free.

Meanwhile, another man revealed how he gave up his home and belongings to live in his work van full time.

Brad, who previously worked as a heating and cooling technician, converted his work van into a mini home as he got sick of paying bills.

And an aspiring nurse revealed what he does on his off days while living in a van full-time.

Arslan from New Jersey started living in his converted micro-camper car a few years ago after being fed up with paying high rents.

He now travels around the US in his Chevrolet SUV all while saving money from rent to build his own house.

The vehicle is so cramped inside that he can “barely crouch” but he wouldn’t have it any other way.

While Ricky, who travels around the Peak District in his Ford Transit van, gave viewers a tour of his unique home on wheels on YouTube.

Callum also revealed how he manages to live a life inside a van

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