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Kerry Katona is getting a RIB removed to make her new nose as she goes under the knife again

KERRY Katona has never been one to shy away from the odd nip and tuck.

Now the TV star, 43, has revealed she is going under the knife again for a nose job, which will use part of her rib.

Kerry Katona revealed she is going under the knife again today[/caption]
The star wants her nose fixed as it has been damaged from past drug use[/caption]
The singer previously told fans she had an eye lift in January[/caption]
Kerry shot to fame alongside Natasha Hamilton and Liz McClarnon in Atomic Kitten

Kerry – who rose to fame as part of Whole Again hitmakers Atomic Kitten – has admitted she needed the surgery to fill a hole in her nose.

Kerry previously told her fans that she needed an eight hour nose op to repair damage caused by years of cocaine.

Writing in her OK! column, she said “I’m waiting for a date from Pall Mall for the reconstructive surgery I need for my nose, due to past cocaine abuse in her 20s.

“They’re going to use a piece of bone from my rib to repair it. Hopefully, that will be any day now.”

The mum-of-five now, who now rakes in the cash from her OnlyFans account, also revealed doctors told her her nose was “collapsing” during a consultation for an eye lift, which she underwent in January.

Today Kerry revealed she was having the nose job done this afternoon and told fans how the gruesome procedure works.

Speaking on Instagram, she told fans that her cosmetic surgeon would first be “taking a piece of bone from her rib”.

This would then be used to replace her nose cartilage “to make it look a bit smaller”.

Kerry also said she needed the operation as she had “three holes” in her nose, following drug use in her past.

Previously speaking about her cocaine abuse, and the damage it had sone to her nose, the former pop star told fans: “We’re all very aware that I’ve done drugs in the past, 15 years ago now, and [Pall Mall’s Doctor Raghavan] said to me, ‘Have you ever had a nose job?’ I said ‘no’ and then he went, ‘Your nose is collapsing’.”

She said she had turned down the offer of a reconstruction years before because she wanted the damage as “a reminder never to touch [drugs] again”.

But she burst into tears at the new advice “because it’s like a massive 360 to where I was to where I am now”.

“Obviously I don’t do drugs any more, I’ve turned my life round and I’m very very proud of myself,” she said.

“We all make mistakes, you know, and I think this is a reward just to me to get it fixed, but I’m scared.”

I’m s******g myself. I’m really nervous, but I’m looking forward to having it done.

Kerry Katona

Meanwhile, before her nose job Kerry’s most recent surgery was a much more invasive eye lift and brow lift in January, at a cost of over £3,000.

Writing two months before in her OK! column, she said: “I’ve come to the conclusion I’m going to get an eye lift.

“They’re so heavy they’re hanging over my eyes. Why not, I’m 43, I’m entitled.”

The star got emotional as she reveals her nose is ‘collapsing’[/caption]
Kerry previously had fat removed from her chin[/caption]
Kerry also had a non-invasive facelift[/caption]

She admitted she was anxious about going under the knife once more, adding: “I’m s******g myself. I’m really nervous, but I’m looking forward to having it done.

“I’m going to Pall Mall Medical and they’ve been really great, so it’s exciting. I think the recovery period is 10 days and I won’t be able to drive during that time.”

She was pictured a few days after the op outside the clinic, and seemed unable to open her eyes.

In February, she showed off the results of the work – and her three stone weight loss – on a holiday with fiancé Ryan Mahoney in Spain.

Kerry Katona's cosmetic surgery timeline

Here we look at the star's changing face - from fresh-faced pop singer to the latest £3,000 tweakment.

Kerry first went under the knife in 2004 for a boob job, and again in 2008 for another breast enhancement and liposuction.

In 2010 she also revealed she had tried to turn back time with some facial tweaks.

Kerry was bitten by the vampire facial bug in 2013, and feared she would die after a shocking reaction to the procedure, popularised by Kim Kardashian.

In 2019 Kerry sparked outrage by endorsing a ‘Katona Package’ at a London clinic offering “2ml face filler and one area fat dissolving” for £699.

When the mum-of-five approached her 40th, she celebrated with fillers and fat-dissolving injections in her chin to “enhance my natural beauty”.

Two years later Kerry joked she’d got a “brand new face” after a procedure called CoolSculpting, which freezes fat cells under the skin and destroys them. She had some fat removed from her chin and Botox injections.

In 2023, the TV star revealed a tighter jawline after treating herself to a “non-invasive facelift”.

In early 20224, Kerry had much more invasive eye lift and brow lift in January, at a cost of over £3,000.

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