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Go for a walk around your lawn – a telltale sign under your feet will tell you if it needs more care for greener grass

THE feel of the soil under your feet could be a key indicator that your lawn needs special attention to boost grass health, says an expert.

She shared several tricks to achieve a flourishing green outdoor carpet this spring.

Jemma Vincent shared expert tips for a greener lawn (stock images)[/caption]

A wealth of gardening experience isn’t needed to achieve a thriving lawn that makes a backyard picturesque.

Jemma Vincent is the Product Manager at Hayter, a UK-based company that specializes in petrol, electric, and battery-powered mowers.

Speaking to The U.S. Sun, she shared simple lawn care maintenance tips that she swears by for greener grass.


“Walk around your lawn, paying attention to the feel of the soil beneath your feet,” Vincent said.

“If you notice any areas where the ground seems especially hard, you probably need to aerate. 

“Aeration helps to loosen compacted soil, reintroducing the oxygen, water, and nutrients that have been smothered out over time.”

Over 800 Amazon customers have bought a spike aerating tool from the Meoligr store in the past month.

The device which costs $42.99 has solid and single-row spikes to make small holes in the soil.

One customer review said it made aerating their lawn a “breeze” as the spikes “effortlessly” penetrated their lawn.

Another raved that the tool saved them the cost of hiring someone to rejuvenate the “bare area” in their backyard.


Vincent said grass should be at least two inches tall before mowing when spring starts.

“Even then, stick to the rule of not taking off more than a third of its length so that it doesn’t die before it’s had a chance to develop,” she said.

“When you cut your grass, let the clippings fall back into the soil. 

“This is a better way of fertilizing the grass naturally, preserving essential nutrients.”

Easy gardening tips to save money, maximize space, and repel pests

*If you click on a link in this article, we may earn affiliate revenue.

  1. Banana peels, vinegar, and coffee grounds are often recommended as natural fertilizers.
  2. Dollar Tree sells four packs of seeds for $1.25.
  3. Try a vertical planter like Amazon’s Mr. Stacky 5 Tier Stackable Planter, $35 to make more use of a small space.
  4. Use netting like the Garden Netting Pest Barrier, $8, from Amazon to keep away bugs that eat your vegetables.
  5. Try sacrificial planting to reduce the use of pesticides and keep pests away from your garden. Deliberately growing certain plants to attract agricultural pests can keep them away from the plants you want to protect. Examples include marigolds, lavender, catnip, and chives.
  6. For pesky weeds in your garden, the Grampa’s Weeder – The Original Stand-Up Weed Puller Tool with Long Handles, $45, from Amazon is a helpful tool you can use without having to bend over.

She recommended then using a lawn spreader to evenly distribute spring fertilizer granules to enhance the grass.

“For best results, apply the fertilizer around the perimeter and then work your way in,” she said.

“Criss-cross your lawn to ensure adequate coverage and prevent over-coverage. 

“Remember, less is more when it comes to fertilizing your garden for spring.”


According to RHS, there are a variety of reasons why a lawn may “squelch” when walked on including compacted soil, heavy clay soil, and poor soil preparation.

It can be difficult to maintain “good quality” turf while experiencing waterlogging.

“A lawn that has been waterlogged or is showing signs of flooding is a lawn you want to walk on as little as possible,” Vincent said.

“Not only can it lead to accidents, but too much foot traffic could tamp the blades down and draw the mud up.”

Landscaping expert Tom Clifford previously told The U.S. Sun aerating can help waterlogged lawns, but two other methods may be more effective in extreme conditions.

“For severely waterlogged lawns you may wish to invest in a drainage system within your garden,” he said.

“French drains are small trenches filled with rubble and a perforated pipe, these drains divert the surface water from waterlogged areas to improve drainage. 

“However, French drains don’t make the most attractive garden feature so if you’re looking for a more discreet drainage system, a soakaway may be appropriate.”

Aerating can help to improve drainage of waterlogged lawns (stock image)[/caption]

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