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I’m a gardening coach – an extra 6 inches will make planting so much easier, my tips will save money on growing food

ONE gardening coach’s methods will help you grow better while on a budget.

Her easy tips are also designed to make planting a pleasure.

One gardening coach and author shared her money-saving growing methods
Nicole Burke


Nicole Johnsey Burke (@gardenaryco), founder of Gardenary, Inc., regularly shares her harvesting hacks with her over 1 million Instagram followers.

Rather than pushups, this coach gives money-saving planting advice to help you grow smarter while keeping things simple.

She also knows that size matters – at least when it comes to plants.

“If you’re growing a garden on a budget, use a short raised bed made of affordable materials. Even six inches of height will make gardening easier,” Burke told The U.S. Sun.

“You can amend your own soil with mushroom compost and a little sand so you cut down on soil costs,” she added.

She also recommends using trellises made of bamboo or even long sticks for vining plants.

Her company, Gardenary, sells a cedar raised bed garden with caps for $250.

The bed describes itself as “perfect” for beginning gardeners, can hold “loads” of vegetables and salad greens, and is easy to assemble.

And that’s not the only trick she has up her sprouting sleeve.

“Use seeds for planting to save money on plants,” she said.

“Plants that grow best from seed are lettuces and greens, root crops, peas and beans, cucumbers, squash, and melons.


Gardening newbies take note – to find more frugal ways to plant food, go for the herbs.

“Herbs are the simplest. Just buy a naturally grown plant from a local nursery, plant it, and start harvesting right away,” she said.

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Cedar raised bed garden with caps, $250, Gardenary

Make sure leafy greens are also on the list.

“Plant by seed, keep well watered, and start harvesting within one month,” she said.

“Plants will grow back at least two to three times before you start again,” she continued.

The author of Kitchen Garden Revival and Leaves Roots and Fruit also has some pro tips for planting potatoes as well as easy-to-grow legumes.

Her tips are designed to help give you a green thumb while saving you some green

“Just plant the potato six inches down and wait about three to four months. Then dig and find five to six more potatoes!” she said.

“Beans and peas are also very easy to plant and you’ll get loads from just one seed.”


When maintaining your yard, more is more – at least when it comes to plants.

“Leave less space between your plants and they’ll be easier to care for,” she said.

“With less gaps in your planting area, the soil maintains moisture and nutrients and there’s less weeds,” she said.

She recommends planting potatoes deeper into the grown to get the most bang for your backyard growing buck[/caption]

She advises using herbs and flowers near your vegetables to protect them from pests.

“Prune and harvest often and add compost to the top of the soil every few months to keep your plants supported with great nutrients,” she said.

Burke also shared her favorite and freshest edible plants.

“I love growing Swiss chard and lots of kale for morning omelets and green smoothies,” she said.

“I also love growing cherry tomatoes over an arch trellis – my favorites are Sungold, Juliet, and Black Cherry.”

She even grows six months of garden salad using her homegrown spring mix, arugula, and spinach.

Easy gardening tips to save money, maximize space, and repel pests

*If you click on a link in this article, we may earn affiliate revenue.

  1. Banana peels, vinegar, and coffee grounds are often recommended as natural fertilizers.
  2. Dollar Tree sells four packs of seeds for $1.25.
  3. Try a vertical planter like Amazon’s Mr. Stacky 5 Tier Stackable Planter, $35 to make more use of a small space.
  4. Use netting like the Garden Netting Pest Barrier, $8, from Amazon to keep away bugs that eat your vegetables.
  5. Try sacrificial planting to reduce the use of pesticides and keep pests away from your garden. Deliberately growing certain plants to attract agricultural pests can keep them away from the plants you want to protect. Examples include marigolds, lavender, catnip, and chives.
  6. For pesky weeds in your garden, the Grampa’s Weeder – The Original Stand-Up Weed Puller Tool with Long Handles, $45, from Amazon is a helpful tool you can use without having to bend over.

“It’s so much better than the store variety,” she said.


Perhaps her biggest tip for starting a garden is not to give up.

“Don’t take it personally when a plant doesn’t make it,” she said.

“Gardening is a skill and you’ll get better quickly if you plant a lot each season,” she added.

“Give it your best effort and then note your lessons for next season.”

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