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My DIY ‘crazy pave’ tile hack transformed my backyard – it looks European & is impossible to mess up, even as a beginner

A CREATIVE mom has revealed how she transformed the dated steps in her backyard.

She took inspiration from European designs for the hack that’s suitable for DIY beginners.

Roisin went viral on TikTok after sharing how she overhauled her backyard

Roisin (@geebungalow) has almost 99,000 followers on TikTok, where she shares home renovations.

She went viral on the app after revealing how she overhauled the drab staircase that leads to her garden.

She said it was “almost impossible” for the Crazy Pave hack to go wrong as she showed herself preparing a cement-based powder tile adhesive.

As she’s based in Australia, she used Bastion Mastic Powder Adhesive Tile, but a similar product is sold on Amazon for $25.

Roisin then laid several porcelain tiles on her lawn and covered them with a towel.

She used a hammer to break the tiles into varying sizes and shapes.

She glued them to the steps in an artistic style before leaving them to dry overnight. 

The next day, she covered the area with Ardex Wide Joint Grout in off-white to prevent the edges from being sharp.

Over 225,000 viewers liked the video and many people took to the comment section raving about the transformation.

“This is the most amazing DIY ever!!” one person said.

“Also you can get a right-angle caulking tool to make the edges flush. Well done beauty.”

“It looks absolutely gorgeous what an improvement,” another wrote.

“What an incredible transformation! Looks so good,” a third commented.

“OMG I so love this,” another added. “I’ve been wanting to do something with my old concrete porch and steps.”

Crazy Paving became popular in the 1970s and “never” really went out of style, according to Making Home.

The jigsaw-style paving was inspired by natural stone designs seen in driveways, paths, patios, pool areas, and garden landscapes.

Some people prefer to buy their paving already broken into varying shapes from manufacturers who can ensure there are no sharp spots.

The DIY project requires a waterproof adhesive sealant and materials suitable for exterior use. 

How to make your backyard a little paradise

Houna Bech is an interior designer and founder of the style blog With Houna.

She revealed to The U.S. Sun five tips for transforming a drab outdoor space into a “sensory-rich little paradise.”

  1. Embrace nature

“Use your landscaping, trees, flowers, and organic environment as your muse,” she said.

2. Bring the inside out

“Repeat color palettes, textures, and materials so the transition between indoors and out is seamless,” she said.

3. Create zones for specific purposes

“I might design a luxurious cabana with plush loungers and vanities for alfresco makeup sessions with my girlfriends,” she said.

4. Prioritize comfort

“I’m talking cloud-like sectionals, upholstered daybeds, and oversized weather-resistant poufs you can really envelop yourself in,” she said.

5. Get creative

“Finally, turn your entire outdoor area into an artistic installation,” Bech said.

A primer can be used to prevent moisture from building up underneath the tiles over time.

The hack comes after real estate broker Adrian Pedraza revealed to The U.S. Sun several ways to upgrade outdoor spaces.

He recommended segmenting areas for different functions such as dining, lounging, and entertaining.

He said there should be a “seamless” flow between indoor and outdoor which can be achieved with accessories and greenery.

“Just last month, I had clients with an expansive but drab backyard lacking any pizazz,” he said.

“By first defining separate zones for lounging and dining, we gave the space purpose.”

“Finishing touches like festoon lighting, colorful tile accents, and an antique Mexican chimenea gave it that layered, curated feel,” he added. 

Roisin stuck broken porcelain tiles to her staircase and paths in an artistic style[/caption]

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