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Источник 360.ru: закрытую в машине москвичку спасли с затопленной парковки

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‘Looks dodgy’ warn drivers over fake £120 fines slapped on cars parked outside homes – but big clue gives them away

AN URGENT warning has been issued to drivers over a nasty SCAM that could affect anyone – don’t be caught out.

Motorists in Kent were baffled when “dodgy” looking parking notices started popping up on windscreens across Tunbridge Wells.

Council officials have urged residents to avoid sending any money to the ‘fraudulent’ company[/caption]

The fluorescent yellow ‘penalties’ claimed to be left by Parking Control Management Ltd, as reported by KentLive.

They’ve been spotted slapped on cars in Langton Road, Bayhall Road and another in a privately managed Aldi’s car park.

If you’ve got one on your car report it to the police and definitely don’t click on any links/QR codes

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

But, Tunbridge Wells Borough Council officials have urged residents to avoid sending any money to the “fraudulent” company.

Targeted locals are told they have to fork out £120, or £60 if the money is transferred within a week.

The scumbag fraudsters created a QR code, parking notice reference number and even a fake website.

But, the tricksters missed out some huge details.

Residents noticed there was no time and date, or a licence plate number on their bogus fines.

The real Parking Control Management Ltd, based in Slough, Berkshire, has joined with the council in warning drivers.

A spokesperson for the company stated: “We are aware of several fake parking tickets bearing our company name and logo being placed on vehicles in the Tunbridge Wells area.

“We can confirm that the tickets have not been issued by PCM and we have swiftly reported the scam to our Trade Association, Action Fraud, the DVLA and the payment provider cited on the tickets, SumUp.”

They advised anyone affected by the scam to contact Action Fraud.

Council officials sent out their urgent message on social media and wrote: “Fraudulent parking charge notices: This morning we’ve been informed that some motorists have discovered Parking Charge Notices from a private company on properly parked vehicles in Broadwater Down, Mount Sion and Goods Station Road in Tunbridge Wells.

“If you’ve got one on your car report it to the police and definitely don’t click on any links/QR codes.”

How to protect yourself from fraud

If you believe you have been victim of a scam call 0300 123 2040.

  • Do not give any personal information (name, address, bank details, email or phone number) to organisations or people before verifying their credentials.
  • Make sure your computer has up-to-date anti-virus software and a firewall installed. Ensure your browser is set to the highest level of security and monitoring to prevent malware issues and computer crimes.
  • Remember that banks and financial institutions will not send you an email asking you to click on a link and confirm your bank details. Do not trust such emails, even if they look genuine
  • Destroy and preferably shred receipts with your card details on and post with your name and address on.
  • Be extremely wary of post, phone calls or emails offering you business deals out of the blue. If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always question it.

Source; Action Fraud

It comes as many other drivers are being caught out by fake parking tickets up and down the UK.

Fuming locals left bogus £70 fines on cars to stop drivers parking outside their homes.

Motorists found cheeky parking notices stuck on their windshields in Bridgend, Wales.

Meanwhile, a couple out on a walk in Berkshire returned to their car to find an £80 parking fine – but all isn’t quite as it seems.

The pair, who parked their Mercedes at beauty spot Shepherd Meadows in Sandhurst, discovered a note from ‘Apcoa’ demanding cash.

And, it appears the con has made its way overseas, with drivers warned after a huge parking ticket scam was seen happening at a popular holiday destination for Brits.

The dodgy scandal has tricked unlucky car owners in Toulouse, France.


Parking penalties can come in various forms.

A Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) is usually given out by local councils and police for parking offences in car parks and on the UK roads.

Don’t get them mixed up with Parking Charge Notice, which are also abbreviated to PCN.

These are typically given out for parking offences on private land.

The final type of parking fine is a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN).

Drivers can get an FPN from the police, local council or the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA).

It is vital that you don’t ignore a PCN, even if you feel you’ve done nothing wrong.

If you ignore a parking ticket from a private parking firm, they may pass on your details to bailiffs to claim the fine.

If you need to appeal a ticket, the more evidence you have to support your claim the better.

A fine may be deemed unfair by the council or an independent adjudicator if:

  • Signs were wrong – If the signs weren’t visible or gave the wrong information
  • The traffic warden got it wrong – for example if a parking attendant thinks you stayed too long when you were in fact within the time limit
  • An error on the letter or ticket- if they’ve left out any information on the ‘Notice to Owner’ letter, then you could get it waived
  • You didn’t own the vehicle at the time – you’ll have to prove this, such as information you provided to the DVLA
  • Your car was stolen – if a thief parked the car illegally then you can get it waived
  • There was no way to pay – if a parking meter or machine was broken and there was no other way to pay
  • Your car broke down – if you were given a ticket while waiting for your car to be fixed or towed away
  • You couldn’t get back to your car – you should appeal your ticket if you couldn’t get back to your car because it’s difficult for you to walk because you’re disabled, you’re pregnant or you have a very young baby

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