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Stop making 3 spring cleaning mistakes that can ruin your health – a TikTok trend is ‘incredibly damaging,’ says expert

AN expert has urged householders to stop making three spring cleaning mistakes.

He warned they can ruin your health and described a TikTok trend as “incredibly damaging.”

Some cleaning products are bad for your health[/caption]

That is no excuse to stop cleaning your home, but there are more efficient ways of doing it, said Dr Bhavini Shah of Lloyds Pharmacy

“Keeping a clean and tidy home offers a whole host of mental and physical health benefits,” he said.

“While cleaning is important, it is even more important to make sure you’re cleaning safely.”


The notion of ‘spring cleaning’ dates back to the days when homes were heated by wood and lit by lanterns.

After a long winter, there would be layers of soot and dust on every surface.

But with the arrival of spring, doors and windows could be opened, and everything, from top to bottom, given a thorough cleaning.

The idea still exists, and there are still many health benefits to keeping up this cleaning tradition.

First and foremost a good spring clean removes pollen. This is a must for hay fever sufferers in your family.

“Vacuuming and cleaning your home regularly with a damp cloth can help you remove any pollen build-up that has settled in your home,” said our expert.

“You can also fit your vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter or bag to prevent it from blowing out any small particles of pollen that you’re trying to catch.” 

Like it or not, every home, no matter how stringent your cleaning routine, will have dust mites.

They are invisible to the eye, but these microscopic insect-like bugs feed on skin cells shed by people.

They thrive in warm, humid environments, and as temperatures start to rise in the spring and summer, are of particular concern, especially for those with dust mite allergies.

But you can keep on top of the problem.

“Beds are the most common areas where dust mites live. Washing your sheets and blankets every week at 60°C or above will kill any dust mites,” said Dr. Shah.

“Reducing humidity can also be helpful, so make sure your extractor fan is turned on when you’re using the shower or cooking.”

Keep on top of mold build-up in your homes too, because it can also cause a host of health issues.

Mold contains spores that can spread quickly. So act quickly when you notice it building up. 

Dr. Shah applauded householders for their spring cleaning efforts.

But mistakes were being made, unwittingly, that could damage their health.


Chlorine-based disinfectants are the go-to cleaning products for many houseproud homeowners.

However, they can pose health risks because most common bleaches are chlorine-based.

“Studies have shown a potential link between chemical disinfectants and the risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

“This is a common lung disease causing restricted airflow and breathing problems,” said Dr. Shah.

Similarly, beware of scented products, such as air fresheners and disinfectants, because they contain Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which can affect your health.

“Aerosol sprays with VOCs may irritate your lungs and increase the risk of triggering allergies or asthma,” he said.

“If you have lung or breathing conditions, it’s crucial to avoid these chemicals as they can aggravate your airways.” 

Cleaning hacks and tips

Here are some tips to help you when you clean your home next:

  • How to clean your shower to ensure it’s always sparkling
  • What to do to get rid of nasty odors in your home
  • Here’s how to get your home smelling like fresh laundry
  • You’re cleaning your pots and pans all wrong – here’s a trick to remove the residue
  • These are five hacks to ensure your kitchen is spotless
  • What you need to know when cleaning your bathroom
  • This trick will ensure your washing machine is clean and smells great
  • This cheap, easy trick will remove your mold from grout without scrubbing
  • These simple items will make your carpet clean and look brand new
  • This ‘lazy’ hack will ensure your oven is clean for pennies


When removing mold, always wear a mask, gloves and goggles to protect your from the spores.

Increase airflow to the affected room by opening windows and doors.

But keep doors to the rest of the house closed to prevent spores from spreading.

A mild detergent and warm water can remove mold. But wipe away slowly. Vigorous brushing can spread more spores.


Only chemists should be mixing chemicals, not householders.

But a new TikTok trend, called “product overload,” does just this.

Content creators, in their drive for a sparking, clean home, are mixing different chemical cleaners that can be damaging to your health – and potentially lethal.

“One example of two cleaning products that should never be combined are ammonia-based cleaners and chlorine-based cleaners, such as multipurpose cleaner and bleach,” said Dr. Shah.

Together, these make a lethal combination, producing a deadly gas.

“Another example of a deadly cleaning combination is mixing bleach and acids,” he said.

“These two combined produce chlorine gas which can be deadly if concentrated. In fact, it was used as a chemical weapon in the First World War.”

Some TikTok cleaning trends should come with a warning[/caption]

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