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I’m a skincare pro – 2 popular anti-aging ‘hacks’ can actually make skin worse but a green fruit tones & firms your face

A BEAUTY expert has revealed two viral hacks for youthful skin could cause more harm than good in the long run.

She shared the best products to include in an anti-aging skincare routine as she warned against DIY treatments.

Clarins skin expert Marla Ibrahim shared advice for slowing the signs of aging (stock image)[/caption]

Influencers have become a go-to source for many social media users wanting advice about the products and routines for ageless skin.

Marla Ibrahim is the U.S. National Education Director and Skin Expert at cosmetics brand Clarins.

She said people should approach anti-aging hacks seen online with “skepticism” as they can be dangerous.

She revealed to The U.S. Sun beauty tips that skincare professionals use for themselves.


Ibrahim warned against two hacks frequently pushed as alternatives to store-bought products that slow the signs of aging. 

“Lemon juice is often considered a natural skin brightener and anti-aging remedy due to its acidic properties,” she said.

“However, applying undiluted lemon juice directly to the skin can cause irritation, redness, and increased sensitivity to sunlight. 

“It may even lead to chemical burns or exacerbate existing skin conditions.”

She said rubbing ice cubes on the face or leaning over a bowl of ice has also become popular among those wanting to reduce puffiness and tighten pores. 

“While brief exposure to cold temperatures can temporarily constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling, prolonged contact with ice cubes can damage delicate facial skin, leading to broken capillaries and increased sensitivity,” she said.


Ibrahim said “Everyone’s skin ages” over time but several lifestyle factors can accelerate the process.

These include high-stress levels, not eating a balanced diet, and not using adequate sun protection. 

“Failing to correct stressful lifestyle habits can cause the aging process to accelerate beyond what’s typical,” she said. 

She recommended having a consistent skincare routine that hydrates, nourishes and protects against environmental stressors for a youthful look. 

Apply a serum containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid or vitamin C after toning and before moisturizing.

Marla Ibrahim U.S. National Education Director and Skin Expert at Clarins

The skincare guru revealed four staples that should be used by people of all ages.

“You should start and end your day with a gentle face wash using a cream or gel cleanser to keep your skin fresh, pores clear, and blemishes at bay,” she said. 

“Apply a serum containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid or vitamin C after toning and before moisturizing. 

“This step enhances your skincare routine by delivering potent nutrients and addressing specific skin concerns.

“Hydrate your skin morning and night with a moisturizer to improve skin tone, minimize fine lines, and enhance overall hydration levels.

“Protect your skin daily by wearing sunscreen, which is crucial for shielding against immediate and long-term damage caused by UV exposure, including premature aging.”

Should you apply vitamin C to your skin?

Topical Vitamin C has several benefits for skin including hydrating, reducing redness, and hyperpigmentation.

According to Healthline, it may also help to promote collagen production and reduce the appearance of sun damage.

Research shows that it is safe for most skin types but may cause irritation in concentrations above 20%.

Experts recommend doing a patch test on a small skin area and waiting 24 hours to see if there are side effects before applying it to your face.

Discontinue topical use of vitamin C if you experience rashes, redness, or hives. 


Ibrahim said many skincare brands have a guide on their website to help shoppers find the best products suitable for their needs.

She said skin type and age are important factors to consider when buying skincare.

She recommended investing in anti-aging face serums, moisturizers, eye creams, lip and neck products, exfoliators, and treatment oils. 

At Clarins, organic harungana and organic green banana are considered two of the best plant-based ingredients to fight the visible signs of aging.

According to the brand’s research “harungana extract is as effective as retinol” and can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The ingredient is listed in their Super Restorative Day Cream SPF 15, which costs $134.

Meanwhile, organic green banana extract has the power to “visibly” form, tone, and promote elasticity, says Clarins.

It can be found in their Extra-Firming Body Gel, which is priced at $66.

Ibrahim recommended using products containing organic harungana and organic green banana (stock image)[/caption]

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