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Жительница Ленинского округа выплатит 2 миллиона рублей за свалку

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Никогда не верила в крупные победы: жительница Подмосковья дважды выиграла в «Национальной Лотерее» по миллиону рублей

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Shamed ‘billionaire’ Stephen Bear wears £16 knock-off Gucci shoes as he’s ordered to pay Georgia Harrison £27k

SELF-proclaimed “billionaire” Stephen Bear showed up in court today wearing knock-off Gucci shoes – which cost just £16.

The disgraced reality star was this afternoon ordered to pay ex-girlfriend Georgia Harrison £27,000 – or risk being thrown behind bars.

Louis Wood
Stephen Bear showed up in court today wearing £16 Gucci knock-offs[/caption]
The disgraced star was told he would have to pay Georgia Harrison £27k for her sex tape hell[/caption]
The self-proclaimed ‘billionaire’ was sporting Asos loafers[/caption]
The slip-ons are dupes of these £815 Gucci slippers[/caption]

Bear, 34, made £22,305.46 from sharing a secret sex tape of him and Georgia on OnlyFans.

And a judge today told him he’d have to pay that money back to the Love Island star.

At the time Bear uploaded the video of Georgia, he was pretending to be a “billionaire” as he sold sexual content online.

But standing in the dock as he heard his fate, Bear was sporting £16.50 Asos loafers.

The slip-on shoes have a gold snaffle detail across the top of black faux leather and are filled with faux fur.

The loafers are a dupe of Gucci‘s Pricetown slippers – made with lambs’ fur – which cost a whopping £815.

Bear once boasted he made a fortune from various businesses and OnlyFans videos with his model ex-fiancée Jessica Smith.

In 2021, he even claimed he made “$1million” (£720,000) in just 12 hours after posting an explicit clip online.

But after he was jailed for 21 months over the sex tape, it emerged his lifestyle was worlds away from the flashy image he portrayed on Instagram.

Bear claimed he was on Jobseeker’s Allowance and could only afford to pay £10-a-week due to his financial struggles.

The criminal allegedly had just “£60,000 in a house and little else” to his name.

And when he was released from prison he was said to be staying at his parents’ house in Walthamstow, north London.

Bear was reportedly spotted buying a £3.79 frozen stuffed-crust pizza from Aldi – which he picked up on an old bike.

At the time the video of Georgia was uploaded, he was “pretending to be a billionaire on his Twitter account” selling sexual content.

But Financial Investigator Laura Mackenzie, from Essex Police’s Economic Crime Unit, said: “He wasn’t a billionaire at all, no. His bank account was overdrawn.”

Bear's missing 'billions'

THE Ex on the Beach star recently claimed he was skint after his prison release as he begged for a date from fans.

But Bear once boasted he made a fortune from various businesses and OnlyFans videos with his model ex-fiancée Jessica Smith.

In 2021, he even claimed he made “$1million” (£720,000) in just 12 hours after posting an explicit clip online.

But after he was jailed, it emerged his lifestyle was worlds away from the flashy image he portrayed on Instagram.

His eight companies have all fallen apart around him – with none making a profit.

Even the Rolls Royce the disgraced star used to show up in court each day was rented and his Rolex watches were fakes.

She told the court Bear charged $9.99 (£7.95) to view the video on his OnlyFans account, which had 1,061 subscribers.

He originally made £1,650.98 but this figure increased to £22,305.06 when his subscribers rose by 822 in the month before Georgia was made aware of the clip.

Bear was previously told to pay Georgia £207,000 in damages for the leak on a “grand scale” after she took him to the High Court in a separate civil case.

A judge today told the disgraced star to pay two separate orders of £22,305 in confiscation and £5,000 in compensation.

If the higher amount is not paid within three months, Bear will have to apply for an extension – or faces nine months in jail.

Georgia speaks out on nightmare ordeal following ruling

“I am grateful to the CPS [Crown Prosecution Service] and Essex Police for all their hard work to ensure the confiscation order was enforced today.

“And for the court for awarding me the money earned by the defendant from the proceeds of crime.

“Nobody has the right to earn money from any crime.

“But to earn so much from image based sexual abuse is quite frankly abhorrent.

“I think it’s important that anyone who commits this awful crime should be made to give any money they made back to the victim and also the judicial system, especially after a successful conviction.

“I’ll be giving some of the money to charities of my choice who supported me throughout this ordeal.

“And I just want to thank Essex Police Force, everyone who represented me, Judge Christopher Morgan for ensuring that justice once again is served.

“And also I think this is a clear example why it is so important to report these sorts of crimes to the police. They are there to help you so please do let them.”

Speaking after the case, Georgia said she would be giving some of the money to charities who supported her during the ordeal.

Georgia earlier told Chelmsford Crown Court how the leaked tape left her feeling the “lowest” she had ever been.

As she revealed how Bear has not shown “any remorse or apologised”, he shouted out: “How am I meant to apologise. I have a restraining order. I would be nicked.”

Andrew Bousfield, prosecuting, said he could have said sorry through his barrister, adding: “The more Mr Bear speaks the more comes out about his character too.”

Georgia bravely revealed how she had “lived in fear” over the tape and told the court she “hated herself” for it.

She added: “This whole situation has had a massive effect on every aspect of my life. It put me back financially and has had a huge effect emotionally.

“One thing that will always really affect me is that if one day I want to have children that footage is still out there and will always be out there. He made money from the video which I do not think is fair.”

Georgia wore a long black coat and a white collar as she was supported by loved ones[/caption]
Bear has been told he could be thrown behind bars if he doesn’t pay Georgia[/caption]
Georgia recently left the Love Island villa with Anton[/caption]

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