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Lady Gaga fans left gutted as they discover the truth about her rumoured third Beyonce collab

We loved getting leathered on our birthdays – and so does Lady Gaga by the look of it.

The singer, who turned 38 this week, was dressed in a full-length PVC coat as she headed to Italian restaurant Giorgio Baldi in Santa Monica with boyfriend Michael Polansky.

Lady Gaga’s fans have been left gutted after she failed to appear on Beyonce’s new album despite the mad rumours circulating online[/caption]
However, Gaga is hard at work on her seventh album, which could just include the Beyonce collaboration her devotees are all crying out for[/caption]

But while Gaga was in high spirits, her fans are gutted after she failed to appear on Beyonce’s new album despite the mad rumours circulating online.

They were convinced of a follow-up to the pair’s 2009 hit Telephone after spotting a series of “clues” online.

Hope isn’t all lost for the fans, though.

Gaga is hard at work on her seventh album, which could just include the collaboration her devotees are all crying out for.

I really hope it’s on there.

If not, I think I’ll be coming off X for the foreseeable . . . 

Roman Farewell

Signing off from his Capital Breakfast Show, Roman Kemp’s voice cracked during the final link, where he said listeners had saved his life during struggles with depression[/caption]

An emotional Roman Kemp signed off as host of the Capital Breakfast show for the final time yesterday.

His voice cracked during the final link, where he said listeners had saved his life during struggles with depression.

He opened up about the difficult periods, including the loss of his producer and best friend Joe Lyons, who took his own life in 2020.

Roman thanked fans for keeping him going and said of his job in the station: “It has changed my life in so many ways, and I have grown up in this place – and that’s because of all of you listening.

“You’ve been able to be there for me through things I never imagined would even happen. I have had moments on this show where my whole life outside of work is completely down the pan.

“You have no idea how much you have helped me.” Roman added: “I was terrified to take over this show and I’m terrified to leave it.

“But sometimes with these things, you just know when the right time to move on.”

Jordan North will take over the reins on April 8, after jumping ship from Radio 1.

Roman, you’ve helped so many people by talking about your own struggles with mental health, including some of the people I hold dearest to me. Never change.

Guy a Real Ritchie with £13m Slice

After a successful year, director Guy Richie gave himself a £13million dividend from his film company[/caption]

Guy Ritchie’s new Netflix series The Gentlemen was an instant hit when it came out this month – and he certainly has enough cash knocking around to celebrate in style.

New paperwork for his firm Toff Guy Films Ltd shows profits of £12.6 million from the end of the last financial year.

And the director gave himself a hefty £13 million dividend.

It’s not the first time Guy has celebrated his big film and TV wins with a beefy payday. After the 2019 film version of The Gentlemen, which inspired his new TV show, he took a £19 million payout from the firm.

Opening up about creating a new spin-off series about the movie, Guy, left, said: “I felt within The Gentlemen I could have at least continued with another film.

“I’ve got an inexhaustible creative reservoir of different ideas I’ve come up with in the past.

“The ability to be able to extend storylines has been tremendously liberating.”

I imagine his bulging bank balance is also tremendously liberating.

He’ll never have to peruse the BOGOFF offers in Tesco ever again.

Idris Homes in on Sofa

It turns out Idris Elba is a massive couch potato, just like me.

His wife Sabrina has lifted the lid on life at home with the Hijack hardman – and said he loves nothing more than doing, well, nothing.

When asked about Idris’ surprising traits, Sabrina said: “He really is a homebody.

“He just wants to chill on the couch, watch movies and be at home. He loves video games. People don’t know that.”

Sabrina and Luther actor Idris, who got married in 2019, launched their own skincare business last year and were recently announced as the new faces of Calvin Klein’s Eternity Aromatic Essence.

And far from driving each other mad when they were working together, Sabrina said she loved every second of their shoot.

She added: “I look at the video and I have positive memories.

“It was so fun. I love this guy so much.”

MEL B is doing all the right things to derail another Spice Girls reunion, by claiming Geri Horner is lying about her age.

She made the sensational claim on Olivia Attwood’s So Wrong It’s Right podcast, while insisting no one should fib about how old they are.

In a cheeky dig, the Wannabe singer insisted the star must be far older than she claims, and joked that she had never let anyone check her date of birth officially.

Mel said: “No, well no one knows how old Geri is. No one’s seen her passport. I mean, I know we’ve travelled the world, but I still don’t know how old she is.

“Well, she claims she just had her 50th birthday, but I don’t believe her.”

That will probably get her just as riled up as in 2019, when she told the world she’d had a fling with Geri during the early days of the Spice Girls.

Ginger Spice actually turned 51 last August. If she is lying about her age, she is looking mighty fine for it.

Tyla Meet Overrun by Fans

South African singer Tyla got fans into such a frenzy that police had to shut down a meet-and-greet with her.

The star, who has had huge success with hit Water in the last few months, met fans at a pop-up shop in Shoreditch, East London, on Wednesday to celebrate the release of her self-titled debut album.

But so many turned out that police had to intervene as people were spilling out into the road trying to get close to her.

Luckily, loads of fans still got to meet her during her flying visit before she jetted out of the UK yesterday.

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