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Ефимов: москвичи выкупили у города почти 450 участков со скидкой под частные дома

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Mum doused with chemicals by ex Abdul Ezedi released from hospital after 8 weeks – but could still lose sight in one eye

A MUM doused with chemicals by her attacker ex Abdul Ezedi has been released from hospital – but could still lose sight in one eye.

The 31-year-old was lured to Clapham, South West London, with her young daughters, aged three and eight.

A mum injured in the Clapham chemical attack has been released from hospital[/caption]
She is understood to have been lured to the attack by Abdul Ezedi[/caption]

Ezedi is then believed to have hurled chemicals at the trio – injuring them and nine others who rushed over to help.

The mum spent eight weeks in hospital where she was unable to speak to police and was sedated.

She is now back home with her children but is continuing to receive treatment for her horror injuries.

It is feared she could still lose sight in one of her eyes following the attack on January 31, The Mirror reports.

The Met Police said: “The 31-year-old woman has been discharged from hospital but will continue to receive treatment.

“She will continue to be supported by a specially trained officer.”

The unnamed woman had been in a relationship with Ezedi but this had “broken down”.

He fled the scene of the horror and went on the run for 20 days before his body was pulled from the River Thames on February 19.

The update comes as questions continue to mount over how the Afghan nation was able to remain in the UK after being convicted of sex offences.

Footage has also been released of the attacker being given a Muslim burial – despite his claims he had converted to Christianity.

Ezedi had twice been refused asylum by the Home Office but a judge eventually accepted he was a convert to the religion.

Court documents revealed a key factor in him being granted asylum was a baptism at Grange Road Baptist Church in Jarrow, South Tyneside in 2018.

The previously-sealed papers also showed the decision came despite Ezedi failing to answer basic Home Office questions about Christianity.

This included him wrongly claiming the Old Testament was about Jesus Christ and that one of the Apostles was called Jacob.

Asked what God created on the third day, Ezedi answered: “Good Friday and Easter Sunday and Resurrection Day.”

Home Office officials told a tribunal they believed Ezedi was hiding behind the religion “for his own ends”.

But the immigration judge pointed out that despite some lies in his claim, this did not “automatically mean that his evidence in relation to his claimed conversion could not be believed”.

Ezedi fled the scene of the Clapham attack[/caption]
His own face was melted in the horror[/caption]

He overturned the Home Office’s decision not to grant him leave to remain on asylum and human rights grounds.

The ruling in November 2020 also claimed Ezedi had “undergone a genuine conversion from his former Muslim faith to Christianity” and that he would be at risk if he returned to Afghanistan.

Judge William O’Hanlon highlighted a character reference from Reverend Roy Merrin, former ministry team leader at Grange Road Baptist Church, as “the most compelling evidence”.

The Afghan arrived in the UK in January 2016 but his initial asylum claim – and a further bid the following year – were rejected by the Home Office.

In 2018, Ezedi was handed a suspended sentence at Newcastle Crown Court after he admitted sexual assault and exposure.

He was placed on the sex offenders’ register for ten years and ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work.

A year later, Ezedi launched a challenge against his asylum claim with the First-tier Tribunal’s Immigration and Asylum Chamber.

This was granted and the appeal took place in November 2020 despite concerns over whether his conversion was “genuine”.

A Home Office spokesperson said: “All asylum claims are carefully considered on their individual merits in accordance with the Immigration Rules. This means that religious conversions do not guarantee a grant of asylum.

“We have engaged with a wide range of stakeholders to help us to improve our policy guidance, training for asylum decision-makers, and to ensure we approach claims involving religious conversion in the appropriate way.”

Pictures have now been released of Ezedi being baptised after his “conversion”[/caption]
He was seen handing out leaflets to shoppers in Newcastle[/caption]
Despite his clams to be Christian he was given a Muslim burial

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