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I’m obsessed with a $9 Amazon buy that clears acne – my mountain of a chin cyst was flat in hours, my tips help

I HAVE dealt with cystic acne for most of my life, starting in my teenage years — including on my face and back.

After trying just about everything from over-the-counter to prescription remedies, there is one product I swear by for clearer skin.

As a lifestyle reporter, I can’t be caught lacking when it comes to keeping a clear complexion
Sara Alhariri

My acne issue came at age 13, with giant cystic nodules cropping up on my face, chest, and back.

By 17 years old I learned the skin condition was due to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) — a hormonal condition that can cause different symptoms depending on the individual.

For me, it meant struggling with often painful cystic acne, and now at age 33 years old the mega zits mostly set up shop on my chin exclusively.


After accepting my struggle with adult acne, I decided to look for as many natural or non-invasive ways to keep my skin clear.

As a lifestyle reporter, I’m often at events catering to beauty and wellness, and having a monstrosity of a zit on my face can really put a damper on the party.

Once I learned of pimple patches while strolling the aisles of Sephora, I decided to give hydrocolloid bandages a go to see if they worked.

Right off the bat, I saw that the product would absorb oil from my skin, but the painful cysts remained in tact.

I decided to look further and check out other brands, eventually coming across one infused with tea tree oil — an ingredient known for its antimicrobial powers.

Finally, I came across Basic Concepts’ Hydrocolloid Patches with Tea Tree Oil, $8.69, from Amazon.


The patches work way better with a specific approach to application.

First, I am sure to clean and dry the zit itself thoroughly, using a cleanser or an alcohol swab in a pinch, to make sure all excess oil is removed and the spot is completely dry.

I also never apply the patch itself with my fingers, instead I use a pair of sterilized tweezers to remove the patch from its packaging and apply it to the zit.

I truly saw the power of this product when I woke up the morning of an event knowing cameras would be flashing in my direction.

It was horrifying to wake up to a mountain of a chin cyst on my face — no amount of makeup could truly cover it.

Instead I opted for my go-to pimple patch, cleaning and drying the area before applying it carefully with tweezers.

I also made sure to push down on it to make sure it adhered securely to the gigantic cystic acne.


Throughout the day I felt the throbbing from the infection stop and by the event, the pimple was totally flat, albeit still a bit red.

Within a matter of a few hours, my cystic acne became something I could work with.

Wearing makeup on top of a healing pimple is not ideal, but for a few hours and several photographs, I took the risk.

I keep a pack in my bag wherever I travel to ensure that my skin stays clear
Sara Alhariri

Following the event I went home, thoroughly cleansed the area, and popped on another patch.

By the next day the zit was completely unnoticeable — something my teenage self could never imagine.


Prior to discovering Basic Concepts’ Hydrocolloid Patches with tea tree oil, I’d typically accept my fate of having a zit stay for days — with roots so deep they’d often leave a scar even if left alone to heal.

The patches completely turned my skin around, preventing new unsightly reminders of acne deep under the skin.

For those struggling with adult acne or health conditions that contribute to acne, I’d highly recommend giving tea tree oil-infused patches a shot.

A 2023 study found that the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil could see a difference in acne nodules.

Along with living an active lifestyle, disinfecting personal items such as phones and pillowcases often, eating whole foods, and avoiding full-coverage foundation — I’m never caught without my patches.

The tea tree oil-infused acne patches by Basic Concepts completely saved my skin (product photo)[/caption]

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