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From chickenpox to measles – the 8 most common childhood illnesses and how to treat them

COUGHS, colds, vomiting and diarrhoea – your child has probably had at least one of these in the last few months.

Kids get ill a lot, and with youngsters packed tightly into nurseries and classrooms, it’s unsurprising really.

Dr Roger Henderson has outlined the eight most common childhood illnesses

As soon as one of their little friends catches something, it spreads like wildfire.

With so many illnesses floating around – and even more conflicting information online – it can be difficult to know how to treat them.

But it doesn’t have to be confusing.

Here, Dr Roger Henderson, a senior GP from Whitehaven, Cumbria, outlines the eight most common childhood ailments – and the best way to combat each one.

1. Blocked nose

What is it?

A blocked or stuffy nose occurs when the tissues lining it and the blood vessels inside it become swollen, Dr Henderson said.

“This obstruction can be due to things like a cold or hay fever, and is often known as rhinitis,” he added.

“Apart from viral infections, rhinitis may be due to bacterial infections in the nose and sinuses, allergies, or the overuse of nasal decongestant medication.”

How common is it?

Whether it’s flu, sinusitis, allergies or bronchiolitis, most children will experience a blocked nose several times a year.

What is the best way to treat it?

Thankfully, mild nasal obstruction usually doesn’t require any specific treatment.

Simply waiting or out, or easing it with an over-the-counter decongestant nasal spray for a few days, should be all you need, Dr Henderson said.

“Some people also find it helpful to breathe in steam, or vapours such as menthol and eucalyptus, and saline drops or sprays from a pharmacist may also help wash away any thick sticky mucus in the nose,” he added.

“If a blocked nose is caused by hay fever, an antihistamine tablet may help, or your GP may prescribe a steroid nasal spray.”

However, if symptoms become “troublesome or persistent”, or they are caused by an injury to the nose, you should contact your GP for advice.

2. Sore throat

What is it?

A sore throat can be dry, scratchy, swollen and cause pain when swallowing, according to Dr Henderson.

It can also trigger redness, bad breath and a mild cough – all pretty unpleasant.

There are numerous potential causes, including laryngitis, tonsillitis, strep throat and glandular fever.

How common is it?

Most people have at least two to three sore throats every year in the UK, the GP said.

He added that annually, around nine million Brits experience a sore throat caused by seasonal colds and flu.

What is the best way to treat it?

“In around a third of cases, no cause can be found but most are completely harmless and usually ease away within three to seven days without the need for medical treatment,” Dr Henderson said.

“If symptoms other than a sore throat are present, including a hoarse voice, mild cough, fever, headache, feeling sick, tiredness, and swollen glands in the neck, then monitor them carefully.

“Medical attention should be sought if symptoms persist or are especially severe, if there is a history of past serious throat problems, if there is difficulty in swallowing or if you feel generally very unwell.”

If you want to try treating your sore throat at home, you could try some of the following.

“Always drink plenty of warm fluids because mild dehydration may occur, particularly if you also have a fever, and dehydration can also make symptoms of headaches and tiredness worse,” Dr Henderson said.

“Also, take things easy if you are running a temperature, avoid cigarette smoke as this is irritating to the throat, and don’t share a toothbrush or eating and drinking utensils.

“To help with any pain, headaches or fever, take paracetamol or ibuprofen (some people with certain conditions may not be able to take ibuprofen so read the packet label carefully).

“Paracetamol is usually the preferred first-line option for children. Never give them aspirin.

“Gargles, lozenges, and sprays that you can buy at pharmacies and supermarkets can help soothe a sore throat but do not shorten the illness.”

The doctor said he would choose sprays over lozenges as the active ingredients “work within seconds”.

The NHS also recommends eating cool or soft foods, sucking ice cubes, lollies or hard sweets, and plenty of rest.

3. Cough

What is it?

“Coughing is part of our body’s defences to help prevent the lungs becoming damaged from any pollution, dust or germs that we breathe in,” Dr Henderson said.

“Coughs are classified as either chesty (with the production of mucus or phlegm) or dry (more irritating or tickly).”

Chesty coughs are typically associated with colds and flu, while dry ones are more linked to allergies or after an infection has cleared.

Unfortunately, both types can last several weeks.

According to Healthier Together, half of coughs go on for 10 days and one in 10 last for almost a month.

How common is it?

You’re not imagining it – kids really do get a lot of coughs.

Research from the University of Bristol shows healthy children typically get a cough between seven and 10 times a year.

What is the best way to treat it?

Most coughs do not need antibiotics and can be treated with simple self-help measures, Dr Henderson said.

“These include drinking plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, taking paracetamol for any high temperature or aches and pains, and using linctus like Tixylix Children’s Honey and Lemon Cough Syrup to soothe the cough.”

While most coughs aren’t serious, he urged all parents to see a doctor if their child is coughing up blood, very short of breath, losing weight for no reason, or if symptoms persist or get worse after two to three weeks.

Anyone with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes or heart failure, who is also coughing, should also seek medical help.

4. Fever

What is it?

A high temperature, also known as a fever, is usually defined as 38C or higher and suggests your child has an infection.

It can cause their chest or back to feel hotter than usual, shivering or chills, sweating, and warm, red skin, the NHS says.

How common is it?

Fevers are very common, particularly among children, Dr Henderson said.

About one in three young kids will have a high temperature at least once every year, he added.

What is the best way to treat it?

Paracetamol and ibuprofen are your best line of defence against a fever, according to Dr Henderson.

“Most cases respond well to both drugs, although they when they wear off, the high temperature comes back so they need to be given regularly,” he said.

He reminded mums and dads never to give aspirin to a child with a fever, and to only use paracetamol and ibuprofen if they are distressed.

“The other usual recommended measures should help too, such as drinking plenty of fluids to reduce the risk of dehydration and not wearing too many layers so a child does not overheat,” the GP said.

5. Chickenpox

What is it?

Ah, the dreaded chickenpox.

The “high contagious” infection is caused by the varicella-zoster virus and results in spots that become intensely itchy blisters and then scabs.

Usually, flu-like symptoms develop before the rash appears on the face and all over the body.

How common is it?

Chickenpox usually affects children under 10, so it is most common in primary school-aged kids.

Around nine in 10 children in the UK have had it by the time they turn 15.

Once you have had it once, it is very rare to catch it again.

What is the best way to treat it?

“Once you have had chickenpox you are protected against re-infection, so it is very unusual to get it twice,” Dr Henderson said.

“There isn’t a cure, but there are ways you can ease the symptoms, particularly the itchy and annoying rash.”

These include using soothing calamine lotion, cutting your child’s fingernails short and getting them to wear gloves.

Wearing loose cotton clothing to prevent skin irritation and staying hydrated will also help, the doctor said.

“Over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen will ease headaches, muscular pains and a fever, but ask your doctor for advice if your child has chickenpox, especially if they are under three months old,” the doctor added.

Sometimes antiviral medicine is needed, but your GP will be able to advise you.

Whatever treatment you go for, stay at home until you are no longer infectious – usually when the last blister has burst and crusted over, Dr Henderson said.

“This is usually five or six days after the rash begins,” he added.

6. Measles

What is it?

Measles is a very contagious infection caused by a virus which spreads through coughs, sneezes and contaminated surfaces.

A bit like chickenpox, it usually starts with cold-like symptoms, such as a fever, blocked nose, sneezing, a cough and watery eyes, before small white spots appear in the mouth.

The typical measles rash, characterised by raised, red, blotchy patches, then appears several days later.

How common is it?

Measles cases are rising rapidly across the UK.

In 2023, there were 368 laboratory confirmed infections in England and 1,603 suspected ones – a sharp rise from 735 in 2022 and 260 in 2021.

Since October last year, there have already been 733 confirmed cases.

Most have been in children aged one to 10 in the West Midlands, but people have fallen ill across the country.

What is the best way to treat it?

It’s worth noting that the best way to tackle measles is not to get it in the first place.

The best way to do this is to get vaccinated. Kids are offered their first dose of the MMR jab aged one and their second at three years and four months, just before they start school.

However, anyone who has missed shots can catch up at any time through their GP surgery.

If you do fall ill, there is no specific medication to kill the measles virus – but you can take various steps to ease symptoms until it clears.

“For most people, simply resting and treating any fever is enough before the symptoms clear within seven to 10 days,” Dr Henderson said.

“General measures include drinking regularly to keep well hydrated, taking paracetamol or ibuprofen to help keep any high temperature down and reducing any aches and pains and resting as much as possible.”

He also reminded parents that antibiotics will not help treat measles.

7. Diarrhoea

What is it?

You likely already know this, but diarrhoea is the frequent passing of watery (poo), Dr Henderson said.

“Symptoms include abdominal pains, sometimes eased after opening the bowels, an urgent need to go to the toilet, frequent passing of loose, watery faeces and sometimes nausea and vomiting,” he added.

It’s often caused by a stomach bug and should clear up in a few days.

But there are many other triggers, including food poisoning, gastroenteritis, tropical diseases, anxiety or emotional stress, excessive alcohol intake and medications (particularly antibiotics).

How common is it?

There are no exact figures, but overall, diarrhoea is pretty common in kids, especially toddlers.

A 2012 study estimated there are up to 17million cases and one million GP appointments attributed to infectious diarrhoea every year.

What is the best way to treat it?

“Fortunately, most cases of acute diarrhoea are self-limiting and get better within a day or two, or up to a week,” Dr Henderson said.

“However, contact your doctor immediately your symptoms persist, or if you experience more serious ones such as blood or pus in your poo, severe pain, repeated vomiting, poor fluid intake, and a high temperature.”

Treatment depends on the cause of diarrhoea, but the most important thing is to drink plenty of water, Dr Henderson said.

“Diarrhoea can be dangerous for babies and young children because their smaller bodies are more vulnerable to dehydration.

“You can also use rehydration drinks to replace lost salts and minerals.”

Occasionally anti-diarrhoeal medications are required, but only on the advice of your doctor, he added.

8. Vomiting

What is it?

While gross when it’s happening, vomiting is actually often a good thing.

“It’s our way of getting rid of harmful substances from our stomach, or as a reaction to something that has irritated our bowel,” Dr Henderson said.

“Fortunately, it isn’t usually a sign of anything serious and typically only lasts a day or two.”

One of the most common causes is gastroenteritis – a tummy bug – caused by bacteria or a virus.

But it can occasionally be a sign of something more serious, like appendicitis, a bowel blockage, kidney stones or gallbladder problems, Dr Henderson said.

How common is it?

Vomiting is one of the most common symptoms experienced by babies and children.

What is the best way to treat it?

“To help treat vomiting, make sure you don’t get dehydrated,” Dr Henderson said.

“Take small sips of water frequently (you can also drink fruit juice or a flat fizzy drink to replace lost sugar if you are unable to eat, or use fluid replacement sachets), and try taking ginger (such as a ginger biscuit or ginger tea) as these may help reduce how sick you feel.

“Speak with your doctor if you have severe vomiting for more than a day or two and are unable to keep down any fluids, or if you have signs of dehydration such as a rapid heartbeat or passing little or no urine.

“Remember that if you have diabetes and have been vomiting a lot, particularly if you take insulin, then vomiting can affect your blood sugar levels.”

The life-saving vaccines you need at every age


  • 6-in-1 vaccine
  • Rotavirus vaccine
  • MenB vaccine


  • 6-in-1 vaccine (2nd dose)
  • Pneumococcal vaccine
  • Rotavirus vaccine (2nd dose)


  • 6-in-1 vaccine (3rd dose)
  • MenB vaccine (2nd dose)


  • Hib/MenC vaccine (1st dose)
  • MMR vaccine (1st dose)
  • Pneumococcal vaccine (2nd dose)
  • MenB vaccine (3rd dose)


  • Children’s flu vaccine (every year until children finish Year 11 of secondary school)


  • MMR vaccine (2nd dose)
  • 4-in-1 pre-school booster vaccine

12 TO 13 YEARS

  • HPV vaccine


  • 3-in-1 teenage booster vaccine
  • MenACWY vaccine


  • Flu vaccine (given every year after turning 65)
  • Pneumococcal vaccine
  • Shingles vaccine (if you turned 65 on or after 1 September 2023)

70 to 79 YEARS

  • Shingles vaccine

Source: The NHS

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