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I’m mad the Gucci my husband gave me as as push present was FAKE – but people think I should be happy with what I’ve got

IT is often said that it is the though that counts, with many of us excited to recieve even the smallest gift.

One yummy mummy, however, was stunned after making a shocking discovery about a luxury push present she’d received from her hubby.

The lavish gift has caused a rift betweeen the two parent[/caption]
The Reddit user has been shocked by the bag’s poor quality[/caption]

Whilst most new mum might recieve flowers, the unamed woman had been thrilled when she recieved Gucci handbag from her husband.

Her excitement soon disappeared though, after she realised the designer accessory was a fake.

Unsure how to handle the awkward situation, she turned to Reddit and asked for advice in the ‘Am I the A**hole’ subreddit.

Ironically, her other half had been buying her expensive presents for years and it hadn’t been an issue before.

“Over the years, I would tell him that he doesn’t have to keep buying me expensive gifts because we both have expenses such as a mortgage and other bills,” she explained, adding: “I also gift him expensive presents that I save up to buy him.”

To celebrate the arrival of their first son, the proud parent decided to buy his wife a huge Gucci bag  – which even had a tote bag inside.

Continuing, the new mum wrote: It was a very lovely bag. He said the reason why he got me that huge Gucci tote bag was because I would need a big bag to carry around so that I could put the baby’s things inside when I travel with him.”

Having struggled throughout her pregnancy, both mentally and emotionally, the new mum was touched by the grand gesture.  

After inspecting the bag though, the Redditor had admitted that ‘something felt off’ as she compared it to her other Gucci handbags.

“I noticed that the material of the bag was different. The inside of the bag looked a little off, and the handles of the bag felt very bad quality — to the point where [if] I placed too many things in the bag, I am sure it would tear,” she confessed and was convinced when she compared it to her other Gucci bags.

Curious as to what had gone on, the new mum decided to quiz her hubby about the bag and emphasise that expensive gifts weren’t necessary.

However, her spouse got extremely cagey about the high-end handbag and initially refused to say where he got it from.

 “At first, he said the actual Gucci store. I kept asking if he was sure a couple of times. He then told me no, it was from eBay. He said he got it for a good deal,” the Redditor said, revealing her spouse getting even more upset when she suggested he get a refund.

She told users members in the thread: “He angrily said he was offended and that eBay authenticated the bag, and how dare I call the bag fake…he just [got] even more mad and called me ungrateful.

“I even compared it to another Gucci bag that I have and showed him how the material is different.

“I also explained to him that if he paid a lot of money for the bag thinking it was real, then he got scammed and should get a refund. He paused for a second and took the bag.”

In the comments, others were shocked and urged the woman to let the incident slide after hearing about the husband’s response.

They argued: “It isn’t hard to read between the lines given his responses that either something is up financially, he got ripped off, and he just really feels bad and embarrassed, so he got defensive.

“I would have just dropped it after the first time and be grateful for the gift regardless. It’s the ‘Thought that counts,’ right?

“So continuing to question the authenticity with him is rubbing salt in the wound…Or better yet, don’t tell him at all and just be happy with it.”

saying that it was the ‘thought that counts’ and that her endless questions were ‘rubbing salt in the wound’.

Others praised the original poster for how she handled the situation, with another saying: “You were obviously more worried about your husband getting ripped off than you were about receiving an authentic bag.

“Hopefully, your husband will calm down and see you are simply concerned, not ungrateful.”

We just hope the doting dad gets his money back.

The Redditor had even compared the back to other designer items she had in her wardrobe[/caption]
Despite his wife’s questioning, the proud dad refuses to admit the bag is fake[/caption]

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