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Kanye West ‘wants a trophy wife & can’t stand critics of how he treats Bianca – she makes his tough guy persona crumble’

KANYE West shares NSFW images of his wife online with the sole purpose of making other men jealous, a body language expert has claimed.

She said the “snarling” rapper’s “indignant attack” of his critics exposed secret insecurities, and claimed Bianca Censori had become his “Achilles’ heel.”

Instagram/ Kanye West
A body language expert told The U.S. Sun that Kanye West wants to show off a beautiful trophy wife which will make other men envy him[/caption]
Instagram/ Kanye West
Bianca Censori has become Kanye’s Achilles’ heel given how people are responding negatively to his nearly-naked posts of her, said Judi James[/caption]

On Monday, Kanye, 46, shared an Instagram clip of him sauntering through the airport.

The rapper responded to criticism about posting three identical posts of his wife online.

The clips showed Bianca wearing a scrap of material barely covering her body, following Sunday’s Super Bowl in Las Vegas.

“I wonder how he would feel if his daughter dressed the way his wife dresses?” commented one follower.

Body language expert Judi James said Kanye felt any criticism was “demeaning.”

Kanye is as famed for his online rants as his 29-year-old wife is for her daring fashion choices.

After divorcing Kim Kardashian, Kanye’s antisemitic statements led to brands cutting ties.

Since Kanye married Bianca, the Aussie model has regularly been photographed wearing next to nothing.

“Kanye set out to create a mean and moody message to his critics,” James told The U.S. Sun.

“He has wanted to enjoy this sense of a beautiful trophy wife, that will make other men envy him and what he has.

“But when he posts Bianca’s nearly nude poses and gets negative comments, he finds it demeaning.

“This is why he used terms like Superhero and King to describe himself.

“Ironically, Bianca has fast become his Achilles’ heel regarding the rising criticism he now responds to.

“We can see in the airport rant that Kanye feels insecure.”

Kanye exposes clenched teeth which can signal an attack

Judi James

Noticing Kanye’s metal grills, James suggested his new teeth bolstered his “intimidating” response efforts.

“Kanye raised his top lip in a punk-infused snarl,” she said.

“He displayed his metallic gnashers in a gesture of intimidation.

“He sees them as part of a tough new profile and a fashion statement.

“He exposed the clenched teeth, to signal an attack.

“Kanye also held his camera and angled it to make an even greater feature out of them.”

Seconds in, Kanye mentioned his new album, Vultures, before returning to the topic of sharing raunchy images of his wife.

“Cause she makes me happy. That’s why y’all happy with the music because I’m happy. You understand?” he said.

“Leave me — leave the king — the f**k alone,” he complained.

“I don’t care bro. I’m going to post my wife as much as I want. Go post your wife on your f**king Instagram,” Kanye added.

Instagram/ Kanye West
Kanye exposed clenched teeth, to signal an attack, according to an expert[/caption]

James said Kanye’s body language changed when Bianca dashed past him.

“Bianca grinned and laughed, as though she saw Kanye as her playmate and provider of fun,” she said.

The cameria catches him with his mouth open, giggling and looking lovesick as he gazes after her

Judi James

“There was no sign of any worries about interrupting him as he spoke to the world.

“Kanye’s tough guy persona crumbled instantly. He broke into spontaneous, mirrored laughter.

“Bianca skipped by with one hand held out towards him, and he giggled.

“He appears to have forgotten the camera at the moment.

“Then it caught him with his mouth open, giggling and looking lovesick as he gazed after her.”

Instagram/ Kanye West
Bianca skipped by with one hand held out towards Kanye and he giggled before reapplying his angry face, said Judi James[/caption]

Within moments, Kanye’s mood changed again. James claimed he quickly “reapplied” his angry face.

“Kanye’s mood changes here are lightning switches,” she said.

“He moves from a state of building aggressive arousal and indignation to giggly and playful.

“There is a re-application of the angry face, which is dramatically quick.

“This sandwich-filling state does look the most spontaneous and authentic.

“It suggests his macho body language could be more contrived and performed.

“It would be tricky to drop a genuine state of bad mood arousal this quickly and this comprehensively.”

Kanye’s macho body language could be more contrived and performed, said an expert[/caption]

Since marrying in secret, the pair have shown off plenty of PDA together, at times getting them into trouble.

In January, Kanye started sharing sexy images of Bianca online.

These included ones from the confines of a luxury hotel suite kitchen and the bathroom of their Los Angeles apartment.

This weekend, the loved-up couple were at the Super Bowl alongside plenty of other stars, cheering on and partying with football fans.

Bianca was snapped wearing a cut-out bodysuit that only covered small areas of her naked frame.

She danced seductively in the VIP section at Kanye’s album listening party.  

The rapper launched his album cover at the same party. It, too, featured Bianca wearing next to nothing.

Judi James said she wondered how Bianca appearing nude in public might affect her long-term[/caption]

“It would be interesting to see how this long-term trend for Bianca to appear nearly nude in public affects her,” said James.

“She looks excited, happy, and upbeat in this brief video.

“This is despite living in the real-life version of a classic nightmare scenario for many people.

“Being naked in public is a common dream scenario.

“There are many possible interpretations, regarding symbolism or suppressed emotions.

“It can suggest a dread of standing out from the crowd, being judged, or fearing rejection.”

Bianca was snapped wearing a cut-out bodysuit that only covered small areas of her naked frame at Kanye’s listening party[/caption]
Kanye began a process of sharing nearly-nude images of his wife online[/caption]

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