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From oranges to boost your breasts to wine to cure your back pain, here’s the foods that do you good from head to toe

OF all the things you might pack for a naughty weekend, eggs might not be first on your list.

But it turns out they work wonders for sex, boosting men’s performance and women’s enjoyment.

There’s plenty of foods with surprising benefits for your body and sex life[/caption]

They are not the only staples with surprise benefits, either.

From chocs to help you hear to cottage cheese for strong feet and oranges to boost boobs, Sarah Morton brings you the food and drinks that not only taste good, they can do you good, too.


Greek yoghurt has vitamin B5 which can work to ward off thinning and hair loss[/caption]

GREEK yoghurt is packed full of protein, which helps give you healthy, strong tresses.

But its most magical ingredient is vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, which can work to ward off thinning and loss of locks.

Its powers are such that it is an ingredient in many shampoos and conditioners.


Tea can reduce the acid in your mouth that leads to bacteria and decay[/caption]

GREEN or black tea is surprisingly good for your pearly whites – if you don’t add sugar, of course.

Some research has shown a brew can reduce the acid in your mouth that leads to bacteria and decay.

It also contains fluoride, which is great for keeping dental decay at bay.


A spicy curry can prove a fix for blocked sinuses[/caption]

A TASTY tikka masala, providing it’s spicy enough, can prove a fix for blocked sinuses.

That’s because capsaicin, a compound found in chilli peppers, helps to thin out mucus from the nose and stimulates your sinuses, leading to better air circulation.

Hot tip, that.


Dark chocolate is rich in zinc and magnesium, both of which have been shown to ease hearing problems[/caption]

THIS will be music to the ear of those with a sweet tooth.

Dark chocolate is rich in zinc and magnesium, both of which have been shown to ease hearing problems.

While magnesium protects the nerves in the inner ear from the impact of loud noise, zinc boosts the immune system so helps to fight off painful infections in your lugs.

Here’s to choc therapy.


Oranges are a great preventative for breast cancer, thanks to multiple anti-inflammatory and antioxidant elements[/caption]

FOR optimum breast health, look no further than your fruit bowl.

Research has found oranges and other citrus fruits, such as lemons, are a great preventative for breast cancer, thanks to multiple anti-inflammatory and antioxidant elements.

In fact, following any diet with plenty of orange and yellow foods has been known to help stave off a lot of common illnesses.


A glass of red wine has anti-inflammatory powers[/caption]

SOME doctors highly recommend “wine for the spine”, because of the anti-inflammatory powers of a regular glass of red.

This is thanks to resveratrol, a compound found in the skin of red grapes.

It has been shown to ease the swelling that can contribute to back pain, and to slow down the rate at which the spine degenerates.

Do drink sensibly, though. All things in moderation.


Eggs contain zinc, which promotes healthy blood flow and helps the ladies to climax

ONE of the true superfoods, eggs are full of goodness – especially when it comes to sex.

They are particularly good for the todger, due to their handsome endowment with vitamin B6, which is known to increase testosterone and libido in blokes.

Eggs also contain zinc, which promotes healthy blood flow and helps the ladies to climax.

So a win, win.


Fish such as salmon and tuna is excellent against arthritis due to its high omega 3 rating

OILY fish such as salmon and tuna is excellent against arthritis, which can target hands in particular.

This is due to its high omega 3 rating.

One study found those with joint stiffness and pain who tucked into such food had less discomfort and need for medication.


Bananas are brilliant for easing the discomfort of restless leg syndrome[/caption]

CRAMPS in your pins and restless leg syndrome, where you constantly feel the need to move your lower limbs, can be debilitating.

Luckily just head to the greengrocer for bananas, which are brilliant for easing the discomfort.

It is all about their high levels of potassium, magnesium and calcium, if you want to know.


Beans contain fibre and starch which nourishes good gut bacteria[/caption]

THE fibre and starch in beans nourish “good” gut bacteria, which support immune function, combat inflammation and help with digestion and keeping bad germs at bay.

If buying the tinned variety, just be sure to seek out low-sugar and low-salt options.

Or for an added health kick, knock up your own homemade treat using dried beans and juicy chopped tomatoes.


Cottage cheese’s vitamin B and calcium make for strong bones and cut risk of stress fractures to feet[/caption]

IT was plastered all over TikTok this summer, as cottage cheese became a hit with young foodies raving about its creamy goodness.

But we bet you didn’t know it is also good for your trotters.

No jokes about cheesy feet please, as the science is real.

The cheese’s vitamin B and calcium make for strong bones and cut risk of stress fractures to feet.


Eating sweet potato can ensure the nails on your fingers and toes do not become brittle.[/caption]

ONE of the best vitamins for healthy nails is biotin, which can be found in splendid abundance in the humble sweet potato.

Piling your plate with the scrummy root vegetable is a guaranteed way to get the right nutrients into your system and ensure the nails on your fingers and toes do not become brittle.

They are also kept nice and shiny by the veg’s vitamin A.

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