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High blood pressure can be life-threatening, but you can take control with a simple test

HIGH blood pressure is often called a silent killerbecause most people show no symptoms until its too late.

Sadly, if left untreated, hypertension – as high blood pressure is also called – can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, leading to heart attacks, strokes and even kidney disease.

A group doing water aerobics.

The good news is that there are simple steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure, or to lower it if you’ve been diagnosed.

If you stop smoking, cut down on salt and eat more fruit and vegetables, and get a good night’s kip, as well as taking some exercise, your heart will certainly thank you.

But on top of switching to a better lifestyle and avoiding stress, there’s another all-important measure you should take – get your blood pressure tested regularly.

Janette Wilkinson, 59, a retired headteacher from East Yorkshire, was diagnosed with high blood pressure 16 years ago thanks to a regular annual check-up for asthma.

At the time she didn’t realise how dangerous the condition was.

She says: “I wasn’t surprised I had high blood pressure, as both my parents suffer from it and I had a lot on my plate, working full-time as a teacher and bringing up my son on my own.

“But until the doctor explained to me that it could lead to life-threatening conditions, I had no idea.”

The figures are shocking enough to encourage us all to take action to live a healthier life.

High blood pressure is the biggest risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which accounted for nearly a quarter of deaths across all ages in England in 2019. In half of those deaths, high blood pressure played a large part.

The problem is that high blood pressure is usually symptomless. An estimated four million people in England have no idea that they actually have the condition.

That’s why it’s so important, if you are over 40, to have a blood pressure test at least every five years.

You can get your blood pressure checked at many pharmacies, your GP surgery or as part of your NHS Health Check. Some employers also offer blood pressure

checks, and monitors are relatively inexpensive if you want to buy your own. The British Heart Foundation (bhf.org.uk) offers advice on how to choose the right monitor for your needs.

Testing is especially important for people who are at a higher risk of developing high blood pressure – those with a family history, like Janette, over-65s and people of Black African or Black Caribbean descent.

Being overweight is a risk factor, along with smoking and avoiding exercise.

Janette was prescribed tablets and told she could be on them for the rest of her life. But at the same time, she decided to make the necessary lifestyle changes  to manage the condition, including losing weight and upping her exercise.

“I am 5ft 6in tall and weighed, at my heaviest, 16 and a half stone,” Janette says. “In the past few years, I’ve lost six and a half stone.

“I don’t like running, cycling or the gym, so I mapped out a three-mile, hour-long route and walk it at a regular pace. I also changed my diet. I eat a lot more fruit and vegetables.”

Ready meals can be packed with salt – too much salt increases your chances of developing high blood pressure, as does excess caffeine and alcohol.

Janette also looked at reducing her stress levels, as that’s another trigger. “There are some things that you can change and others that you can’t,” she says. “I am now retired, but I deal in antiques and collectibles and look after my parents who, now that they’re in their mid-80s, are in fragile health.

“I see them every day and take them shopping, to appointments and out and about. But I realise when I need a break and so I’ll usually watch television or visit an antique fair.”

Blood pressure is measured using two figures – the higher (systolic) is the force at which the heart pumps blood around the body and the lower (diastolic) is the resistance to the blood flow in the blood vessels.

If your blood pressure is persistently  above 140/90mmHg, you might need to make the same sort of lifestyle changes as Janette or take medication to manage it.

Janette’s hard work has paid off and her levels are now normal – she might even be able to come off her medication. But she will still be testing regularly and she’s urging everyone to do the same.

 “Testing only takes about five minutes,” she says. “But it’s five minutes that could save your life.”

I took a new look at life

Alex Byron, 28, a civil servant from south-west London, was shocked when he was diagnosed with high blood pressure at the age of 21.

He says: “I first discovered I had high blood pressure when I tried a home testing kit.

“After tests, doctors prescribed medication to bring my blood pressure down. We don’t know the cause but being diagnosed with hypertension so young made me question almost every aspect of my life.”

Alex committed to making lifestyle changes that he has stuck with ever since. “I’d always thought of myself as healthy and active but since the diagnosis I’ve taken up cycling, swimming and water polo,” he says.

“I avoid adding salt to food now. And while I was never a big drinker, my approach to alcohol is all about moderation.

“It’s also prompted me to consider my relationship with stress, as I know it’s not helpful. I’ve developed some positive habits for daily mindfulness, using apps and things like that.

“I’ve also realised that while my career remains one of my big life aspirations, a healthy body and mind are far more important. To be honest, the diagnosis really has put a lot of things in perspective.”

Don’t worry, be appy

Want a simple way to access your health information and much more? Then the free NHS App is for you.

It’s available to anyone aged 13 and over who is registered with an NHS GP in England  and the Isle of Man – you can use it to order repeat prescriptions to your local pharmacy.

The app is totally secure and can be accessed quickly and easily by setting up an NHS login. You’ll also find reliable information on hundreds of different conditions and their treatments.

It’s your gateway to the NHS. Download it today at the App Store or on Google Play.

A quick and simple check can reduce your chance of having a heart attack or stroke. Find out more at nhs.uk

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