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The best PSVR2 games on PS5 – from Horizon to Tetris Effect

PSVR2 has been out for a while, and with its quality 4K OLED displays and easy setup, it definitely offers a top-notch VR experience.

Now that the hi-end piece of tech is here – you can read more about it in our PSVR2 review – it all comes down to the library of games that are playable on the new headset.

Horizon Call of the Mountain takes you on an exciting journey of breathtaking vistas, mountain climbing and machine hunting[/caption]
Enhance Games
Tetris in VR might not sound all that exciting, but that’s until you try Tetris Effect on PSVR2[/caption]

Sony has made sure that more than 30 titles are available at or shortly after launch, with even more coming throughout the year.

Some of these are PSVR2 exclusive games, other have versions for more than one VR device.

There are also brand-new releases, as well as free or paid VR upgrades to long-time favourites.

Regardless of their exclusivity or novelty, these are the very best PSVR2 games you can play right now on your new headset for the PS5.

Horizon Call of the Mountain

Horizon Call of the Mountain is undoubtedly the ultimate showcase for PSVR2’s capabilities and the best exclusive title available for the headset now.

In this spin-off in Sony’s Horizon open-world series, you play as Ryas, a rebel from the Carja tribe, instead of the series’ usual protagonist, Aloy.

You’ll be climbing massive mountains, soaking in spectacular vistas, and fighting huge machines with your bow and arrows.

The game’s status as a must-play title on the new platform means you can even buy it bundled with the headset, or separately from the PlayStation Store.

Tetris Effect: Connected

VR Tetris might not sound like something special, but Tetris Effect masterfully combines the old-time classic with some mind-blowing visuals.

The title is available as a regular game and on many other VR platforms, but its stunning kaleidoscopic visual effects truly showcase the PSVR2’s vibrant colours and true blacks.

If you already own the PS4 version of the game, you can upgrade to the new PS5 PSVR2 release for £8.

Resident Evil Village

If the regular version of Resident Evil Village didn’t give you the chills, you should definitely try it on PSVR2 to see how scary it can get.

Resident Evil Village VR mode will surely get your heart racing, as you explore a ghastly Eastern European village and get dangerously close to a certain towering vampire lady.

VR mode is available as a free update, if you already own the base game.

Gran Turismo 7

Gran Turismo 7 is another PlayStation-exclusive game you can use to show off how cool your new PSVR 2 headset is.

The regular game’s unrivalled realism is only matched by the immersion its VR mode provides, which is one of the best virtual reality racing experiences right now.

This one can be a little harder on your motion sickness because you’ll be constantly driving at high speeds and making sharp turns without your body actually moving.

Just like Resident Evil Village, Gran Turismo 7’s VR mode is available as a free update to owners of the base game.

Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge

Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge is an enhanced PSVR 2 port of the game that originally came out for the Oculus Quest in 2020.

The game does a great job of taking advantage of the superior features of Sony’s new headset, with updated visuals, and great haptic feedback.

You play as an engineer who crashlands on the remote planet Batuu, and sets out on an adventure built around blaster combat, mixed with cool puzzle-solving.

The PSVR 2 Enhanced Edition also includes the Last Call DLC, which adds more adventures to complete and environments on Batuu to explore.

No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky boasts an endless number of procedurally generated planets to explore and survive on.

The game’s developers haven’t stopped adding new features and content since the game’s initial release in 2016.

The game’s Fractal update added a completely overhauled VR mode just in time for PSVR2’s release, with UI specifically designed for VR.

It also takes advantage of the new headset’s haptic feedback and 3D audio, making space exploration more immersive than ever before.

Written by Stoyan Ovcharov on behalf of GLHF.

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