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Wendy Williams slammed for putting RHOBH star Taylor Armstrong’s life ‘in danger’ by once spilling scary secret on show

WENDY Williams has angered fans after news circulated about a past interview with RHOBH star Taylor Armstrong on her talk show.

Taylor, 51, hasn’t forgotten about an uncomfortable moment she experienced as a guest on The Wendy Williams Show in 2011.

Taylor Armstrong said Wendy Williams was the first person to publicly speak about her abusive relationship with her first husband, Russell[/caption]
Taylor explained that the awkward moment happened when she was a guest on the Wendy Williams show in 2011

The Bravo alum appeared on Monday’s episode of the Behind the Velvet Rope podcast with David Yontef, where she discussed the scary details of her volatile relationship with her first husband, Russell.

She also revealed that Wendy was the first person to publicly speak about the abuse, catching the reality star off guard.

“An interesting backstory was I did Wendy Williams promoting the show with Adrienne [Maloof],” Taylor recalled on the podcast.

The TV star explained the awkward encounter: “Wendy Williams kind of in the middle of the interview, she said ‘he abuses you, doesn’t he?’

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“And it was another one of those like, what? Like I’m on national television. Of course, I was like, what? No, I know. I don’t even know what I said back to her. But she could see the dynamic in our relationship even in season one.

She continued: “And that started coming out a lot on Twitter, and you know, in the tabloids and stuff, like it’s obvious these two have a messed up relationship, but she was the first person to say it publicly.

“And of course, I denied it because that’s what people do,” Taylor admitted.

Wendy didn’t hold back during the interview when she told Taylor her true feelings about her husband.

“With all due respect, [Russell] is a disgusting man to you,” the NJ native said. “It’s like abuse!”

The audience applauded Wendy’s comments while Taylor confessed that she was going through a difficult time in her marriage.

The Real Housewives star insisted: “But, I don’t feel abused. I feel like we have been…disconnected for some time.”


In a famous scene of RHOBH, Camille Meyer confronted Taylor about the apparent struggles in her marriage to Russell, leaving many fans to believe she spilled the beans.

But hearing Wendy was the first to mention Taylor’s secret battle outraged listeners who believed the 57-year-old’s loose lips put the mom of one’s life in danger.

“Surely she would know how dangerous it would be to out that on camera then?” one person commented in an online thread.

“So wild of Wendy to go there on a whim,” another said.

And a third social media user slammed the former radio DJ’s behavior.

“Wendy Williams is a terrible human being who has repeatedly done s**t like this so I don’t know what’s so ‘wild’ about it,” they wrote.

“i mean wendy does do that lol. i like her but she can do things a little… tactless sometimes,” agreed a fourth.


Taylor and Russell were married from 2005 until his death by suicide in 2011.

Together they welcomed their daughter Kennedy Armstrong in 2006.

Russell died ahead of the season two premiere, though Taylor agreed to let the season air.

Soon after Russell’s death, Taylor slowly left the show, only making guest appearances throughout the fourth and sixth seasons.

The TV personality has since moved on and married John H Bluher in 2014.

She also returned to the franchise with the latest series, The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip.

Meanwhile, Wendy’s talk show was officially scrapped last month after she took a long hiatus to focus on her health issues.

She recently revealed that she’s planning to record a podcast, though there is no word yet on when filming will begin.

If you or someone you know is affected by any of the issues raised in this story, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or chat at thehotline.org.

Taylor was married to Russell from 2005 until his death by suicide in 2011[/caption]
She left the show, but recently returned to the franchise for The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip
Getty Images - Getty
Wendy’s talk show was recently canceled and she is planning to record a podcast[/caption]

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