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Fight the culture wars, Boris, and you could win the next General Election

TRANSGENDER cyclist Emily Bridges has become the latest person to attack the Prime Minister.

And, in doing so, may have shown him a route to winning the next General Election.

Boris Johnson said biological men should not compete against women in sporting contests
Transgender cyclist Emily Bridges has become the latest person to attack the Prime Minister

Boris Johnson said biological men should not compete against women in sporting contests.

This, of course, upset Bridges, who was born a bloke and claims to have received death threats after Boris’s intervention.

If so, that is horrible and to be utterly condemned.

This weird culture war over transgenderism often gets nastily personal. It should not.

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Transgender people deserve as much love, respect and freedom from discrimination as everybody else in society.

But it still does not mean that a man who transitions actually is a woman.

That is a denial of scientific fact.

It’s all there in the chromosomes — and the muscles and the testosterone and the bone structure. Boris, for once, was right.

And I would bet at least 90 per cent of the population agree with him about that.

This demand to have men competing against women in sport, and transitioned men in women’s prisons, is driven by a very loud, very shrill, tiny minority.

And I reckon the general public don’t like it one bit.

They are on the side of Harry Potter author JK Rowling, who also gets death threats for suggesting such a thing as a “woman” exists.

The Conservatives have been spectacularly useless in standing up for common sense in this so-called culture war.


It was under the Conservatives that more and more children were subjected to life-changing transitional treatment at the Tavistock clinic, with the row over when young people can consent to this sort of thing going all the way to the Court of Appeal.

It’s under the Conservatives that pro-trans propaganda gets fed to our kids in schools.

The Conservatives have done nothing to stop the ludicrous “decolonising” of university subjects and national institutions.

All because these are sensitive subjects and the Tories don’t want to get themselves into trouble.

But the voters know exactly what a woman is: An adult human female, with a cervix (and often a large collection of shoes).

Transgender people deserve as much love, respect and freedom from discrimination as everybody else in society. But it still does not mean that a man who transitions actually is a woman.

They don’t like children being force-fed progressive idiocies by teachers echoing the awful Stonewall campaigning organisation.

They are proud of their country.

They believe in freedom of speech and the right to offend.

Voters in the Red Wall seats are especially hot on the subject.  I know — because I live in one of them. And at election time, I knock on doors asking them.

Labour and the pointless Lib Dems both sign up to all the progressive culture-war b****cks.

So this is Boris’s chance to put clear blue water between his party and the rest.

Roll back the measures introduced that advance the case of transgendered people while discriminating against women.

Stick up for freedom of speech. Tell the race campaigners we are proud of our country and its history, even if we made mistakes in the past.

Take a stand on these issues.

And then maybe, just maybe, some of those deserting voters will come back into the Conservative fold.

Harry Potter author JK Rowling gets death threats for suggesting such a thing as a ‘woman’ exists

AND so Boris wants us to “draw a line” under everything and move on. With almost half of the parliamentary party against him.

I, for one, don’t doubt the BBC and ITV, who hate Boris, overdid the Partygate stuff.

I don’t doubt, either, a lot of the hatred towards him in his own party is because of Brexit. 

But he should still have gone.

Apart from anything else, that would be about the only way the Tories can win the next election.

My suspicion is he will go sooner rather than later.

Something new will come out. It always does, with Boris.


FOR a long time I’ve thought that once our Queen has gone, the monarchy will have had it.

And yet there was a magnificent turnout for Her Maj’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

For a long time I’ve thought that once our Queen has gone, the monarchy will have had it[/caption]

That’s the silent majority of this country, for once turning out and letting their voices be heard. So maybe there’s some life left in the institution yet.

I just wish we could maybe skip a generation and move on to Prince William.

He’s a bit earnest and not exactly packed to the brim with charisma.

But there is something quietly likeable about the bloke, and he seems to take his duties seriously.


IF I had to make a list of people I really don’t want to become Prime Minister of this country, Jeremy Hunt would definitely be in my top 20.

Somewhere between Nicola Sturgeon and Harry Maguire.

Jack Hill/The Times
If I had to make a list of people I really don’t want to become Prime Minister of this country, Jeremy Hunt would definitely be in my top 20[/caption]

What do I dislike about him? Well, first and foremost, his politics.

He was a devout Remainer over Brexit.

And he’s a liberal. A liberal with the same arrogance as those other clapped-out old liberals, Kenneth Clarke and Michael Heseltine.

Also, he’s got one of those smiles which seems to say: “I’m smiling at you right now, but look away for a moment and I’ll set fire to your puppy.”

He’s the favourite of the Tory Remainer fringe.

Let us hope to hell he stands no chance of getting the job.

Should it ever become available.

IS the new series of Love Island being run by the old white government of South Africa? It was like apartheid.

The paired-off couples were strictly segregated by a viewer vote. Black with black, white with white.

It was like watching a scene from Alabama in the 1950s.

Maybe they should have separate areas for the black and white couples to dine in, too.

Utterly bizarre.


HERE’S a question for you.

If the presence of Sudan, Pakistan, Libya and China on the United Nations Human Rights Council has not persuaded you the UN is an absurd waste of time and money, what will?

How about the country that now has leadership of the UN-backed Conference On Disarmament?

Guess which one it is.

Go on.

I bet you can do it.

Yep, North Korea.


I GAVE up smoking last year without much of a problem.

I’d been on almost 60 a day for the best part of 45 years, and giving up was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be.

I gave up smoking last year without much of a problem[/caption]

But I don’t regret having smoked for all that time – even if it did sometimes mean weird black stuff came out of my lungs every so often.

I enjoyed it.

I knew it wasn’t great for my health but I thought the risk was worth it.

So I’ve got mixed feelings about this plan submitted to Health Secretary Sajid Javid to raise the age at which you can smoke to 21.

There are lots of ways we injure our health – lack of exercise, eating family packs of Doritos, getting p***ed and so on.

And I still think it should be down to the individual to decide what he or she intends to do, not government.


ENGLAND manager Gareth Southgate got a lot of praise from his mates in the Press for his substitutions in the game against Germany.

Why? All he did was bring on a player – Jack Grealish – who should have been on right from the start.

England manager Gareth Southgate got a lot of praise from his mates in the Press for subbing on Jack Grealish against Germany when he should have started

I’m telling you right now: We will not win a tournament under that man.

And the knee-bending stuff has become utterly ridiculous.

Meanwhile, we had to endure Channel 4’s awful coverage of the game.

Read More on The Sun


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It was woker than a newborn baby at three o’clock in the morning.

The producers no longer care about what the on-screen pundits say and how useful they are to the audience – just as long as it’s politically correct.

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