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Met Police WON’T probe Downing Street Christmas Party as force ‘doesn’t investigate historic breaches of Covid rules’

THE MET police said they WON’T be probing the Downing Street Christmas Party which allegedly happened last year.

The force said tonight it won’t investigate the lockdown party allegations due to an “absence of evidence” and their policy to not probe “historic breaches of Covid regulations.”

Police have confirmed they WON’T be probing allegations of a Downing Street Christmas Party last year

This comes as Boris’ top aide Allegra Stratton resigned in tears this afternoon just hours after bombshell footage showed her laughing about a lockdown-busting Christmas party at No10.

The PM earlier said he was “sickened” by the leaked video of his senior advisers joking about the alleged illegal gathering last year.

In the Commons at lunchtime, Mr Johnson said the video leaked to ITV made him “furious” and launched an investigation into the December 18 party.

He said Downing St staff could face “disciplinary action” but said he’s been assured no Covid rules were broken.

Now, the Met Police’s statement means that there will be no criminal action taken either.

Before any of today’s action, ex-journalist Ms Stratton, 41, announced she was leaving the government and offered her resignation the PM.

She said: “My remarks seemed to make light of rules, rules that people were doing everything to obey. That was never my intention.

“I understand the anger and frustration that people feel. To all of you who lost loved ones, endured intolerable loneliness and struggled with your business – I am sorry and this afternoon I have offered my resignation to Prime Minister.”

The video showed Ms Stratton – then the PM’s press secretary – fielding questions from colleagues at a mock press conference on December 22.

It was a practice run for the televised White House-style briefings before the idea was canned.

During the session another aide asked for her response to the party, to which Ms Stratton laughed that she had gone home.

After Downing St officials suggested she pass it off as just “cheese and wine” Ms Stratton used the line that it was a business meeting – and it was not socially distanced.”

No10 still deny that a party took place despite the video appearing to confirm a gathering took place at the height of Tier 3 Covid rules in London.

The PM told MPs today he “shared the anger” of millions of people upon seeing that video and stressed “I was also furious to see that clip.”


The PM, flanked by Rishi Sunak and Brandon Lewis, said: “I understand and share the anger up and down the country at seeing No 10 staff seeming to make light of lockdown measures, and I can understand how infuriating it must be to think that people who have been setting the rules have not been following the rules because I was also furious to see that clip.

“I apologise unreservedly for the offence that it has caused up and down the country and I apologise for the impression that it gives.

“But I repeat that I have been repeatedly assured since these allegations emerged that there was no party and that no Covid rules were broken, and that is what I have been repeatedly assured.”

But he insisted again he has been told that there was “no party” and he thinks all the rules WERE followed.

Anyone found to have broken any rules will face displinary action, he said.

“There will be consequences for those involved if those rules were broken,” he stressed.

The PM went on to say: “There is a risk of doing a grave injustice to people who have frankly obeyed the rules.

“That is why the Cabinet Secretary will be conducting an investigation, and that is why there will be requisite disciplinary action if necessary.”

Downing St still insists that “there was no Christmas Party” on December 18 last year when Tier 3 restrictions in London forbid indoor gatherings.

Ms Stratton said she’d offered her resignation to the PM[/caption]
Boris Johnson apologised as he appeared for the first time since the footage emerged[/caption]

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