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Beat mid-life health crisis with 40 ways to stay fit at forty

AS your age goes up is your health going down? We told yesterday how a third of adults have two or more health problems by the age of 46. The most common ailments are high-risk drinking, back pain, mental health issues and high blood pressure. Katy Docherty asks nutritionist Amanda Ursell, fitness coach Jane Wake, […]

AS your age goes up is your health going down?

We told yesterday how a third of adults have two or more health problems by the age of 46.

A third of adults have two or more health problems by the age of 46[/caption]
High-risk drinking, back pain, mental health issues and high blood pressure are the most common ailments[/caption]

The most common ailments are high-risk drinking, back pain, mental health issues and high blood pressure.

Katy Docherty asks nutritionist Amanda Ursell, fitness coach Jane Wake, TV doctor Hilary Jones and Dear Deidre editor Sally Land for 40 ways to stay fit in your forties.

Diet by Amanda Ursell

Stewart Williams - The Sun
Amanda says: ‘Don’t drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week – the equivalent of six pints or ten small glasses of wine’[/caption]
  • For heart health, limit saturated fats by switching from butter or coconut oil to olive oil or rapeseed oil, which will also boost heart-friendly Omega-3s fatty acids.
  • Mediterranean-style eating can lower the risk of hearing loss by up to 30 per cent, according to Italian scientists. Go for wholegrain carbohydrates, lean protein, vegetables and fruits.
  • Keep bones strong by eating tofu. One study found eating the soy-rich curd reduced the risk of hip fractures in women up to 36 per cent.
  • For women, extra pounds increase your risk of breast cancer in your fifties. Begin your weight-loss journey now to ward off the disease.
  • Go bananas – as the potassium in them and all fruit and veg helps lower blood pressure and protect against stroke.
  • Curb sugar cravings and protect against diabetes by snacking on nuts. They are high in polyunsaturated fats and can stave off that mid-afternoon hunger.
  • To prevent joint and back pain, eat foods with anti-inflammatory properties, such as salmon, carrots and even red wine (in moderation).
  • Staying hydrated with six to eight glasses of water a day will ward off migraines and gut problems and can prevent kidney stones.
  • Eat no more than 6g of salt a day – check food labels.
  • Don’t drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week – the equivalent of six pints or ten small glasses of wine.

Fitness by Jane Wake

Jane says: ‘Take six deep breaths whenever you can, inhaling slowly through the nose and exhaling even more slowly through the mouth’
  • Breathing properly increases the oxygen in our bodies and is good for all-round health. Take six deep breaths whenever you can, inhaling slowly through the nose and exhaling even more slowly through the mouth.
  • Take every opportunity to stand or sit up tall. This will work more muscles in your body. Try it – it’s more tiring!
  • Walk or move outside daily for between five to 50 minutes. Do it as a way to relieve stress. Don’t think about your calories – you’ll burn more when you stop focusing on it.
  • Turn daily activities into high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions – as long as you have no underlying health conditions. Whether it’s polishing a table or raking leave, go at it hard for 20 seconds, rest, and repeat up to six times.
  • Working muscles is essential as we age. Try weights, resistance bands or the gym.
  • Get dancing. It is not only good exercise, it releases feel-good hormones.
  • Stand up. Sitting for prolonged periods of time is not good for us. Always have a plan to stand up within 20 minutes of sitting down.
  • Set small goals. One minute of exercise is better than nothing, so keep it small and manageable – and build up in small increments.
  • Do something you love. There’s no point in doing exercise you hate – life is for enjoying. You’ll get more out of it.
  • Try yoga or Pilates once a week. As we age, we lose our mobility and core strength. Yoga and Pilates will also help with your self-awareness and with staying calm.

Medical by Dr Hilary Jones

Dr Hilary says: ‘You are eligible for free routine NHS screening every five years if you are aged 40-74’
  • Accept routine screening appointments to check for diabetes, stroke, heart or kidney disease. You are eligible for free routine NHS screening every five years if you are aged 40-74.
  • Measure your waist circumference. It should be less than 94cm for men and 80cm for  women. This reduces your risk of common diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
  • Use free online tools to check your biological heart age and risk of Type 2 diabetes. Use a  BMI calculator to see what your weight should be.
  • Check your blood pressure regularly.  Serial measurements at different times of the day give a more accurate picture.
  • Check your cholesterol. High levels of low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) increase your risks of heart attacks and stroke.
  • Stop smoking. This is the single most significant change you can make for staying healthy.
  • To avoid diabetes, get to a healthy  weight. Report symptoms such as unexplained tiredness, thirst and weight loss.
  • Is something wrong? See a GP. Report any abnormal bleeding or bruising, any change in skin moles, any altered bowel habits, abnormal lumps, unexplained fatigue or weight change, etc.
  • Book regular eye and ear tests.  Hearing loss, for instance, could be a sign of  the onset of dementia.
  • Beware of unreliable  health websites. If you feel unwell call your GP or NHS 111.

Mental Health by Sally Land

Sally says: ‘Do one thing every week that makes you happy’
  • Do one thing every week that makes you happy. Whether that’s a round of golf, a clifftop walk or a language course, it really doesn’t matter.
  • Check in with your friends regularly – the ones you can be totally relaxed with. You can’t beat a proper belly laugh with someone who knows you inside out.
  • Don’t put up with feeling rotten. Many women become premenopausal in their 40s, with symptoms ranging from insomnia, weight gain and depression. Visit your GP if you are suffering from any of these.
  • It’s OK to say “no” when you need a break. Learn to set clear boundaries to avoid over-burdening yourself.
  • Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself. New job, new training, new image, new friends – it’s all for the taking.
  • Treat yourself. Life is for living so enjoy the little things – whether that means buying that new top or having a night away.
  • If you are in a relationship, make time for regular date nights to help remind you why you got together and why and you’re a couple – not just Mum and Dad.
  • Limit your junk food intake. All that salt, sugar and saturated fat will leave you feeling sluggish and unmotivated.
  • Cut your boozing. While alcohol can lift the mood in the short-term, it is a depressant and can lead to mental health problems.
  • Get enough sleep. Quality sleep is vital for physical and mental wellbeing.

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