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Trump says his ‘tireless’ lawyer Rudy Giuliani has Covid just weeks after ex-NYC mayor’s son diagnosed

RUDY Giuliani has tested positive for coronavirus, according to President Donald Trump.

Trump tweeted on Sunday that his personal lawyer contracted Covid – weeks after Giuliani’s son tested positive for the deadly virus.

Rex Features
Rudy Giuliani has tested positive for coronavirus, according to President Donald Trump[/caption]
Splash News
Trump tweeted of Giuliani’s diagnosis on Sunday afternoon[/caption]

“.@RudyGiuliani, by far the greatest mayor in the history of NYC, and who has been working tirelessly exposing the most corrupt election (by far!) in the history of the USA, has tested positive for the China Virus,” Trump wrote.

“Get better soon Rudy, we will carry on!!!”

Earlier on Sunday, Giuliani spoke on Fox News to speak about his legal fights in several states on behalf of the president.

Last month, Andrew Giuliani – a special assistant to the president and Giuliani’s son – announced he had Covid.

Andrew was apparently seen not wearing a mask at several functions, including a White House Rose Garden event and a news conference with top members of Trump’s legal team.

Another member of Trump’s legal team, Jenna Ellis, told Axios at the time that “the entire Giuliani-affiliated legal team was probably exposed.”

Rudy Giuliani’s diagnosis comes as…

He tweeted on November 20: “I am experiencing mild symptoms, and am following all appropriate protocols, including being in quarantine and conducting contact tracing.”

It was around this time that at least four other people who worked in the White House complex tested positive.

Giuliani has been running Trump’s election fight[/caption]

The White House has experienced multiple outbreaks of the virus, including a Rose Garden event in September after which Trump announced his diagnosis

Other White House staffers who have been infected in recent months include First Lady Melania Trump, Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, aide Corey Lewandowski, Trump senior advisers Stephen Miller and Hope Hicks, and the chiefs of staff to both the president and Vice President Mike Pence.  

The president’s son, Barron, 14, also had Covid – but only for “like two seconds,” according to his dad.

Donald Trump Jr also tested positive just before Thanksgiving.

Giuliani’s coronavirus diagnosis comes as the US reports more than 15million infections and over 288,000 virus-related deaths.

Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City and current personal lawyer to the president, has been leading Trump’s election battle.

AFP or licensors
It’s unclear if Giuliani’s diagnosis would impact the Trump legal team’s election fight[/caption]

It’s unclear how – or if – Giuliani contracting Covid will affect the legal team’s fights in court.

On Thursday, Giuliani attended a hearing in Atlanta, Georgia, where he claimed widespread voter fraud in the state.

Who else connected to the White House has tested positive for Covid?

  • President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania
  • Barron Trump
  • Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany
  • Chief of Staff Mark Meadows
  • Trump aide Hope Hicks
  • Trump aide Stephen Miller
  • Katie Miller, spokesperon to Vice President Mike Pence
  • Donald Trump Jr and his girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle
  • Rudy Giuliani’s son, Andrew Giuliani

He claimed that security footage from the State Farm Arena on election night proves there was fraud in Trump’s race against Joe Biden.

The Trump campaign claims the video shows suitcases filled with ballots being pulled from underneath a table after supervisors told election workers to leave the room and poll watchers left the building.

AFP or licensors
Giuliani is seen here wearing a patriotic mask in July[/caption]
AFP or licensors
Giuliani has been traveling all over in the president’s legal fight[/caption]

Giuliani tweeted on Wednesday: “The video tape doesn’t lie. Fulton County Democrats stole the election. It’s now beyond doubt. Go to the tape!”

“Are we going to let Democrats steal the election in front of our faces,” Giuliani added in another tweet on Thursday. 

“If we cant (sic) stand up to the pressure of saving our country from rampant voter fraud because we are afraid of the elite reaction, we better find more courageous people for our party.”

But according to WSB-TV, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office has already investigated the claims surrounding State Farm Arena and found nothing.

The office said they had their own poll watchers at the scene who didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. 

Gabriel Sterling, a top official in the secretary of state’s office, said: “If you look at the video tape, the work you see is the work you would expect, which is you take the sealed suitcase looking things in, you place the ballots on the scanner in manageable batches and you scan them.”

Sterling said what Trump’s team is doing is “intentionally misleading the public about what happened at State Farm Arena on election night. They had the whole video too and ignored the truth.”

He said the entire 90-second video of election workers that supposedly showed fraud was “normal ballot processing.”

The Trump campaign said on Friday it filed a lawsuit for Georgia to throw out the election results entirely and “order a new election to be conducted in the presidential race.”

On Saturday, Trump held his first campaign rally since losing the election – and insisted he won the state of Georgia, and the election entirely.

Trump said he didn’t want to wait four years to win a second term and would rather “go back three weeks.”

Speaking to the crowd of supporters at the Valdosta Regional Airport, he said: “I don’t want to wait ’till 2024. I want to go back three weeks.”

The president has continued to insist that the coronavirus pandemic – which has becoming worse in the US each day with record-breaking numbers of infections and deaths – is on its way out.

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