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Eastenders spoilers – Is Ian Beale dead? Latest suspects from Max Branning to Ben Mitchell

IAN Beale was left lifeless on the floor of the Vic tonight in EastEnders (December 4). But is the most hated man in Walford actually dead? Here’s the lowdown… Is Ian Beale dead?  Tonight’s episode of EastEnders (December 4) came to a dramatic close as Ian lay motionless on the floor of the Queen Vic […]

IAN Beale was left lifeless on the floor of the Vic tonight in EastEnders (December 4).

But is the most hated man in Walford actually dead? Here’s the lowdown…

Ian was left lifeless on the floor of the pub by a mystery attacker tonight[/caption]

Is Ian Beale dead? 

Tonight’s episode of EastEnders (December 4) came to a dramatic close as Ian lay motionless on the floor of the Queen Vic following a brutal attack.

The attack came after Ian managed to make even more surprise enemies by calling the police on his brother Ben Mitchell, letting slip to Whitney about Tiffany’s surrogacy plan and blackmailing Max over his affair with Linda.

Next week will see Sharon stumble across Ian’s lifeless body and immediately feel the worse. 

Kathy arrives after being summoned by Sharon, and is horrified when she fails to find a pulse. 

But is Ian dead?

EastEnders has already confirmed that the storyline will facilitate a temporary exit for actor Adam Woodyatt. 

So it does seem like Ian will survive the attack. 

The attack will facilitate Adam Woodyatt’s temporary exit[/caption]

Is Ian leaving Eastenders? 

It was confirmed back in August that Ian Beale will be taking a break from EastEnders.

The soap legend is expected to be off-screen for 10 weeks.

It was teased at the time that Ian’s departure was going to be part of a huge storyline, but soap bosses kept tight-lipped about plot details.

The news came as it was revealed actor Adam Woodyatt will star in stage show Looking Good Dead for six months during a break from soap.

With a huge list of enemies Ian is probably the most hated man in Walford[/caption]

Who are the suspects?

Max Branning

First up is Max Branning, who is currently furious at Ian for stealing the money he was supposed to be keeping safe while he divorced Rainie.

Ian, however, couldn’t help himself and used Max’s money to buy the Vic for Sharon, meaning he no longer has it. 

Max has vowed to destroy Ian unless he gives him his money back with interest, which is looking less and less likely with each of Ian’s bad decisions. 

Ian also made matters worse when he blackmailed Max and ordered him to stop demanding money – or he’d expose his affair with Linda. 

Might it have been Max who lashed out?

Max is no stranger to violence and actually tried to strangle Ian with fairy lights back in 2017 after he let him rot in prison for Lucy’s murder.

Viewers think Max will get the blame for hurting Ian whether he attacked him or not. 

One fan tweeted: “Max has made himself to be in the frame for Ian’s attack. Max has proven to Ian that he has been a man of his word throughout this story. Max has said he would make Ian suffer. But does Max have the killer instinct to go all the way and Kill Ian?”

Max has resorted to violence with Ian once before[/caption]

Ben Mitchell 

Also on Ian’s list of enemies is his own brother Ben Mitchell after Ian reported the Mitchells to the police for their involvement in the dodgy car heist. 

Might Ben, who has killed before for revenge, take his anger out on Ian and leave him for dead?

If so, might Callum find a way to cover for Ben?

Viewers think Ben will also be in the frame for Ian’s attack.

One viewer said: “Anytime someone gets hit over the head poor Ben always gets blamed. #EastEnders.”

Ben is no stranger to getting revenge in the heat of the moment[/caption]

Tina Carter

Viewers know that Tina is on a mission to get Ian Beale out of the pub so that Mick can take up the reins again.

But when Tina told Mick about her plan, he lashed out and told her she didn’t understand. 

Viewers then saw Tina storm off in the direction of the Queen Vic moments before Ian was attacked. 

With actress Luisa Bardshaw-White bowing out of the soap in the coming weeks, might Tina have been the one who ended up lashing out?

Tina wants Ian out of the pub at any cost[/caption]

Sharon Mitchell 

Even Sharon has turned against Ian in recent weeks after he turned nasty when she rejected his advances

Ian had been under the belief that getting her the pub would mean he was in with a chance, but Sharon was quick to put him in his place. 

Ian then told her he could hire another landlady if she didn’t meet his long list of unrealistic requirements. 

With Ian having shown a sinister side, might Sharon do some digging and discover Ian’s killer secret?

One fan tweeted: “Gotta be Sharon that puts Ian Beale in Hospital over Christmas. She knows it was him who got his son killed. She’s being plotting & waiting for the right moment… #Eastenders”

Ian has also made an enemy of out former best friend Sharon recently[/caption]

Kathy Beale

There’s also Kathy Beale to consider, who threw her son out after discovering he’d fraudulently remortgaged her cafe behind her back. 

Kathy then demanded that Ian pay her back, knowing full well he can’t afford to.

Violence might seem a bit out of character for Kathy perhaps but Ian did really rile her up when he suggested she’d got him arrested tonight ahead of his attack…

Ian remortgaged Kathy’s cafe behind her back [/caption]

Bobby Beale

Viewers were disgusted recently when Ian stole from his dead daughter’s charity to pay off Max.

Bobby has spent hours setting up the charity in recent weeks.

Might he discover what Ian has done and attack him in the pub?

Fans are convinced that poor Bobby will get the blame for Ian’s attack.

One viewer tweeted: “Bobby will 100% get the blame for Ian’s attack.”

Ian stooped to a new low when he stole from Bobby’s Lucy Beale fund[/caption]

Dotty Cotton 

Viewers know that Dotty and Ian have a long-running feud in EastEnders after Dotty began blackmailing him when she found evidence he is responsible for Denny’s death.

Dotty reached breaking point when Ian got her arrested for drug dealing, and marched over to the pub to tell Sharon all about Ian’s killer secret. 

But Dotty’s plan woefully backfired as the pub landlady accused her of lying and screamed at her to get out. 

With Dennis’ final answerphone message deleted, Dotty was unable to prove Ian’s lies to Sharon. 

Might she be the first one to snap in upcoming scenes?

Dotty has been trying to expose Ian’s killer for months to no avail[/caption]

Suki Panesar

Ian is made a nemesis of the Square’s villain Suki recently when he exposes her criminal dealings in Walford Gazette

Viewers know that Suki is trying to illegally turn the Slaters’ house into flats and tried to get Ian, who she knows is desperate for money, to team up with her

But Ian put his foot in it when he told a reporter from the Gazette she’d tried to bribe him.

Will Ian pay the price for crossing Suki?

One viewer said: “As long as she got away with it I would LOVE Suki to attack Ian #EastEnders

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