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What are the fines for breaking second lockdown rules?

THE organisers of an illegal house party were fined £30,000 after cops caught the trio of hosts red-handed, breaching Covid-19 rules.

With new coronavirus cases doubling every week, PM Boris Johnson said hefty penalties were needed to control the spread of the killer bug.

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Diners eat Sunday lunch outside restaurants in Soho, London on September 20, as the government considers fresh Covid-19 restrictions
AFP or licensors

What can I be fined for?

People in England can be fined for leaving their homes without a reasonable excuse from November 5 as new coronavirus laws came into effect.

It means people will face fixed penalty notices and potentially a criminal record for being caught going away on holiday – as that’s not a named excuse on the government’s list.

Businesses can face extra penalties too for not upholding the laws in their premises.

And people can still face fines for not self-isolating when they are ordered to and for attending or organising gatherings.

In Reading, Berks, cops arrived at a house to find more than 50 people – many drunk – partying and mingling to loud music.

After stopping the illegal gathering, the home’s three residents – believed to be the organisers of the party – were EACH hit with a £10,000 fine.

Chief Superintendent Rob France said: “We would rather not have to issue fines such as these.

“However in this case our officers encountered a blatant disregard for the rules that are in place and this party posed a clear risk of transmission of the virus within the Reading community.

“Not only do breaches of this kind put people at risk from a health perspective, but they put pressure on policing resources taking them away from people who may be in urgent need of help.”

All the reasons you can leave home during the second lockdown in England

  • To buy goods or obtain services from a business that’s open – or to get them for a vulnerable person
  • To exercise outside – either alone, with your household or one person from outside your household
  • To provide informal childcare for someone under 13
  • For ‘recreation’ – to visit a public outdoor place for enjoyment – such as going to the park
  • To attend a place of worship
  • To attend a Remembrance event
  • To undertake activities in connection with or required to buy, sell or let out a home
  • To visit an estate agent, home, or show home to buy or rent
  • Moving house
  • To visit the tip or a recycling centre
  • To collect food or drink from a take-away venue
  • To visit people in your support bubble
  • To go to work, school, training or volunteer work
  • To access critical public services including social services, DWP job centres, food banks or victim support
  • For medical need – including appointments, tests, vaccinations, to donate blood, to be with someone giving birth, or to avoid injury and escape harm
    For support groups – such as vulnerable person’s meetings, to care for someone with a disability
  • To visit someone who is dying if you’re family or a close friend
  • For a funeral, celebration of life or to visit a grave and pay respects
  • For childcare reasons – such as for kids to visit both parents
  • To look after animals including exercising them
  • To return home from a holiday
  • To visit someone in prison
  • To go to the vets
  • To attend a deathbed wedding

How much can I be fined?

People in England can be fined £200 for leaving their homes without a reasonable excuse from November 5 as new coronavirus laws came into effect.

Don’t forget too that those not wearing face coverings where it is compulsory such as public transport, shops and supermarkets could also face fines.

People can still be hit with fines for not self-isolating when they are ordered to (£1,000) and for attending or organising gatherings (up to £10,000).

And firms risk extra penalties too for not upholding the laws in their premises.

Businesses can be fined £1,000 for a first offence, £2,000 for the second, £4,000 for the third and £10,000 for the fourth and subsequent breaches.

Boris Johnson recently unveiled £10,000 fines for people in England who fail to isolate while outlining his plan for a winter of lockdowns to beat coronavirus.

A senior government source said: “There’s not much on the cards to look forward to. The next six months’ll be pretty s***.”

Lockdown restrictions have continually been eased since Wednesday, May 13.

But from September 14, the government reduced the number of people allowed to meet outdoors in England from 3o to just six.

And less than two months later, England’s second lockdown in England began on November 5.

The temporary four-week shut-down is in place until at least until December 2.

London News Pictures
A police officer speaks to members of the public in Greenwich Park on May 9[/caption]

What happens if I fail to pay the fine?

Home Office officials said that those who refuse to accept on-the-spot fines will be arrested and taken to court.

A source said: “Those who repeatedly break the rules need to know they could face a criminal record.”

Half of coronavirus fines go unpaid in England and Wales, reports The Guardian.

The National Police Chiefs’ Council said that thousands of flouters refusing to pay up would be referred for prosecution.

The Guardian warns that this will have an impact on the court system, as it’s already struggling with a massive backlog of cases.

How many people have been fined so far?

In total, 20,223 fixed penalty notices (FPNs) were issued under lockdown restrictions between March 27 and October 19, according to the latest figures from the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).

Sky News reports that, in England, 17,451 fines were dished out – compared to 2,772 in Wales.

Also, in England, 65 fines were given in Tier 1 (Medium), 79 in Tier 2 (High) and 124 in Tier 3 (Very High).

In London, the Metropolitan Police has responded to more than 1,000 unlicensed events since the end of June, receiving information on more than 200 events across the city in a single weekend.

Notable incidents of fines being issued include:

  • July: Lincolnshire Police issued the first fine for a person breaking quarantine regulations after returning back to England.
  • August: A surge in Bolton was linked to a Layton Migas, a clubber who went to Ibiza and failed to isolate on his return, instead throwing a house party.
  • September 4: A teenager was slapped with a £10,000 Covid-19 fine after 100 people attended a house party in Devizes, Wiltshire, while the boy’s mum and dad were away on holiday.
  • September 11: An individual was fined £10,000 for a house party in Lenton, Nottinghamshire.
  • September 12: A party host in Dowbridge, Kirkham was fined £10,000 by Lancashire police after 45 revellers were found at their home.
  • November 6: The organisers of an illegal house party were slapped with £30,000 of fines after more than 50 people – many drunk – were found attending the gathering in Reading, Berks.

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