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Daily horoscope for Tuesday August 4 — here’s what the stars have in store for you today


March 21 to April 20

Taking ideas out into the world is your star skill – even if you feel they are not quite ready.

Outside input can help you find your best direction.

In love, answers to longtime questions are on the way, so be ready to react.

If you are single, the face you find most interesting in a line-up can be The One.


April 21 to May 21

Mars boosts your “me first” instincts, in a key development at home.

Instead of waiting for permission, you are pushing through and making your own rules.

A space lined with old photographs is where you will meet your love match.

If you are settled, revisiting a choice puts both sides on the same page.


May 22 to June 21

Try not to limit yourself in what you do or who you want, as your chart is opening up to planet surprises.

In love terms, your total opposite is starting to look just right, so trust your heart here.

Mars adds planet muscle to a new group proposal, meaning it can happen faster and better than you imagined.


June 22 to July 22

Focus on the goals that really matter and redirect energy from those that ask too much.

The surprise might be which is which, especially in a family.

Passion is your secret skill and you have a star smoulder that can’t be ignored, even over many miles.

Attached? Say deepest dreams out loud.


July 23 to August 23

You have a mega-friendly chart and can put anyone at ease, even in difficult situations.

This can spark your interest in a new branch of work or study.

You are a natural at saying what you mean . . . but beware of reading too much into a partner or parent’s words.

Lucky numbers count down from three.


August 24 to September 22

You have been keeping your head down at work, just waiting for something to change.

But if you can see a solution, now is the time to speak up. Get on board with a going-places name!

In love, too, you have been patient long enough and deserve a definite answer.

Single? A silver chain links to love.


September 23 to October 23

Teaming up with someone who shares some of your dreams – albeit coming from a very different direction – is a great step.

You will wake up aspects of yourself that shine with success.

And yes, there is a love link too.

A travel location you adore is back in your future and a secret celebration is the key.


October 24 to November 22

If one member or part of a family is delaying a much-needed “yes”, Mars fires you up to sort this out now.

Love power can be truly shared again, instead of feeling one-sided.

You have deep emotional strength and the ability to accept every part of yourself.

So only change if it is what you want.


November 23 to December 21

Today is all about how you think and taking away limits you set on your own mind.

What might seem like impossible goals start moving again and you have a calm sense of your capabilities.

Your passion profile is loving and caring.

You can be first to say sorry but also to introduce new levels of physical bliss.


December 22 to January 20

You are saying so much at work . . . but are you being heard?

This is your moment to pause, reflect and try a new way of getting through to people.

Your chart says you can! Stepping up the pace of change, at home or in a love bond, is a choice you are ready for.

Lucky colours remind you of your favourite food.


January 21 to February 18

You have Mars’ upfront ability to tell it like it is, plus the moon’s personal patience.

So you might not get the response you want straight away but you can wait.

This is such a positive talent in a fresh work or family situation.

Passion is fun, flirty and impossible to pin down: Just the way you like it.


February 19 to March 20

So much you want to say or do feels stuck as you wait for a signal.

But now you make your own timetable . . . and it is such an ambitious one.

Mars heats your cash chart with some wild schemes that could get you rich quick.

Your best asset is your sense of humour. In love, it is priceless.

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