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В Орске друг ревнивого парня согласился сбить во дворе его экс-возлюбленную

Ликсутов: На северо-востоке Москвы появился электробусный маршрут

Икона «Святая Троица» Рублева вернулась в Троице-Сергиеву лавру

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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Majority of Scots (54%) now in favour of independence says new poll, as Nicola Sturgeon calls for second referendum

THE majority of Scots are now in favour of independence according to a new poll as Nicola Sturgeon calls for a second referendum. Support for breaking from the UK has been held for the past six months – the longest period ever recorded. The Scottish independence referendum in 2014 resulted in a narrow 55 per […]

THE majority of Scots are now in favour of independence according to a new poll as Nicola Sturgeon calls for a second referendum.

Support for breaking from the UK has been held for the past six months – the longest period ever recorded.

PA:Press Association
Nicola Sturgeon has called for a second referendum as a new poll finds the majority of Scots are now in favour of independence from the UK[/caption]
AFP - Getty
Scots have supported splitting from the UK for the past six months[/caption]

The Scottish independence referendum in 2014 resulted in a narrow 55 per cent vote for ‘No’ to independence and 45 per cent voting ‘Yes’.

But according to a Panelbase poll published in the Sunday Times today, support for a ‘Yes’ vote in an independence referendum has surged to 54 per cent and support for ‘No’ declined at 46 per cent.

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon has called for a second vote to be held before the end of this year.

However Boris Johnson has repeatedly refused and declined to grant permission for another ballot.

Polling expert Professor Sir John Curtice believes support for independence has now nudged ahead of support for the Union.

Sir John said the average of the Panelbase polls over the last six months, including the latest one, put ‘Yes’ on 51 per cent and ‘No’ on 49 per cent.

Writing in the Sunday Times, he said: “Never before have the foundations of public support for the Union looked so weak.

This is the first time in polling history that ‘Yes’ has been ahead over such a sustained period.

Professor Sir John Curtice

“Our latest poll from Panelbase confirms other recent polling that has suggested those who intend to vote Yes in a second independence referendum have nudged ahead.

“Support for the SNP is also at a record high. Panelbase’s polls conducted over the past six months, including today’s, have on average put ‘Yes’ on 51 per cent and ‘No’ on 49 per cent.

“This is the first time in polling history that ‘Yes’ has been ahead over such a sustained period.

“Support for independence is up three points on that recorded on average last year – and six points on 2018.”

He said those who had switched from ‘No’ to ‘Yes’ were among people who voted both Remain and Leave in the EU referendum.

The survey also found that Scots appeared to support the Scottish Government’s handling of the coronavirus crisis much more than that of the UK Government.

Scots appeared to support the Scottish Government’s handling of the coronavirus crisis much more than that of the UK Government

This is in contrast to Boris Johnson’s approval rating on the crisis which plunged to minus 39 points.

SNP depute leader Keith Brown said: ‘The majority of polls since the Westminster election have had “Yes” in the lead – majority support for independence is now the established position of the people of Scotland.

“On the basis of this sustained record support, it’s impossible for the UK Government to deny Scotland a choice over its future.”

This weekend, masked protesters in hazmat suits sparked fury after they set up camp at the Scottish border — and warned visitors from England to “stay the f*** out”.

The oddball pro-indy group gathered on the busy A1 in Lamberton, Berwickshire — yards from the iconic road sign welcoming travellers to Scotland. 

Campaigners waved Saltires and posted banners demanding “keep Scotland Covid-free”.

A banner was spotted hanging on the boundary stone which read “LERTS GO HOME!” — thought to be a dig at Boris Johnson’s “Stay Alert” mantra earlier in lockdown.

Protesters on the Scottish border in Lamberton, Berwickshire warned visitors from England to ‘stay the f*** out’
Euan Cherry
Euan Cherry
The signs were seen on the busy A1 in Lamberton, Berwickshire — yards from the iconic road sign welcoming travellers to Scotland[/caption]
One banner was spotted hanging on the boundary stone which read ‘LERTS GO HOME!’
Euan Cherry

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