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Bros star Matt Goss on sex, fame and once saving a female fan from suicide

BROS star Matt Goss has told how he saved the life of a suicidal woman during an online chat.

The Eighties icon was doing a live session last month when an alarming message popped up from a distressed fan who wanted to kill herself.

Alicia Clarke - Fabulous
Matt tells The Sun on Sunday that he prevented the suicide of one of his fans [/caption]

He immediately stopped, called the woman, who we are calling Hannah, told her he was calling the emergency services and talked to her for 20 minutes before she calmed down.

In an exclusive interview he told The Sun on Sunday: “The message from this lady said she wanted to end it all.

“My heart was in my mouth. I couldn’t ignore it and stopped everything, contacted the woman and she was indeed in a great deal of trouble.

“She was in her own house and was in a bad way. So I told her that if she was at risk, I’d need to contact the authorities — the police, the ambulance, everything.

Matt Goss, right, is 16 minutes younger than his twin brother Luke[/caption]
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Singer Matt, 51, and drummer brother Luke formed English band Bros in the 1980s[/caption]

“I let her know the severity of what was about to happen and I think, for her, that was a relief.

“She wanted to be heard, to be listened to.“After a good 20 minutes we started to break some ground and she began to calm down.

‘If Matt hadn’t helped it could have been serious’

“In the end she signed off because she felt so loved.

I feel very humbled that I was able to save someone who was right on the edge

Matt Goss

“When I checked on her a couple of times afterwards, she said to me, ‘I’m in a different place. I feel heard. I feel loved. I feel like I have one more friend in the world’.

“I feel very humbled that I was able to save someone who was right on the edge.”

When we contacted Hannah — the fan Matt helped — she spoke about how grateful she was for the star’s intervention.

Hannah, who revealed she got help and feels better, said: “Had I not got in touch with Matt that day things could have got really serious.

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Bros achieved eight top tens, a No1 album in 20 countries with Push and a cult following[/caption]
Rex Features
Matt, pictured at a 1988 pop festival, has a huge following of fans[/caption]

“I was having a really, really bad day. I was at my wits’ end.

“Matt just helped me to see that I am important, that I do matter and that I can do whatever I set my mind to and that I’m not worthless.

“He’s a true gentleman and someone who genuinely cares about others.

“I’m now feeling very positive about the future. I will be forever grateful to him.”

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The two brothers attracted mockery for their 2018 documentary Bros: After The Screaming Stops[/caption]

Today Matt tells about how the experience has changed his life for ever, opens up about coming to terms with turning 50 and admits he still holds his head in his hands thinking about some of the scenes in THAT ridiculed Bros documentary.

He also reveals how he once flirted with Princess Diana, is a prolific user of celebrity dating App Raya and says his dream woman is Killing Eve’s Jodie Comer.

Singer Matt, 51, and drummer brother Luke — his older twin by 16 minutes — formed Bros in the 1980s. The pair notched up eight top tens, a No1 album in 20 countries with Push and a cult following of fans.

But it was their 2018 documentary Bros: After The Screaming Stops — which Matt admits attracted a lot of mockery — that earned them a new wave of followers.

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Matt, 51, reveals how he once flirted with Princess Diana[/caption]

In one memorable moment of the 90-minute fly-on-the-wall documentary, which has been watched 20million times across the globe, Matt ranted about the game of conkers, which he thought had been banned in England.

Recalling the scene, Matt said: “Do you think that Churchill didn’t have moments when he just put his head in his hands?

“I accept that the film was edited for maximum effect, but it was an authentic portrayal of me and my brother that forced us to address our grief and differences in front of the camera.

“What you saw is what you got, and it also showed other people that their families may be crazy, but so is mine. It let people know that we were not robots. I’m a cerebral person and I don’t think I’m eccentric. I’m tired of that, ‘eccentric’ bull***t. And of course, I know very well that the most important thing in the world is not conkers.”

I like being famous. It’s fun. I’ve always felt an affinity with people on a mass level

Matt Goss

But South London-born Matt, who lives in Las Vegas and travels back to the UK a few times a year, said the film has reignited the hysteria around him and his band.

He said: “Sometimes 100, 200 people are at the airport when I come home, and I think in some ways it was a relief what the movie did for me.

“I like being famous. It’s fun. I’ve always felt an affinity with people on a mass level, anyway.”

But Matt, who is single after failed relationships with Melanie Sykes and X Factor singer Rebecca Ferguson, said he is still looking for someone to share his life with.

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South London-born Matt lives in Las Vegas and travels back to the UK a few times a year[/caption]

He added: “I know I’m a leg man. I’m a leg guy. That’s what I find aesthetically sexy.

‘It’s a swipe left, swipe right society’

“The women that I speak to want men to come up to them because they’re women.

“They’re secure. I personally am motivated by a connection — a physical, a mental connection, which is very sexy to me.

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Bros performed at Brixton Academy back in 2019[/caption]

“In regards to romance, it’s a swipe-left, swipe-right society. All dating apps.

There’s a celebrity dating app called Raya, and you know which celebrity I’d swipe right for? Jodie Comer from Killing Eve.

“I think that’s the only person lately that I’ve actually been like, ‘Wow, what a talent’. I just find talent very attractive.”

He told how he recently flirted with Pussycat Doll and Heart FM DJ Ashley Roberts.

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Matt is single after a failed relationships with Melanie Sykes[/caption]
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Matt revealed he flirted with Ashley Roberts in the exclusive interview[/caption]

Matt said: “At the end of the interview Ashley said, ‘Hey, I’m single, you know what I mean’, and I said jokingly, ‘Hey we’re both single, hit me up’.”

Matt, whose band’s biggest hits include When Will I Be Famous, also revealed that he once flirted with Princess Diana after a meal with her in central London in 1989, and was aware of their “connection”.

He said: “I remember it well. We had lunch. It was just one of those moments that I’ll never forget.

“She was incredibly captivating, incredibly kind and she had this cheeky thing in her eyes.

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The star met Princess Diana at a meal in central London in 1989, and he said they had a ‘connection’[/caption]

“She was just . . . wonderful. Wonderful is the word. I don’t think there’s a man on Earth who wouldn’t have loved to have gone on a date with Princess Diana.

“I would not have red blood in my veins if I didn’t say yes, she’s one of the most remarkable women, I think, in history. I mean, she’s beautiful.”

During the Covid-19 pandemic Matt is hosting Lockdown Live therapy sessions on his Instagram every Monday night.

In September 2018, Matt turned 50 and celebrated with a huge party in Las Vegas.

But he insists it has not affected his outlook on life.

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He added ‘I don’t think there’s a man on Earth who wouldn’t have loved to have gone on a date with Princess Diana’[/caption]

He said: “I’m still an able- bodied person. I boxed for 16 years. I still box.

“I love knowing that I am one of the strong ones in a room. I like knowing that I have explosive strength, which I do.

“But I’m a very direct person. I don’t want to come across as just an idiot. I’m a multidimensional human being.”

Matt on...

MATT GOSS is now becoming just as famous for interesting takes on life as he is for his music.

In the twins’ 2018 documentary he said: “Isn’t it ridiculous that you can’t even play conkers in England without wearing goggles? Can we start a petition? That is the biggest problem.”

Here Matt gives The Sun on Sunday his new opinions on life.

Standing by his conkers comments…

I’m very well aware the most important thing is not conkers.

But you know what? Why have we become so PC? Kids are meant to get bruised knuckles at school.

On finding a girlfriend with a personality…

Personality is key. It’s like having a beautiful coat.

You put a beautiful coat on with no lining, you’re still going to be f***ing cold so, whether you like it or not, at some point, you’re going to have to realise you need the lining too.

Being like a blade of grass…

When a hurricane blows a bar of steel into a wall, that bar bends and buckles. When it blows the blade of grass, that grass is all over the place.

But when you try to straighten the bar you can’t. It’s changed on a molecular level. It will never be the same structure.

But the grass will just bend to the wind. It won’t change on a molecular level.

We have to adopt that mindset in life because life is like a hurricane.
If we’re rigid we’re going to get bent out of shape.

Comparing himself to Winston Churchill…

Do you think that Churchill didn’t have moments when he just put his head in his hands?

I bet my life on it. He knew that tomorrow was another day and he would have to keep calm and carry on again. He had to be that man the next day.

On Brosettes…

Sometimes when I get off the plane at the airport there are 100 or 200 fans waiting for me.

I’m glad that came across in the film because it showed people that my life is still far from normal and I’ve been dealing with that for more than three decades.

On the word “urgent”…

The word “urgent” is not in my vocabulary. There’s no need to use it as it just elevates a situation.

As a man, you can just become, like: “OK. We can deal with this.” I actually was saying to my team: “We don’t use the word ‘urgent’, unless it’s to do with family.”

I believe the delivery of information is very, very important. It’s crucial, in fact.

On the documentary…

After The Screaming Stops has had millions of streams. Millions. It’s been on every aeroplane on Earth.

GOT a story? RING The Sun on 0207 782 4104 or WHATSAPP on 07423720250 or EMAIL exclusive@the-sun.co.uk

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