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RHOA’s Porsha Williams promises to use her ‘voice’ as she protests in Atlanta after George Floyd’s death

REAL Housewives of Atlanta star Porsha Williams has taken to the streets of Atlanta to protest the murder of George Floyd.

Porsha, 38, joined thousands of other protestors to express their outrage over Floyd’s death saying they were “not going to take it anymore”.

RHOA star Porsha Williams protested in the streets of Atlanta over George Floyd’s death
Getty - Contributor

Public outrage was sparked after video emerged of white Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin kneeling for several minutes on the neck of Floyd, a 46-year-old black man.

Floyd, who was handcuffed and lying face-down on the ground, could be heard saying “I can’t breathe” multiple times in the video.

He was rushed to the hospital, but was pronounced dead.

Protests began, calling for the arrest of Chauvin and the other three officers involved in the incident.

She wore a face mask while speaking to news reporters

Porsha also held a sign that read ‘We Matter’

Porsha said black lives matter and they protestors would not give up[/caption]

Chauvin was arrested Friday afternoon and charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

Porsha spoke to news crews in Atlanta wearing a white face mask and then another black face mask for extra protection.

She held a sign reading: “We matter!”

Porsha told journalists: “With everything that’s going on, today I’m just like anybody else.

The RHOA star spoke passionately to the news cameras

“I am here to be a voice for the voiceless. What’s going on in black America is not ok. We are not ok. We just want to live.”

The RHOA star added: “I’m out here today to make sure everybody knows that black lives matter, we want justice for George Floyd’s family.

“In know one cop has been arrested, we would like the other cops to be charged with murder. And we are going to protest until it is done.”

“We are here for any family who has suffered from police brutality. We are done, we are tired, and we are not going to take it anymore. We are not going to sit at home, we’re going to march, we’re gong to lift our voice and we are going to be heard.”

Beyoncé said she felt “hopeless about the racism going in America right now”

The singer, 38, told fans to sign a petition to get justice for George
Getty Images - Getty

Porsha joins a host of celebrities to speak out after Floyd’s tragic death.

Beyoncé made an uncharacteristic plea on her Instagram, speaking to the camera and saying in a video that “we need justice for George Floyd.

“We all witnessed his murder in broad daylight. We’re broken and we’re disgusted. We cannot normalize this pain. I’m not only speaking to people of color. If you’re white, black, brown, or anything in between, I’m sure you feel hopeless by the racism going on in America right now.”

Oprah Winfrey, 66, also spoke out and posted a heartfelt tribute on Instagram.

Oprah Winfrey shared her heartbreak over George’s murder
Splash News

She wrote: “I’ve been trying to process what can be said or heard in this moment. I haven’t been able to get the image of the knee on his neck out of my head.

“It’s there every morning when I rise and when I go through the ordinary duties of the day.”

“While pouring coffee, lacing my shoes, and taking a breath, I think: He doesn’t get to do this.

Oprah called for justice for George
AP:Associated Press

Oprah added: “His family and friends say he was a gentle giant. His death has now shown us he had a giant soul. If the largeness of a soul is determined by its sphere of influence, George Floyd is a Mighty soul.

“#GeorgeFloyd: We speak your name. But this time we will not let your name be just a hashtag. Your spirit is lifted by the cries of all of us who call for justice in your name!”

Kim Kardashian, 38, also posted a message on Twitter for her 65 million followers.

The mother-of-four wrote: “For years, with every horrific murder of an innocent black man, woman or child, I have always tried to find the right words to express my condolences and outrage, but the privilege I am afforded by the color of my skin has often left me feeling like this is not a fight that I can truly take on as my own.”

Kim Kardashian is studying in law and is helping to free people wrongly convicted of crimes
Getty Images - Getty

She continued: “Not today, not anymore.

“Like so many of you, I am angry.

“I am more than angry.

“I am infuriated and I am disgusted.”

Kim shared a long message to her fans on Twitter
Getty Images - Getty

Kim added: “I am exhausted by the heartbreak I feel seeing mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and children suffering because their loved one was murdered or locked away unjustly for being black.

“Even though I will never know the pain and suffering they have endured, or what it feels like to try to survive in a world plagued by systemic racism, I know I can use my own voice to help amplify those voices that have been muffled for too long.”

The Keeping Up With The Kardashian‘s star wrote in another tweet: “Please sign this petition to help us get justice for George and his family!”

In a third tweet, she wrote: “Resources, ways to donate: How you can take action from home after the death of George Floyd.”

Taylor Swift vowed to vote Donald Trump out and accused him of promoting white supremacy


Singer Taylor Swift got political with her messaging and accused President Donald Trump of “stoking the fires of white supremacy” in a social media post to her 86 million followers on Friday.

The singer, 30, recently revealed she no longer plans to stay silent about politics and plans to use her platform to promote her views.

Taylor tagged Trump in a tweet and let him know she’s going to rally against his possible reelection come the fall.

She wrote: “After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence?

“‘When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November.”

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