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Europe must prepare for a second more deadly coronavirus wave to hit this winter, WHO chief warns

EUROPE must prepare for a deadly second wave of coronavirus infections this winter, a top WHO chief has warned.

Dr Hans Kluge, the organisation’s director for Europe, said he was “very concerned” about another spike in cases despite months of lockdown across the continent finally bringing the infection rate under control.

Ritzau Scanpix
Dr Hans Kluge said he was “very concerned” about another spike in cases in Europe[/caption]

Speaking to the Telegraph, Dr Kluge warned that now was “time for preparation, not celebration” as stringent lockdown measures begin to ease across Europe.

Though cases in hard-hit countries such as the UK and Italy have seen a dramatic reduction in the past few weeks, Dr Kluge claims that the pandemic remains at an early stage.

The WHO chief said: “I’m very concerned about a double wave – in the fall, we could have a second wave of Covid and another one of seasonal flu or measles.”

I’m very concerned about a double wave – in the fall, we could have a second wave of Covid and another one of seasonal flu

Dr Hans Kluge, Europe director for the World Health Organisation


Dr Kluge added that there are also fears that other parts of the globe could become epicentres of infection – singling out Eastern Europe as a current hotspot.

Indeed, cases of the virus have been rising rapidly in countries such as Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, which are at an earlier stage in the pandemic than Western Europe.

Other experts in the medical community have similarly voiced fears about a second wave, including chief medical officer Dr Chris Whitty, who said it is “entirely plausible for a second wave to actually be more severe than the first if it is not mitigated”.

He also drew a frightening comparison with the Spanish Flu of 1918 – which initially appeared as a seasonal illness but mutated into a far more deadly virus during the second wave.

The flu, thought to be spread by the movement of soldiers after the First World War, eventually killed some 50 million people.

The Spanish Flu of 1918 was noted for its particularly deadly second wave
Getty - Contributor

It comes as the UK announced its lowest death toll since the beginning of lockdown measures, with 170 fatalities recorded.

The number of recorded deaths in the pandemic has now reached 34,636 in the UK, while in England the total number of Covid-19 deaths rose to 24,617.

Daily fatalities have also been gradually decreasing elsewhere in Europe, with Spain today reporting fewer than 100 deaths for the first time in months.

According to Business Secretary Alok Sharma, the UK is now in a position to “begin moving towards level three” of the lockdown.

Mr Sharma confirmed the alert levels are determined by the R value and number of coronavirus cases in the UK.

He said the higher the alert level, the stricter the lockdown measures need to be in order to avoid a second wave of the killer bug.


But the UK could also be handed a huge boost in a fight against the second wave by the promise of a vaccine, which could be available by September.

Business Secretary Alok Sharma this evening announced a global licensing deal had been signed between Oxford University – who are developing the vaccine – and pharma giant AstraZeneca as part of a £130million plan to vaccinate half the British population.

The firm will make 100million doses of the vaccine over time if it proves to prevent the infection.

And in order to succeed “as soon as possible,” Mr Sharma announced a fresh £84m in cash for the two universities to scale up production of their ground-breaking potential vaccines.

£65.5 million is earmarked for Oxford and £18.5million for Imperial.

That’s on top of £47m already handed out to scientists who are racing for a cure to the disease raging across the world.

This will mean the UK will be the first country to get access to the Oxford vaccine, should it be successful.

Oxford has finished its first phase of human trials this week – with everyone planned having received their vaccine doses on schedule.

Business Secretary Alok Sharma this evening announced a £130million plan to vaccinate half the British population
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